Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Jägermeister Turns Honest Ed’s Parking Lot into A Venice Beach BBQ

The Venice Beach BBQ presented by Jägermeister was held at Honest Ed’s Parking Lot this past Friday.

This annual party, which takes place during the week of NXNE, is always a lot of fun.

The Rooftop Agency and Exclaim! turned the parking lot into a Venice Beach, completed with sand, muscle men, air spray graffiti by Graffiti Girls, roller skaters, custom-printed baseball hats, bike rentals, basketball, and surfboards.

Jägermeister presented refreshing cocktails featuring its spice blend of vanilla and cinnamon: Route 56 (Ginger beer, Jäger and cucumber) and Old-Fashioned (whiskey, Jäger and orange).

Tito’s Handmade Vodka lemonade, Steam Whistle beer, Monster energy drinks, and Smoke’s Poutine kept the guests well nourished.

(photos by Sari)

Jägermeister Presents: The Venice Beach BBQ-Honest Ed’s Parking Lot


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