Canadian Shishamo Willow Leaf Fish – Fish Eggs Safe for Eczema

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When I left Japan, I always remembered the super yummy tiny willow fish (Shishamo) that burst eggs when I bit into it. Almost every Japanese restaurant there offered it on the menu.
However, after moving to Canada, almost every time I ordered grilled fish at a Japanese restaurant, which I assumed were the same tiny fish I had always gotten in Japan, they all turned out to be mackerels, which are much larger in size and don’t burst eggs. However, “no matter how many fish in the sea, it’d be so empty without willow fish.” I later learned willow leaf fish are relatively rare in Canada. Hence, I always get other bigger species. My cravings are finally fed after relocating to Taiwan. Taiwan is near Japan, so we have no shortage of willow fish.
Eczema, though, is a bitch. After finally having access to my favourite fish, the inferior living conditions here made me get eczema. I have to quit all things egg to avoid flare-ups, including fish with eggs. After quitting willow fish for about 3 years, serendipity hit. I saw “Canadian willow leaf fish” on sale, “What are the chances?” I thought. I never let a good opportunity pass by, and thought I’d give it a try. A voice tells me it could be the cleanliness of the waters that is causing my eczema flare-ups.

Water plays a vital role in the daily life of Canadians. From the majestic lakes in Ontario and Quebec to the rugged coastlines of British Columbia, the country is home to abundant water resources that provide numerous benefits to its residents. In addition to its abundant natural resources, Canada is also known for its thriving seafood industry, which exports high-quality seafood products to various parts of the world, including Asia. I guess willow fish is one of them.

Water resources in Canada are essential. The country has the longest coastline in the world, stretching over 202,080 km, which makes it an ideal location for fishing and seafood production. Canada‘s seafood industry is renowned for its high-quality products and sustainable fishing practices, and it is a major contributor to the country‘s economy.

In recent years, the demand for seafood in Asia has increased, and Canada has been quick to seize the opportunity to expand its exports to this growing market. In 2020, Canada exported over CAD 2.5 billion worth of seafood products to Asia, making it the largest market for Canadian seafood exports. The high demand for seafood in Asia has created new opportunities for Canadian seafood producers, who are now able to tap into this lucrative market and provide their customers with high-quality products.
The seafood industry in Canada is also known for its strict regulations and sustainable practices. The Canadian government has implemented stringent measures to ensure that the country‘s seafood industry operates in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.
For example, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has implemented regulations that prohibit overfishing and promote the use of sustainable fishing methods. The DFO also conducts regular monitoring and enforcement activities to ensure that the industry remains in compliance with these regulations.

In addition to its sustainable practices, the Canadian seafood industry is also committed to providing its customers with high-quality products. Canadian seafood products are carefully processed and packaged to maintain their freshness and quality, ensuring that they meet the highest standards possible of safety and quality. The industry also uses state-of-the-art technology and equipment to ensure that its products are of the highest quality.

As the demand for seafood in Asia continues to grow, Canadian seafood producers are well-positioned to take advantage of this opportunity. By continuing to provide high-quality products and adhering to sustainable practices, the Canadian seafood industry can continue to thrive and make a significant contribution to the country‘s economy. Furthermore, by expanding its exports to Asia, the Canadian seafood industry can help to support the growth and development of this rapidly growing market.
In conclusion, water is an essential resource for Canadians and plays a critical role in the country‘s economy and daily life. The Canadian seafood industry is a major contributor to the country‘s economy, and its high-quality products and sustainable practices make it a leader in the global seafood market. With the demand for seafood in Asia increasing, Canadian seafood producers are well-positioned to expand their exports to this growing market, further solidifying Canada‘s role as a major player in the global seafood industry.

  • Willow Fish: A Delightful Seafood Dish with a Rich History

Canadian Willow Fish, also known as Shishamo, is a species of smelt fish that is native to the Pacific Ocean and is commonly found in the waters of Japan. This tiny silverfish has a delicate flavour and a distinctive, cylindrical shape, making it a popular dish among seafood lovers.
In this food blog, we will delve into the history, taste, and nutritional benefits of Canadian Willow Fish and provide tips on preparing and serving this delicious seafood dish.

  • The History of Willow Fish

In recent years, Willow Fish has gained popularity in Japan, where it is considered a delicacy. It is often served as a snack or appetizer and a popular ingredient in sushi rolls. In Canada, the fish is becoming increasingly popular and is now widely available in specialty seafood markets and online.

  • The Taste of Canadian Willow Leaf Fish

Canadian Willow Fish has a delicate flavour that is slightly sweet and salty, with a somewhat nutty taste. The tiny fish is soft and tender, and its flesh has a creamy texture that melts in your mouth. The cylindrical shape of the fish makes it easy to eat, and its tiny size makes it perfect for snacking or as an appetizer.

  • The Nutritional Benefits of Canadian Willow Fish

Canadian Willow Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for heart health and the maintenance of healthy brain function. The fish is also rich in protein and low in calories, making it a healthy and satisfying food choice. In addition, Canadian Willow Fish is high in vitamins B12 and D and is a good source of calcium and phosphorus.

  • How to Prepare and Serve Canadian Willow Fish?

Canadian Willow Fish is a versatile food that can be prepared and served in various ways. Here we show you a few tips on how to prepare and serve this delicious seafood dish:

Grilling: Canadian Willow Fish is excellent when grilled, as it cooks quickly and retains its delicate flavour. Simply brush the fish with a little oil, season with salt & pepper, and grill for a few minutes on each side until the skin is crispy and the flesh is opaque.

Pan-Frying: Another popular way to prepare Canadian Willow Fish is to pan-fry it. Heat oil in a frying pan, add fish, and cook for 2-3 minutes on botth side until the skin is golden crispy and the fish is opaque.
Sushi: Canadian Willow Fish is a popular ingredient in sushi rolls and is often served with soy sauce and wasabi. Simply wrap the fish in sushi rice and nori, and serve with soy sauce and wasabi.

Snack: Canadian Willow Fish can also be served as a snack, with or without a dip. Season fish with salt and pepper, then serve with a dipping sauce of your choice.

The question remains: If willow leaf fish are more commonly found in the waters of Japan, why are we importing them to Taiwan from Canada?

Turns out, these “willow fish” from Canada are, in fact, “capelinfish, which share many similarities with willow leaf fish.

In conclusion, Canadian Willow Fish is a delicious and nutritious seafood dish that is packed with flavour and nutrition. Whether you’re grilling, pan-frying, or serving it as a snack, this tiny fish will surely delight your taste buds, and leave you feeling satisfied. What’s best is it is safe for my eczema diet!You’re welcome!


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