Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

台北六福萬怡酒店推出超萌繽紛聖誕節下午茶套餐 : Courtyard Marriott Taipei Christmas Afternoon Tea Set

台北六福萬怡酒店聖誕節限定版下午茶套 / Courtyard Marriott Taipei Christmas afternoon set

(Scroll down for English version/英文版看下面)
繽紛的十二月聖誕季開跑了台北六福萬怡酒店大廳酒吧,搶先推出超夢幻的繽紛聖誕節限定版下午茶套餐。超可愛的特製鳥籠造型甜點架上,共擺了24份精緻法式甜點與 TAPAS 西班牙鹹點,超夢幻、多彩的呈現,溶化每一顆少女心。我們還意外的發現台北難找的全日供應的西式早餐爆漿班尼地克蛋

Christmas season has begun, Courtyard by Marriott Taipei’s lobby bar, The Lounge, is the first to launch a super-dreamy and festive Christmas afternoon tea set. The Christmas limited-edition afternoon tea treats are presented with a birdcage and have a total of 24 indulgent treats including a selection of French desserts and savory Spanish tapas. The set is super dreamy and colorful, melting every girl’s heart. We also tried Marriott’s All-day breakfast featuring out-of-the-world salmon eggs benedict!
Watch our video first:

  • 殘編雖然早就不是少女了,甚至早就晉升為「老弱婦孺」階級。但是到了我最愛的聖誕季,也不禁雀躍前往應景。六福萬怡酒店一直都是我在台北最喜歡的飯店。前兩年造訪台灣時也是選擇在這裡一連落腳了好幾天。記憶中房間乾淨舒適又能睡好覺。萬怡酒店大廳酒吧位於7樓,高挑的設計讓人心曠神怡。進門右邊是一整片的窗戶,彩光明亮。在座的客人似乎桌桌都擺著這個月主打的繽紛下午茶鳥籠,其中點夢幻下午茶套餐的多數是能以「姐」尊稱的中年婦女,殘編看到後,自在許多。


Eligible for taking the priority seats since two years ago, I’ve long passed the age to call myself a “girl.”

But it’s my favorite holiday season; I had to be the first to check it out. Courtyard by Marriott Taipei has long been one of my favorite luxury hotels in Taipei. When I visited Taiwan a few years ago, I also chose to stay at Courtyard by Marriott and ended up staying for several days instead of hotel hopping. The rooms are clean and comfortable and guarantee a good night sleep.

Courtyard Marriott Taipei’s lobby bar is located on the 7th floor; the high-ceiling design makes it look spacious and comfortable. The lounge boasts large windows that brighten up the space. Most of the tables ordered at least one Christmas afternoon tea set when we entered, with most of the diners being women in about their forties or fifties. They made me feel more comfortable.

Courtyard Marriott Taipei Christmas afternoon set collage

台北六福萬怡酒店聖誕節限定版下午茶套 (Courtyard Marriott Taipei Christmas afternoon set)

  • 由於臨時加入兩位來賓,咱們又多叫了一套鳥籠。服務我們的小姐說這個套餐須先預訂,但是我們算是幸運,萬怡酒店大廳酒吧還是幫我們做了。大廳並無提供飲用水,因此瓶裝礦泉水($200 – $280/瓶)與氣泡水($220-280/瓶).之中,我們當然是選擇「氣泡水」。


Two of our guests joined last minute, so we ordered an additional Christmas afternoon set. Usually, pre-ordering is required for the limited-edition afternoon tea set, but we were lucky, the lounge prepared an extra set for us. Tap water was not served during our visit, so among the bottled mineral water ($200 – $280/ bottle) and the bottled sparkling water, we chose sparkling water ($220-280/bottle).

  • 等待時間約半小時,夢幻鳥籠登場時,我們三個女孩少女心爆發,瘋狂拍照, 又花了半小時拍照上傳FBIG等等,才允許開動,同行的男性友人都快受不了了,餓著說:「再拍,水中氣泡都沒了!」,歹勢啦!(其實他自己也有偷偷拍呢!)。


The wait was about half an hour, plus another thirty minutes for our “girls” to feed our phone first and post on social media. The hungry boys got impatient and complained about our water bubbles going flat. (but I caught him taking photos, too!)

  • 鳥籠套餐共12款甜/鹹點,每款各兩個,共24個。每一籠當中有兩隻萬怡酒店的 JC Cat ( 糖霜做的貓咪),讓用餐者去發掘。我們的貓咪躲在鮭魚三明治的旁邊,心想牠是想偷吃魚吧!


