Tag archives for quality

Jiajia Foods Taiwan’s Dongpo Meat (pork belly)Unboxing Tasting & Review

Jiajia Foods Taiwan's Dongpo Meat (Pork Belly) Unboxing Tasting & Review: Watch Fashion Ecstasy's Youtube Open Box & Mukbang Video First: (此文為英文版食記評價,欲看中文版評價文,請點以下連結 🔗 / This post is the English Review,…
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I-Mei Foods Taiwan Berries Fresh Milk Ice Cream Cake Open Box Review:

I-Mei Foods Taiwan Berries Fresh Milk Ice Cream Cake Open Box Review: (This post is in English; for the Chinese review, please click on the link below🔗 / 此文為英文版評價文,欲看中文版請點以下連結🔗 ): 義美莓果心願鮮乳冰淇淋蛋糕開箱試吃評價 &吃播…
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GLO Communications Bask-It-Style 2022 gifting lounge during TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival

Glo Communications Bask-it-style 2022 Gifting Lounge During TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) (this post is in English, for the Chinese version, please stay 此文為英文版,中文版敬請期待。。。) GLO Communications held their 12th Annual  2022…
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Health & Beauty

TikTok Ad Scam product – Veet’s all-natural hair removal cream, endorsed by Taiwanese beauty guru, Kevin Lao Shi

TikTok Ad Scam product - Veet's all-natural hair removal cream, endorsed by Taiwanese beauty guru, Kevin Lao Shi (此文為英文版,欲看中文版評價文,請點以下連結 / This post is in English, for the Chinese version, please…
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Jidi Chicken with Pickled Cucumber Handmade Frozen Dumplings Open Box Review

及第瓜仔雞肉水餃開箱試吃食記評價 / Jidi Chicken with Pickled Cucumber Handmade Frozen Dumplings Open Box Review:     先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃吃播影片 / Watch Our Youtube Open Box Mukbang Video First: (Scroll down for the English…
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The Best Real Handmade Frozen-Dumplings in Taiwan – Imei Foods Handmade Frozen Dumpling Series Openbox Review

The Best Real Handmade Frozen-Dumplings in Taiwan - Imei Foods Handmade Frozen Dumpling Series Openbox Review/ 超好吃真正手工的義美超好吃真正手工的義美冷凍水餃系列食記開箱文 (此文為英文版,原文為中文,預讀中文版,請點以下連結 🔗 / this post is in English, the original post was posted…
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八方雲集開箱食記評價 / Bafang Yunji 8 Way Dumpling Taiwan Open Box Food Review

八方雲集開箱食記評價 / Bafang Yunji 8 Way Dumpling Taiwan Open Box Food Review: (scroll down for the English version/ 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮八方雲集開箱試吃YT影片/ Watch our Youtube BaFang Yunji Open Box Mukbang Video: 台灣水餃、鍋貼的麵食連鎖鋪店餐飲集團前兩強不外乎就是大家耳熟能詳,隨處能見的八方雲集和四海遊龍啦!…
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