Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Annual Run The World Fashion Show & Night Market 2019 Female Entrepreneurs & Women Empowerment

3rd Annual Run The World Fashion Show & Night Market 2019 – Female Entrepreneurs & Women Empowerment Sunday, April 28, 2019, Toronto


by Sally Warburton

Ricarda’s Atrium was filled with energy and excitement as women entrepreneurs were happy to share their booths at The 3rd Annual Run the World event set in a beautiful location.


(scroll down for full gallery)

Ricarda’s atrium event space is attached to Ricarda’s Restaurant on Richmond Street West, Toronto.  The atrium is a lovely glassed venue with lots of natural light.  All the vendors were female selling a wide range of products: beautiful wool scarves from Italy, jewellery, makeup, skin care products, fashion, and ornaments.  All the women were very motivated to promote their products. They were happy to speak to each and every one of us to tell their story about why they started their business, how they created it and to describe their product. The event started at 5pm which allowed time for shopping.  There was one food vendor offering delicious mac and cheese and other goodies. This was an alcohol-free event. Ricarda’s restaurant was closed; however, there were other restaurants very close by.

At 6:30  there were the Opening Words and Keynote speaker. The keynote speaker was very motivating, her words had every single person in the venue believe in herself.  The first models carried signs with messages written such as “I am resilient,” “I am beautiful” and “Empowered Women empower women.”

Fashion Show Part 1 started at 7pm and went until 7:45pm.  A variety of designers showed their new collections of clothing. There was lots of time before and after the Fashion Shows to meet and greet the designers personally, see their clothing line and even try on the clothes on for size. Run the World 2019 was such a fantastic opportunity to meet creative, innovative and empowered women and share their expertise. Their motivation was contagious!

An Intermission followed with more time to peruse the Vendors’ booths and to enjoy the beautiful music from the harp.


Fashion Show Part 2 was from 8:15 – 9 pm and included an upbeat dance group.

There was more time after for shopping and chatting to vendors.  The event concluded at 10pm.

Who was there?   Those interested in fashion, fashion designers, fashion students, friends and family, those enjoying a fashion evening out with friends.  Tickets were sold out for this fun-filled fashion event not to be missed next year!

Ricarda’s is at a convenient location near Spadina Avenue and King Street in downtown Toronto. It’s easily accessible by TTC subway and streetcar with parking in the area.

See the photos:


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