【大成集團】 貝可坊韓式起司熱狗 開箱試吃評價 / Dachan Food (Asia) Limited’s Korean Cheese Hot Dog open Box Review:

(Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)

  • 先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃影片 / Watch our Youtube Openbox & Mukbang Video First:


English version / 英文版:
The latest food trend from Korea is no longer the “Spicy Chicken noodle,” “Korean fried chicken,” nor The Squid Game‘s Dalgona (Ppopgi) Cookie, but everyone’s childhood memories: corn dogs. Of course, being the food trendsetter of Asia to the entire world. Korea‘s fast-paced trends can’t possibly just be reusing something already existing. The latest Korean corn dog food trend is an updated and improved version with cheese!

  • 在家防疫也可安全享用「群聚場所小吃」Order High-risk Large-scale Gathering Street Food Safely From the Comfort of Your Home:


English version / 英文版:
After being caged for two years due to the pandemic, I’m sure the junk food that we all crave the most isn’t just McDonald‘s or Kentucky Fried Chicken, which still offers delivery. We crave street food that can only be found at venues that are now classified as “large-scale gatherings and banned for COVID,” like cotton candies and corn dogs from night markets and carnivals.


English version / 英文版:
Even though I spent years living the life in the night market,” I’ve never stepped foot into night markets again after being disabled, which is 5 years and counting. Crowded places are just too dangerous for a post-stroke survivor. I spent some of my worst years at Shilin Night Market, making it my home. . Everyone in Shilin is my family. It’s depressing not being able to go back and visit those who treated me like blood, like the horn snail couple who protected me like their own daughter, the orange juice auntie who treats me to a big cup of orange juice every day, and the pig’s blood cake big guy who treats me like his baby sister.

  • 炸熱狗:大家的最愛 / Corn Dogs – A Favourite Aong All:


English version / 英文版:
I believe that corn dogs at carnivals and night markets are one of the favourite street food for all. Unfortunately, due to COVID, the only hot dogs we can get now are the naked, uncoated ones from supermarkets or convenience stores. Without the batter, hot dogs are just “dogs gone wrong.”

殘編是無神論者,因為連死神都抓不到我,這次可能是元宇宙或是不知道哪一個次元的神明聽到我心中渴望吃炸熱狗的願望,送給我一次「大成集團貝可坊韓式起司熱狗 開箱試吃評價的機會,滿足我心中缺乏的那一塊找不到的拼圖。這次試吃大成集團」 的貝可坊韓式起司熱狗後,起司熱狗麵皮一口咬下,酥炸油香直衝大腦皮質,好吃到讓我腦爆(BLOW MY MIND)。

English version / 英文版:
I’m an atheist because even Death can’t catch me no matter how many times he/she tries. This time, God from some other kind of universe, perhaps Metaverse, answered to my wish for a big, fat corn dog and allowed me to do an open box review for Dachan Food (Asia) Limited‘s Korean Cheese Hot Dog. It was a mind-blowing experience.

  • 大成集團創業故事 / About Dachan Food (Asia) Limited:


English version / 英文版:
After some research on Dachan Food (Asia) Limited, the reason how they can make “frozen fried food” is evident. Dachan Food Asia has a long history.
In 1957, Han Hao-ran established a processing plant for soybean oil in Tainan, southern Taiwan. Over the years, the small mill has grown into a transnational business group with more than 100 subsidiaries across Asia, generating an annual revenue of more than NT$70 billion. Its vertically integrated business model ranges from production, farming, and all the way to processed foods in one single operational platform. I slow clap for them.

  • 冷凍食品比現炸的好吃 / Frozen food – Better than Freshly Fried


English version / 英文版:
Dachan Food (Asia) Limited‘s Korean Cheese Hot Dog takes frozen food to a whole new, mind-blowing level. Who knows a reheated Korean Cheese Hot Dog can taste crispier and fresher than a freshly-fried corn dog? I think the secrets to its secret recipe are also the reason for the success of the “Dachan Groupoil business.

  • 大成集團貝可坊韓式起司熱狗外送服務 / Dachan Food (Asia) Limited’s Korean Cheese Hot Dog Delivery Service:


English version / 英文版:
Our open box for Dachan Food (Asia) Limited‘s Korean Cheese Hot Dog includes a total of 6 cheese hot dogs, each weighing 80 grams. Like my previous food delivery open box reviews, Dachan Food (Asia) Limited‘s Korean Cheese Hot Dogs are also delivered at -18℃ ultra-low temperature.


English version / 英文版:
What’s really mind-blowing is that even after freezing at a -18°C degree, the result after reheating in the oven is a big, fat cheese hot dog coated in a thick golden batter, which is crispy on the outside and soft and spongy on the middle. I hate all kinds of oil, so I’d never thought I’d describe it as follows: Once you bite into one of Dachan Food (Asia) Limited‘s Korean Cheese Hot Dog, aromas of fresh oil burst in your mouth and shoot right up to your brains’ insular cortex. The German hot dog in the middle is flavourful with a crispy and bouncy texture. Sandwiched between the batter and the hot dog is enough stringy Mozzarella cheese to stretch to the length from sitting to standing. I call the combination of crispy dough, stringy cheese, and flavourful German hot dog “the golden trio,” which lingers in my insular cortex until my binge-eating disorder kicks in and demolishes the whole box of 6 hot dogs in one breath.

  • 時尚高潮大成集團貝可坊韓式起司熱狗 開箱試吃總評價 / Dachan Food (Asia) Limited’s Korean Cheese Hot Dog open Box Review in a Nutshell:


English version / 英文版:
Even after living the night market life for years, I haven’t eaten a corn dog quite this good. As long as you have no preexisting medical condition, I’d give it a 200 out of 100.


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