台G店淡水食記 &YT影片- 超多GG超多中藥 – 讓咱一起增加免疫力對抗武漢病毒 / Tai G Net Restaurant Tamsui Review – Chicken Soup with Chinese herbal medicine, Let’s Boost Our Immune System to Fight COVID-19!

(scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)
淡水區到處都是雞 窯烤雞、甕缸雞、石窯雞,印象最還有看到好像叫大雞雞的,殘編雖然只有男性朋友,但週邊一下被這麼多GG圍繞,耶有一點招架不住快看我們猛力吸吮台G店的GG吧!

  • 先看時尚高潮台G店食記YT影片:

    English version / 英文版:
    Tamsui is full of chicken (pronounced as “GG” in Chinese and can also mean “dicks” in Mandarin Chinese) cuisine. I may only have male friends, but being surrounded by so many “GG“s is overwhelming. Watch our Youtube vlog first and see us “suck these “GG”s down to the marrow:

  • 殘編第一次去香港,我才知是「台灣料理」有ㄧ道名菜叫「鳳梨苦瓜


English version / 英文版:
Tamsui District is full of chicken cuisine:”barrel-roasted chicken,“ “stone kiln roasted chicken,” and many more. The restaurant that really catches my eyes is the one named “Big GG” or so (“GG” can refer to “pee-nis” in Taiwan). Although I only have male friends, being surrounded by so many “GG” is kind of overwhelming.

I tried the supposedly famous Taiwanese dish “Pineapple Bitter Gourd Chicken” for the first time when I first went to Hong Kong. Since I was from Taiwan and never heard of it, I tried it just to see if it was a made-up dish like the “traditional” “Thai shrimp pancakes” only available in Taiwan. I couldn’t help but order it in hopes of a good laugh. However, it surprisingly blew my mind. The bittersweet & refreshing taste had me hooked the first time. No wonder its seen at every “Taiwanese” restaurant across Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

  • 於是在經過招牌不大的「台G店」扛棒的「鳳梨苦瓜雞」閃過眼角時,我

立刻大喊緊急剎車,去品嚐這個從未在台灣見過的「台灣料理」不僅雞肉吃起來「ㄉㄨㄞ ㄉㄨㄞ」的,當雞肉i與雞皮撕裂的那一刻,雞皮還彈回您嘴唇(看上面影片),跟我打個唇上小「啵兒」,雖然我比較想看鹹濕的喇「雞」,但在這疫情失控的時期,還是保守一點來個清純小吻就好。

English version / 英文版:
We drive around Tamsui to explore the area. I yelled, “Hit the brakes!” when we pass by Tai G Net Restaurant because I see the “Pineapple Bitter Gourd Chicken” sign flashing before my eyes. I want to check out how the “authentic” pineapple bitter gourd chicken tastes in Taiwan for once. Tai-G-Dian’s chicken is firm and bouncy. When you tear the chicken skin apart from the meat, the skin even bounces back to give you a peck on the lips. At age 33, I’m way passed the “Japanese drama” style puppy love era at my age, In this COVID-19 pandemic, maybe it’s better to go back to the basics than doing a virus swapping wet French.

  • 台G店菜單 / Tai G Net Restaurant Menu:

台G店主打各式各樣養生藥膳熬煮出來的雞湯,正好適合武漢病毒襲擊期間需要增強免疫力的我們。光是藥膳雞湯類就有「麻油雞」、「四物雞」、「何首烏雞」、「九尾雞」、「牛奶埔雞」、「人蔘雞」、「山葡萄雞」、「鳳梨苦瓜雞」、「剝皮辣椒雞」、「蒜頭雞」、「香菇雞」、跟「陳年菜埔雞」。招牌似乎是「麻油雞」但是殘編造訪時,並未見任何客人點這道。雞肉選擇可以選擇使用「烏骨雞」($190)或是「土雞」($170),也可以選擇加麵線( $30)或加粥( $30)

English version / 英文版:
Tai G Dian serves a wide variety of chicken soup prepared with all kinds of Chinese herbs. Herbal medicine is perfect for boosting our immune system while we are fighting this Coronavirus war. Besides “pineapple bitter gourd Chicken,” the restaurant has a wide variety of other chicken soup bases prepared with Chinese medicine: “Sesame oil chicken,” “Siwu chicken,” “Tuber fleece flower ( he shou wu) chicken,” “Hairy Uraria chicken,” “ginseng chicken,” “Garlic Chicken,” and many more. The signature dish seems to be the “sesame oil chicken,” however, when we visited, we didn’t see any customers order it. There are 2 chicken choices to choose from for any chicken soup order: use “silkie chicken” ($ 190) or “free-range chicken” ($ 170). Customers can also choose to add vermicelli noodles ($ 30) or porridge/congee ($ 30).

