Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Win a Private Martini Atelier with Belvedere Vodka on World Martini Day

How do you like your martini? I learned my preference this week from a private martini workshop hosted by Belvedere Vodka.

Martini is one of the history’s most timeless and iconic cocktail. It has been a symbol of sophistication since the post-prohibition era.
Though a classic martini uses gin, the new trend now is to use vodka instead, preferably a nice one, such as Belvedere.

Belvedere is the world’s first luxury vodka made from Dankowski Gold Rye. It is distilled four times to ensure it reaches its optimum taste.
Mixing (& drinking) martini is a very personal experience. It is amazing how many possibilities there can be with just 3 simple ingredients: gin/vodka, vermouth, and a garnish.

Nishan Nepulangoda

Nishan Nepulangoda

Blowfish’s head bartender & award-winning mixologist Nishan Nepulangoda guided us through the steps on how to make our own perfect (or dirty) martini.

A dirty martini adds a splash of olive juice and a perfect martini uses equal parts of dry and sweet vermouth.

In order to select the martini that suits you the best, simply decide on whether you want: 1. vermouth or aromatized wine, 2. shaken or stirred, 3. wet or dry, and 4. olive or twist.

What are the differences?

Vermouth/Aromatized Wine
A vermouth contains a botanical from the wormwood family. The word “vermouth” comes from the German word Wermut (wormwood), which was a popular ingredient thought to aid in digestion and cure stomach ailments back in the days, before 1000BC.
While all vermouths are aromatized wines, not all aromatized wines are vermouths.

Stirring is a more delicate way to mix a martini and leaves the spirit undisturbed whereas shaking, though dilutes & chills the drink faster, may introduce air into the spirit and alter the texture.

A wet martini contains more vermouth; a dry martini has less.

An olive garnish adds a touch of salt and a lemon twist a refreshing aroma.

I like it strong and dirty, so for my personalized martini, I used:
2 oz Belvedere Vodka
1 oz Lillet Blanc
½ oz olive juice
Shaken and garnished with 3 olives

World Martini Day with Belvedere Vodka

Voilá! A perfect dirty martini

You can have the same experience
Belvedere Vodka is sending a lucky winner (along with 8 friends) to a private martini atelier on World Martini Day (June 19, 2015)! To enter the contest, visit:

(photos by Tanya)

Martini workshop with Belvedere Vodka 


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