Tag archives for industry


Why Everyone’s Talking About ICFF 2024: A Sneak Peek Into Toronto’s Hottest Film Event!

ICFF & Lavazza Inclucity Festival 2024: Exciting Tributes and Programs   (此文為英文版部落格,欲看中文版開箱評價文,請點以下連結/ This post is in English; for the Chinese version review, please click on the link below)::-mingxing-yunji-he-jingcai-fangying-!/ (Scroll to the bottom…
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The 2023 Canadian International Auto Show / 2023年加拿大國際車展

The 2023 Canadian International Auto Show / 2023年加拿大國際車展(Canadian International Auto Show) (Scroll to the bottom for images /愈看照片請滑至頁底) (欲看中文版請向下滑 / scroll down for the Chinese version) The 2023 Canadian International…
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18 Jiang Zuo  Chicken Soup  With Lion’s Mane Mushrooms Open Box Tasting & Review

18 Jiang Zuo  Chicken Soup  With Lion's Mane Mushrooms Open Box Tasting & Review: (此文為英文版食記,欲看中文版食記評價文,請點以下連結🔗 / This post is the English version, for the review in Chinese, please click on…
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Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer & Philips 5000 Series Mineral Negative Ion Hair Dryer Open Box Review

Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer & Philips 5000 Series Mineral Negative Ion Hair Dryer Open Box Review: 此文為英文版,欲看中文版,請點下連結 / This post is the English version; for the Chinese review, please click…
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GLO Communications Bask-It-Style 2022 gifting lounge during TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival

Glo Communications Bask-it-style 2022 Gifting Lounge During TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) (this post is in English, for the Chinese version, please stay 此文為英文版,中文版敬請期待。。。) GLO Communications held their 12th Annual  2022…
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P&M Q6 Mobile Sound Card Open Box Review Part 2 / 直播專用PM Q6手機聲卡開箱實測評價 P2

P&M Q6 Mobile Sound Card Open Box Review Part 2 / 直播專用PM Q6手機聲卡開箱實測評價 P2 (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下滑) Watch Our Youtube Openbox video First / 先看時尚高潮YT開箱實測影片: 現在越來越多人靠自媒體賺錢。早期都是有名的YOUTUBER在賺,但有在經營的人都知道,那些能成功做起來的YOUTUBER實力相當不簡單,不僅要學複雜的影音編輯軟體,硬體裝備也要不斷升級,一台好攝像機要價隨便就好幾十萬、在加個麥克風、燈光照明設備,這成本錢一砸下去,都可以付一棟新房子的頭期款了。…
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