This past Friday, the Italian Contemporary Film Festival (ICFF) 2015 held its closing party at the Ritz Carlton Hotel.

This year’s festival had over 25,000 filmgoers who enjoyed a variety of wonderful Italian films.

The closing party was attended by festival co-founders, Cristiano de Florentiis and Maurizio Magnifico, AMBI PicturesLady Monika Bacardi and Andrea lervolino, who was awarded the Honour of Recognition as Ambassador of Italian Cinema in the World.

Also present were director, Edoardo Leo who received The People’s Choice Award for his film, “Noi e la Giulia“, and Sergio Navarretta, who was given the Castlepoint Numa Award for his film, “The Colossal Failure of the Modern Relationship“.

The catering by the Ritz Carlton featured pastas, antipasto platters including grilled vegetables and cheeses, freshly carved meats, chocolate cakes, lemon tarts, panna cotta, tiramisu, and lemon cheesecakes.

Also on hand were Nespresso and Disaronno cocktails.

Costumed performers and fashion by Ryerson students were on display.

It was an exciting evening and an excellent way to end the festival.

(photos by sari)

Italian Contemporary Film Festival ICFF 2015 Closing Party at The Ritz Carlton Hotel


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