Tag archives for tanya hsu


Casa Loma’s Holiday Lights Tour- a Great Way to Celebrate the festive Holiday Season

Casa Loma's Holiday Lights Tour- a Great Way to Celebrate the festive Holiday Season / 多倫多卡薩羅馬城堡節日燈飾之旅是慶祝即將來臨的聖誕節日假期的絕佳方式 (中文版向下看 / scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 /  Chinese translation: Tanya Hsu)…
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Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto named Best Italian Restaurant in World by 50 Top Italy / 多倫多的Don Alfonso 1890義大利餐廳榮獲 「50 Top Italy」 全球最佳義大利餐廳獎

Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto named Best Italian Restaurant in World by 50 Top Italy / 多倫多的Don Alfonso 1890義大利餐廳榮獲 「50 Top Italy」 全球最佳義大利餐廳獎 ( 中文版向下看/ Scroll down for Chinese version) (…
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Country Bright Event Transforms Acres of Milton Country Heritage Park into A Family-Friendly Christmas Wonderland / 「Country Bright」聖誕節特別活動將數英畝的米爾頓郊野遺產公園改造成適合全家大小的聖誕仙境

Country Bright Event Transforms Acres of Milton Country Heritage Park into A Family-Friendly Christmas Wonderland / 「Country Bright」聖誕節特別活動將數英畝的米爾頓郊野遺產公園改造成適合全家大小的聖誕仙境 Watch out Youtube Preview Vlog First / 先看時尚高潮YT影片: (中文版向下看 / Scroll down…
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Arts, Theatre & Culture

「蘋果派」-殘編MC HotDog「哈夠幫」改詞惡搞搞笑版-獻給所有Apple使用者 / MC HotDog’s “Ha GouBang” – Apple User Remake version by Tanya Hsu

「蘋果派」-殘編MC HotDog「哈夠幫」改詞惡搞搞笑版-獻給所有Apple使用者 / MC HotDog's "Ha GouBang" - Apple User RemakeVersion by Tanya Hsu 原唱:MC HotDog 殘編為了拍這支影片吃了六個麥當勞的蘋果派,跟二十年前一樣好吃 I ate 6 whole apple pies from McDonald's for this video 原曲:哈狗幫 作詞:Mc…
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台G店淡水食記 &YT影片- 超多GG超多中藥 – 讓咱一起增加免疫力對抗武漢病毒Tai G Net Restaurant Tamsui Review – Chicken Soup with Chinese HerbalMedicine, Let’s Boost Our Immune System to Fight COVID-19!

台G店淡水食記 &YT影片- 超多GG超多中藥 - 讓咱一起增加免疫力對抗武漢病毒 / Tai G Net Restaurant Tamsui Review - Chicken Soup with Chinese herbal medicine, Let's Boost Our Immune System to Fight COVID-19! (scroll down for…
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Unveiling Ceremony of Toronto Sam Ciccolini Laneway / 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道命名揭幕儀式

(中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version) (Chinese translation by Tanya) Unveiling Ceremony of Toronto Sam Ciccolini Laneway / 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道命名揭幕儀式 (image courtesy of After Breast Cancer) On Friday,…
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時尚高潮食記 & YT影片 – 鳥窩窩私房菜餐廳美麗新廣場淡海館 / Bird Wowo Restaurant Mira New Square Tamsui Review & Vlog

時尚高潮食記 & YT影片 - 鳥窩窩私房菜餐廳美麗新廣場淡海館 / Bird Wowo Restaurant Mira New Square Tamsui Review & Vlog (scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮鳥窩窩私房菜餐廳美麗新廣場淡海館食記影片 / Watch our Youtube Food Vlog…
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Cairns Stone Grill Steakhouse / Restaurant Located in Taipei’s Da-an District – Grill Your Own Steak on a 400 Degree – Sizzling Hot Stone. Say Buh-bye to Dumb Chefsand Over-cooked Filet Mignon!

凱恩斯岩燒餐廳(大安店) Cairns Stone Grill 在石頭上自己烤牛排,爽幾分就幾分,「假睾」(台語)。。。不、打錯,是「假會」(台語)烤完拿到盤中發現一個太生淌血,還可以即時「雞」退 (英文:”chicken out”)拿回燒燙燙的石頭上繼續烤熟。 凱恩斯岩燒餐廳(大安店) Cairns Stone Grill 在石頭上自己烤牛排,爽幾分就幾分,「假睾」(台語)。。。不、打錯,是「假會」(台語)烤完拿到盤中發現一個太生淌血,還可以即時「雞」退 (英文:”chicken out”)拿回燒燙燙的石頭上繼續烤熟。 Cairns Stone Grill Steakhouse / Restaurant located in Taipei’s Da an District, is where diners grill…
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