There are 12 different kinds of sweet and savoury treats on the birdcage, two pieces each in a total of 24 pieces. In each set, there are two Marriott’s JC Cats made with sugar icing waiting to be discovered. Our cats were hiding behind the salmon crostini; I think they tried to steal our fish!

食物/The Food:


(watch the video at the beginning of this post to see them individually)

  1. 焦糖咖啡巧克力/ Caramel coffee chocolate



焦糖咖啡巧克力/ Caramel coffee chocolate



The red and white Christmas ornament is actually Caramel coffee chocolate

  • 2. 草莓塔/ Strawberry pie



Strawberry pie has a custard filling sprinkled with nuts and topped with a jumbo strawberry. The strawberry is garnished with a piece of gold leaf

  • 3. 南瓜奶酪/ Pumpkin pannacotta



pannacotta is topped with a thick layer of pumpkin puree a piece of sugar snowflake. It tastes natural and delicious.

  • 4. 覆盆子巧克力慕斯/ Raspberry chocolate mousse

覆盆子巧克力慕斯 (Raspberry chocolate mousse)



Raspberry chocolate mousse is made into the shape of a watermelon slice. It’s light and airy and melts in your mouth.

  • 5.  蘑菇鹹派/ Mushroom pie
台北萬怡酒店聖誕節下午茶套餐 Courtyard Marriott Taipei Christmas afternoon tea set

(Mushroom pie)

  • 6.  奇異果火腿起司三明治(影片中有)/ Kiwi ham cheese sandwich (in video)



This sandwich is made with soft white toast with a thin slice of kiwi and a piece of hamsandwiched in the middle. The “cheese” is actually Mayonnaise.

  • 7. 巧克力泡芙/ Chocolate puff pastry

巧克力泡芙/ Chocolate puff pastry



The matcha whipped-cream on the chocolate puff pastry is actually made with a mixture of cream and sugar icing. The icing helps to keep the cream in shape.

  • 8. 草莓達克瓦茲/ Strawberry dacquoise

台北萬怡酒店聖誕節下午茶套餐 Courtyard Marriott Taipei Christmas afternoon tea set



Strawberry dacquoise is a pink Christmas tower made with pink macaron and strawberry cream layers, topped with a Christmas star.


  • 9. 超萌小雪人/ Snowman




The super cute little snowman is made of sugar icing.

  • 10. 聖誕拐杖糖餅乾/ Christmas candy cane cookie
台北萬怡酒店聖誕節下午茶套餐 Courtyard Marriott Taipei Christmas afternoon tea set

聖誕拐杖糖餅乾/ Christmas candy cane cookie

  • 11. 鮭魚慕絲脆餅 / Salmon crostini:
 鮭魚慕絲脆餅&萬怡酒店的JC小貓咪 ( Salmon crostini & Marriott's JC Cat)

( Salmon crostini & Marriott’s JC Cat)



Salmon crostini is not the crispiest; but behind them is where we found our JC cats hiding. Eyes innocent, but definitely guilty for stealing our fish.

得獎的是…/ And the winner goes to…

  • 12. 蜜糖培根鳳梨球串/ Maple syrup bacon & pineapple skewer
台北萬怡酒店聖誕節下午茶套餐 Courtyard Marriott Taipei Christmas afternoon tea set

(Maple syrup bacon & pineapple skewer)



Diced bacon is cooked with maple syrup with a piece of pineapple in the middle. The bacon is not greasy, and the skewer is the perfect balance between sweet and salty.

台北六福萬怡酒店全天候 早午餐/ Courtyard Marriott Taipei’s All-day Breakfast / Brunch:

台北六福萬怡酒店班尼狄克蛋早午餐 (Courtyard Marriott Taipei all day breakfast Courtyard Marriott Taipei all day breakfast: Eggs Benedict

(Courtyard Marriott Taipei all day breakfast: Eggs Benedict)

就算大吃了兩籠聖誕下午茶,畢竟吃「點心」肥的也是「虛胖」,為了補足「真餓」,我們還是索取菜單,找尋「正餐」。驚喜的是,六福萬怡酒店竟全天候供應西式Brunch 早午餐



There’s still a bit of emptiness in us after demolishing the two afternoon birdcages, so we ask for the menu for a real “meal.” The Western-style All-day Breakfast/Brunch menu is a pleasant surprise!

