Tag archives for italy

Grand Opening of Piece by Piece – Inside Renzo Piano Building Workshop Exhibit at Toronto’s Harbourfront Centre

Grand Opening of Piece by Piece – Inside Renzo Piano Building Workshop Exhibit at Toronto's Harbourfront Centre (This post is in English, for the Chinese version, please click on the…
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California Frozen MINI PIZZA – The World’s Best Frozen Pizza Open Box Review

加州迷你冷凍披薩 - 全世界最好吃的冷凍比薩開箱試吃食記評價 / California MINI PIZZA - The World's Best Frozen Pizza Open Box Review: (scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃影片 / Watch Our Youtube Openbox &…
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台灣家樂福金品「蘑菇番茄乳酪燉飯」開箱試吃評價食記 / Carrefour King’s Cook Frozen Food Series – “Paella with Mushrooms & Tomatoes” Open Box Review

台灣家樂福金品「蘑菇番茄乳酪燉飯」開箱試吃評價食記 / Carrefour King's Cook Frozen Food Series - "Paella with Mushrooms & Tomatoes" Open Box Review: (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃影片 / Watch Our Youtube Openbox…
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Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto named Best Italian Restaurant in World by 50 Top Italy / 多倫多的Don Alfonso 1890義大利餐廳榮獲 「50 Top Italy」 全球最佳義大利餐廳獎

Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto named Best Italian Restaurant in World by 50 Top Italy / 多倫多的Don Alfonso 1890義大利餐廳榮獲 「50 Top Italy」 全球最佳義大利餐廳獎 ( 中文版向下看/ Scroll down for Chinese version) (…
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ICFF (Italian Contemporary Film Festival)’s 10th Anniversary Open Air Cinema at Ontario Place’s Trillium Park

ICFF (Italian Contemporary Film Festival)'s 10th Anniversary Open Air Cinema at Ontario Place's Trillium Park / ICFF意大利當代電影節在安大略廣場的Trillium Park公園舉辦露天電影院慶祝10週年 中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version: (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya…
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莫尼尼義大利餐廳配2021 NBA名星賽 / 2021 NBA All-Star with Monini International Restaurant and Pizzeria in Tamsui

2021 NBA All-Star with Monini International Restaurant and Pizzeria in Tamsui / 莫尼尼義大利餐廳配2021 NBA名星賽 (中文版 向下看/ Scroll down for Chinese version) 殘編的童裝部暴龍隊球衣 / My kids-size Raptors jersey I hope all…
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