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神旺商務飯店銀柏廳:台北隱藏的超值飯店與CP值超高下午茶!San Want Hotel Residences Taipei – Best Hidden Gem for Afternoon Tea



  • (English/英文):

There’s a hidden gem in Taipei called San Want Hotel. Of all the luxury hotels I’ve visited across the world, I haven’t heard of San Want, so I added it to my list and paid them a visit a few days ago.
Arriving the wrong location is only reasonable for a first visit because Google search results show the Zhongxiao East Road location first. We were going for San Want’s Afternoon Tea, which is served at the Nanjing East Road location. Luckily, I paid enough attention to the address this time and answered “I am going to the San Want on Nanjing East Road!” with confidence when the driver questioned me.
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  • 原來「神旺飯店」名下有兩個據點:搜尋時首先會跳出忠孝東路的「神旺大飯店」,而我們造訪的是南京東路的「神旺商務酒店」。神旺自稱「商務酒店」真是謙虛了,裝潢乾淨氣派,踏進門後有如走進星級大飯店的水準。神旺商務酒店的服務更是五星級

(English/英文):Turns out, San Want has two locations: San Want Hotel Taipei and San Want Residences Taipei. The ladder calls itself a “business hotel.” Usually, the first result on Google search is the bigger San Want Hotel located on Zhongxiao East Road, but the one we went to was ” San Want Residences Taipei ” on Nanjing East Road. Calling themselves a “business hotel” is just being humble, the interior is clean and elegant, similar to a star-rated hotel. The service at San Want Residences Taipei is also five stars.

  • 殘編尚未下車,就有待命的服務人員從飯店裡奔出大門,匆匆忙忙前來幫我開車門,帶領我一步步進入


銀柏廳神旺商務酒店 San Want Hotel Taipei Residences restaurant/ dining lounge
銀柏廳神旺商務酒店 San Want Hotel Taipei Residences restaurant/ dining lounge)


Before I stepped out of the car, the receptionist already rushed out of the hotel, across the road to open the car door for me, she escorted me step by step into San Want Residences Hotel, and up the elevator to my destination: San Want Residences’ restaurant/ dining Lounge on the second floor. Passing the green velvet curtains is the dining lounge, with tones of gold setting a royal atmosphere. There’s a row of golden bar table with stacked plates below. I’m guessing it’s for a buffet at the hotel. Luxurious Baroque style patterns help us get into a royal high tea mood. Today we are here to taste the “English Classic Afternoon Tea.
Our visit was on Monday afternoon, and we had the whole place to ourselves, making it a struggle to share this hidden gem.

台北神旺商務飯店銀柏廳菜單MENU/ San Want Residences Restaurant/Dining Lounge Menu:


  • 三層雙人英式經典下午茶售價僅僅 $780, 高貴不貴,還附$200元以內飲品,菜單中200元以內可選的飲料包含各式咖啡及茶飲、奶茶、牛乳飲品(調味牛奶、歐蕾)以及濃縮蘋果汁和濃縮蕃茄汁。我們選了「榛果拿鐵」。除此以外我們還點了花園沙拉 ($250)。花園沙拉是全素的,有綜合生菜、小蕃茄、紅蘿蔔片和黃瓜。
神旺商務酒店花園沙拉 San Want Hotel Taipei Residences garden salad
神旺商務酒店花園沙拉 San Want Hotel Taipei Residences garden salad


The 3 tier stand classic “English afternoon tea for two is priced at just $780 and includes a $200 drink or less, I’d call it “accessible luxury.” Drinks options under $200 on the menu include a variety of coffee and tea, milk tea, flavored milk, au lait, and apple juice or tomato juice from concentrate. We chose the “Hazelnut Latte.” 

To get our veggies, we also ordered a garden salad ($250). The garden salad is a vegetarian salad with mixed lettuce, cherry tomatoes, carrot slices, and cucumber.

  • 神旺下午茶套餐物超所值CP值高。
台北神旺商務酒店下午茶鹹點 San Want Hotel Taipei Residences afternoon tea
台北神旺商務酒店下午茶鹹點 San Want Hotel Taipei Residences afternoon tea


San Want’s afternoon tea set has excellent value for money.
We thought the three-tiered set was already a steal, better times lay ahead. Before the 3-layer stand, a plate of savoury snacks included in the plate set was served. The savoury plate consists of smoked salmon with bread, crabmeat spring rolls, and smoked-chicken and cheese sandwiches. Smoked salmon on bread is shaped into a rose with capers in the middle on a piece of lettuce and Mayonnaise. The cold spring roll is Vietnamese style, topped with Thai sweet and sour sauce. The smoked chicken sandwich has three layers of toast, a piece of white toast is sandwiched in the middle of two brown toasts. The sandwich has two slices of cheese and a thin piece of smoked chicken with Mayonnaise. Each dish has 2 servings. Nobles don’t fight for food.