Watch the video:

  • 早午餐的選擇包含可選三種內餡的歐姆蛋,可選太陽、半熟煎蛋、全熟煎蛋、水煮蛋、水波蛋、炒蛋、或太陽蛋作法的「雙心蛋」,鬆餅,潛艇堡、牛肉漢堡、三明治、六盎司的法式芥末牛肉,以及殘編一直以來的最愛:班尼狄克蛋班尼狄克蛋不止是我的最愛,也是在美加常見的料理,在台灣卻不常見,所以我們兩位加拿大人異口同聲的選這道。早午餐套餐均可選魚或肉、馬鈴薯、麵包、配菜以及飲品,真是物超所值啊!這裡的班尼狄克蛋具備國外的水準,若以服裝比喻,它可是「客製化的高級訂製服」。


All-day brunch selection includes omelet with 3 stuffing, Two Eggs any style: Sunny Side Up, scrambled, boiled, over easy, over hard or poached; submarine sandwiches, sandwiches, six-ounce beef burger, and my favorite: Eggs Benedict! Eggs Benedict are common in North America, but not so much in Taiwan, so we two Canadians choose this option. The brunch/breakfast set includes your choice of fish or meat, potatoes, bread, side dishes, and drinks, which is an excellent value for money!
The Eggs Benedict has a western-standard quality. If I were to describe it in “fashion terms,” it’s “haute couture” tailored to your liking.

  • 「魚肉類」可選挪威煙燻鮭魚、香草多利魚排、德式怡客香腸、維吉尼亞火腿或煙燻烤雞肉
    、英式早餐茶(熱)、伯爵茶(熱)、洋甘菊茶(熱)、冰檸檬茶、冰奶茶、柳橙汁或西瓜汁 。


Meat and fish options include Norwegian smoked salmon, deep-fried Dory fish, German sausage, Virginia ham or smoked chicken.

Potatoes can be served as french fries, herb potato, mashed potatoes or hash browns.

Bread includes a choice of brioche, croissant, bagel, onion ciabatta or English muffin. If that’s not enough, a “garnish,” is also included with the choice of mixed salad with olive oil & vinegar, fried mushrooms, air-dried tomatoes, pan-fried bell pepper, or seasonal fruits. A beverage choice of Americano (ice or hot), cappuccino (ice or hot), latte (ice or hot) English breakfast tea (hot), Earl Grey  tea (hot), chamomile tea (hot), iced lemon tea, iced milk tea, orange juice or watermelon juice is also included.

  • 身為加拿大人,我們當然是選加拿大出名常見的鮭魚、配正統的英式馬芬,再搭配爐烤風乾蕃茄。如果一般的班尼狄克蛋有「B罩杯」,六福萬怡水波蛋至少有「C罩杯」,想一口口爆都嫌太大。班尼狄克蛋覆蓋著滿滿的「荷蘭醬」,將這兩個靈魂伴侶一併切下,淺黃色的荷蘭醬與源源不絕的深黃色水波蛋汁,旋轉扭合成金黃色的漩渦後,一起滲入英國馬芬。蛋汁完完全全溶入下面的英式馬芬,美味爆錶。這蛋的大小不禁讓殘編驚嘆「這母雞到底有多大啊?」

( English/英文版):

As Canadians, we choose the salmon naturally with the English-muffin, along with the air-dried tomatoes. If a regular set of Eggs Benedict is a B cup, the eggs benedict at Marriott Taipei Hotel is at least a C cup, and  are too big to gulp down. The eggs benedict are covered with luscious Hollandaise sauce, the soul of eggs benedict. The light yellow hollandaise
twirls and twists with the darker yellow egg-yolk into a whirlpool of gold, which completely soaks into the British muffin. The results are out-of-the-world. The unstoppable egg yolk makes me wonder “How big is the chicken?”

  • 除了夾蛋的馬芬,盤中還另附兩塊馬芬,用來沾六福萬怡的超大水波蛋汁剛剛好。 燻鮭魚除了夾在馬芬裡,盤中還多附卷成玫瑰狀的燻鮭魚片跟酸豆,可搭配附加的兩塊馬芬。
班尼狄克蛋早午餐台北六福萬怡酒店 (Eggs Benedict set at Courtyard Marriott Taipei)

班尼狄克蛋 – 台北六福萬怡酒店 早午餐套餐
(Eggs Benedict set at Courtyard Marriott Taipei)

( English/英文版):

Two additional muffins are served on the plate, making it enough to go with the jumbo poached eggs. More smoked salmon is also served in the shape of a rose with capers, which can be paired with the two extra muffins.

  • 台北六福萬怡酒店位於於台北南港車站,大樓可通臨台北南港捷運南港高鐵站及鄰Citylink商圈和岀眾的餐飲選項深植我們心中,值得再三造訪。

( English/英文版):

Courtyard by Marriott Taipei is conveniently located at Taipei Nangang MRT and HSR Stations. The building has direct access to transportation as well as Nangang’s Citylink Shopping Complex and business district. Courtyard by Marriott Hotel Taipei’s outstanding dining features are worth re-visiting.


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