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( 中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya Hsu)
Toronto is a city known for being a foodie paradise, with a multitude of high-calibre restaurants to please a variety of palates. However, only one restaurant has just been named the “Best Italian Restaurant in the World 2022– Prosecco DOC Award” by 50 Top Italy, and that restaurant is Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto!
中文版 / Chinese version:
多倫多是一座以美食天堂而聞名的城市,擁有可滿足各種口味的眾多高品質餐廳。 然而,只有一家餐廳剛剛被 「50 Top Italy」 評為榮獲「Prosecco DOC 獎」的「2022年全球最佳意大利餐廳」,這家餐廳就是多倫多的 Don Alfonso 1890 餐廳!
Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto is part of the Liberty Entertainment Group‘s fine restaurants and event venues. The restaurant has locations in both Toronto and Miami. The Toronto‘s location is in the beautiful Conservatory room at Toronto‘s historic Casa Loma.
中文版 / Chinese version:
Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto 是 Liberty Entertainment Group娛樂集團旗下眾多的高級餐廳和活動場所的其中一家。 該餐廳在多倫多和邁阿密都有分店。 多倫多的分店位於歷史悠久的卡薩羅馬城堡(Casa Loma)裡美麗的溫室內。
Don Alfonso 1890 originates in Sorrento, Italy. The restaurant is run by Michelin-starred Chefs Alfonso and Ernesto Iaccarino. The family business was started by their grandfather and great grandfather Alfonso Costanzo Iaccarino and offers a unique take on modern Mediterranean fare using the highest quality raw ingredients.
中文版 / Chinese version:
Don Alfonso 1890 餐廳起源於意大利索倫托。 該餐廳由米其林星級廚師 Alfonso 和 Ernesto Iaccarino 經營。 這家家庭企業由他們的祖父和曾祖父 Alfonso Costanzo Iaccarino 創立,採用最優質的原材料為現代地中海美食提供獨特的風味。
Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto is their first North American restaurant (in partnership with the Liberty Entertainment Group, and since opening in 2018, it has achieved many awards. Executive Chef Daniele Corona trained for several years under Alfonso and Ernesto Iaccarino before moving to Toronto to make the dining experience at Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto magical.
中文版 / Chinese version:
多倫多的Don Alfonso 1890 是他們的第一家北美餐廳,該據點與 Liberty Entertainment Group娛樂集團合作。自2018年開業以來,Don Alfonso 1890在短短幾年內已迅速榮獲許多獎項。行政主廚Daniele Corona在任職前先在米其林星級主廚Alfonso和 Ernesto Iaccarino 的領導下接受了多年的培訓後才轉戰搬到多倫多的 Don Alfonso 1890 ,提供給造訪該餐廳的顧客的神奇難忘的用餐體驗。
Being recognized by 50 Top Italy is quite the acclaim as it highlights the best Italian restaurants in Italy and worldwide. 350 inspectors visit 23 countries every year, searching for the top 50 Italian restaurants. In addition to winning the title of Best Italian Restaurant in the World 2022, Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto also won the Meal of the Year 2022 Mulino Caputo Award for its outstanding prix fixe tasting menu.
中文版 / Chinese version:
在餐飲界能被 「50 Top Italy」 認證是相當讚譽的。該指南有如義大利料理界的米其林指南,認證義大利及全球最好的意大利餐廳。 該指南每年派 350名美食偵查員造訪23個國家,搜索全球前50名的義大利餐廳。 除了榮獲 2022年全球最佳意大利餐廳稱號外,多倫多的Don Alfonso 1890 還憑藉其出色的品嚐定價套餐組合(prix fixe) 菜單獲得了「50 Top Italy」2022年的「Mulino Caputo」年度美食獎。
Each of the eight courses in the tasting menu is made using the best quality ingredients and plated on a one-of-a-kind vessel. We’ll be introducing you to some of the remarkable dishes on the tasting menu below:
中文版 / Chinese version:
品嚐菜單中的八道菜中的每道菜色均採用最優質的食材製成,並放在獨一無二的別緻容器上。 品嚐菜單上讓時尚高潮團隊評鑑出幾道其中最為出色的菜餚,以下讓時尚高潮為您一一介紹:
Eel gelato, sturgeon caviar, wild rose scented tagliatelle, pulverized egg yolk, minced fresh herbs.
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Seared muscovy duck breast, mashed gala apples, baby spinach, 15-year balsamic vinegar reduction, anise demi-glace, pulverized cinnamon and borage.
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Vermicelli di gragnano, carpione style mackerel, sicilian pine nuts, caramelized onions, alalunga tuna purée.
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Roasted wild red snapper, organic asparagus and red radish salad, organic cauliflower and horseradish purée.
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Seared organic Manitoba tenderloin wrapped in layered swiss chard, buffalo mozzarella, salsa verde, San Marzano tomato, red chilli reduction.
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Pistachio ravioli, fresh sicilian orange, basil and lemon gelatina, buffalo ricotta, black liquorice.
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Each menu item is expertly paired by Sommelier James Peden, using the best wines from Casa Loma‘s renowned cellar.
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每道菜餚均由專業侍酒師 James Peden 搭配精心選用來自卡薩羅馬城堡(Casa Loma) 著名酒窖的優質葡萄酒。
Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto‘s other awards include Gambero Rosso‘s ‘Best New Restaurant in the World‘ and Tre Forchette (3 Forks), La Liste‘s Best Italian Restaurant in Canada and in the Top Ten of Restaurants in Canada, Canada’s 100 Best Restaurants, the DiRoNA – Distinguished Restaurants of North America, OpenTable‘s Top 100 Restaurants in Canada and the Wine Spectator Best of Award of Excellence.
中文版 / Chinese version:
多倫多的Don Alfonso 1890餐廳的殊榮還包括他們所榮獲的其他數多獎項,包括 義大利餐飲權威評鑑指南「Gambero Rosso」 的「世界最佳新餐廳」和 三叉(最高星級,等同米其林三星)、「La Liste」全球一千間最佳餐廳榜單中加拿大的最佳義大利餐廳和加拿大最佳餐廳前十名、加拿大前100 家最佳餐廳、「DiRoNA 」北美傑出餐廳榜單、OpenTable 加拿大前100強餐廳和 「Wine Spectator」的最佳卓越獎。
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