  • 吃完鹹點,然後上了三層下午茶點心架以及用來搭配司康的鮮奶油和蜂蜜。


神旺飯店咖哩酥 curry pastry at San Want Hotel)
神旺飯店咖哩酥 ( curry pastry at San Want Hotel)
神旺飯店巧克力馬芬 ( Chocolate muffin at San Want Hotel)
神旺飯店巧克力馬芬 ( Chocolate muffin at San Want Hotel)
神旺飯店下午茶 afternoon tea at San Want Hotel
神旺飯店下午茶 ( afteroon tea at San Want Hotel)


After the savory treats, the three-tier rack is served with fresh cream and honey. Each snack is served in two as well. The bottom layer includes raisins scones, chocolate muffins, and sesame pannacotta. The middle layer features mango cakes, cheesecakes, and currie pastries. The top tier contains cookies, macarons, and guava fruit slices. Warm scones and curry pastries are recommended to be eaten immediately, and the scones can be enjoyed with the honey and cream. The curry pastry is crispy and flaky and full of flavours.


  • 此時服務生來詢問我們的鬆餅選項,原來物超所值的下午茶還有更多「物」啊!鬆餅口味的選項有原味、香蕉巧克力或季節水果,我們選擇季節水果。上桌居然是整盤的鬆餅!咦?這不是很多人拿來當正餐的份量嗎?我開始擔心餐廳的盈虧。剛出爐熱騰騰的鬆餅,切成四塊搭配鮮奶油外,還附草莓冰淇淋跟綜合水果,裡面包含哈密瓜、鳳梨、芭樂、葡萄。
神旺商務酒店下午茶鬆餅 (afternoon tea waffles at San Want Hotel Taipei Residences
(afternoon tea waffles at San Want Hotel Taipei Residences)



Our server came to us about this time to take our order for our waffles. There is more “value” for the money! The options for Waffles include original flavour, banana chocolate or seasonal fruits, we choose seasonal fruits. The item is a full-on waffle cut in four pieces. Most Taiwanese count the waffle itself as a full meal. I am concerned about the restaurant’s P&L (profit and loss) now. Freshly baked waffles are cut into four pieces and served with whipped cream, strawberry ice cream, and mixed fruit. the “mixed fruits include slices of melon, pineapple, guava, and grapes.


  • 眾所皆知吃完鹹的會想吃甜的,孰知吃完甜食也會讓鹹食胃口大開。殘編上週在六福萬怡飯店,也是用完下午茶後想點「正餐」,而意外的享用到國際級水準的爆漿蛋汁班尼迪克蛋,至今仍然念念不忘,因此我決定重蹈覆轍,看是否能再次走運,便在神旺銀柏廳點了一碗「紅燒牛肉麵」($320)。
神旺商務酒店下午茶鬆餅 afternoon tea waffles at San Want Hotel Taipei Residences
(afternoon tea waffles at San Want Hotel Taipei Residences)


sugar cravings strike after a savoury meal, hence desserts are eaten last, usually. Who knows, dessert can also trigger salt cravings. Last week, I followed my cravings and ordered a savoury meal after a 24-piece afternoon tea set at Courtyard Marriott Hotel Taipei. I ended up enjoying their exceptional Eggs Benedict eggs, which I still cannot stop thinking about. I decide to repeat the same footsteps and order the ” beef noodles” ($320) at San Want Hotel Residences to see if I can get lucky again.



The trick works every time! Tried and tested. The beef noodles at San Want Hotel taste natural. Finer noodles make it easier to slurp. The original flavours without excessive additives leave you wanting for more, even for I who don’t like Chinese food. I can’t help but wonder if sweets trigger a different taste bud for savory food.


  • 無論如何,這趟試水溫的「商務酒店」之旅真是不虛此行。誤打誤撞竟讓殘編跛腳撞進CP值超高,不論服務、餐點都有星級水準、且物超所值的神旺商務飯店!


All-in-all, San Want Residences Hotel Taipei has been tried and tested! Providing excellent quality for the money. From service to dining, this “business hotel” has way passed its level and reached the standard of a luxury hotel


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