  • 進門看菜單,原來「台G店」不只有雞湯,還有魚湯跟「三杯雞翅」、七


English version / 英文版:
Turns out, Tai G Net’s menu is not limited to chicken soup, fish soups, and a variety of traditional Taiwanese snacks are also available. I’m talking about intriguing finger-licking snacks like “chicken wings“, “chicken tails,” and “pig’s blood cakes.” So we too, passed on the signature “sesame oil chicken.” 😂

  • 台G店食物 / The Food at Tai G Net Restaurant:

  • 「鳳梨苦瓜雞(土雞)」/ “pineapple bitter gourd Chicken (with free-range chicken”($170):
台G店淡水食記 &YT影片 ai G Net Restaurant Tamsui Review-12
「鳳梨苦瓜雞(土雞)」/ “pineapple bitter gourd Chicken (with free-range chicken”($170)


English version / 英文版:
Pineapple Bitter Gourd Chicken Soups in Hong Kong and mainland China uses more pineapple to sweeten the whole pot of soup and into the chicken bones. The bitter melon is just a finishing touch to balance the taste.
Tai G Net restaurant prepares its chicken soups with mostly chicken wings and chicken thighs still with skin and bones, which is preferred over white meat in Taiwan. Pineapple is first blended into pineapple sauce then made to soup. The bitter melon (bitter gourd)’s taste is more significant that the pineapple in this “bittersweet” dish, making it much more refreshing and smoother than the ones in Hong Kong. Devouring them until bone-clean isn’t enough, we have to continue to suck out all the bone marrow to make sure there is not a drop of soup wasted. (watch our Youtube vlog above!).

  • 「何首烏鳳爪」($65)/ “tuber fleece flower (He Shou Wu) Chicken feet ($65nt):
台G店淡水食記 &YT影片 ai G Net Restaurant Tamsui Review-9
「何首烏鳳爪」($65)/ “tuber fleece flower (He Shou Wu) Chicken feet ($65nt)


English version / 英文版:
Chicken feet can be served hot or cold, but it happens to be the only day I “chicken out” and shamefully admit the weather is “kind of” chilly, so we opt for hot. Different from the ordinary Taiwanese braised chicken feet or dim sum-style chicken feet, this “tuber fleece flower (He Shou Wu) Chicken feet” are braised to a black crystal-clear. It scares me at first sight because the colour makes it look extremely salty. However, when eaten, the sodium is definitely much less than any chicken feet you can find on the streets. All I taste is beautifying collagen. We demolish every knuckle and suck out every articular cartilage thoroughly (Watch our Youtube video above!), Nom!

  • 「雞絲飯」( $40)/ “Pulled Chicken Rice” ($40NT):
台G店淡水食記 &YT影片 ai G Net Restaurant Tamsui Review-8
「雞絲飯」( $40)
/ “Pulled Chicken Rice” ($40NT)


English version / 英文版:
pulled chicken meat are stacked on top of a bowl of hot grained rice, and the amount of shredded chicken is relatively more than usual.

  • 每日菜單 / Daily Menu:


English version / 英文版:
It seems like Tai G Net offers a different daily menu because besides the menu on every table, more options are available at the counter. The options when we visited included “Kimchi Fresh Squid” ($ 100NT), “Braised Beef Brisket” ($ 120NT), “Japanese Style Mackerel” ($ 100NT), etc. The daily vegetables included 2 kinds: cabbage and lettuce ($ 40 each)

  • 「鱸魚湯」($120) / “Sea Bass Soup” ($120NT):
台G店淡水食記 &YT影片 ai G Net Restaurant Tamsui Review-11
/ “Sea Bass Soup” ($120NT)


English version / 英文版:
Seabass soup is prepared with ginger and cooked to a milky colour. The meat is tender, and the fish is deboned. It is said that eating sea bass helps accelerate wounds healing. So there’s no worries of cutting your throat with fishbones before you try to heal your wounds. That would suck.

時尚高潮殘編台G店總評價 / Fashion Ecstasy Tai G Net Restaurant Tamsui Review in a Nutshell:


English version / 英文版:
Tai G Net has a variety of chicken soup choices prepared with supreme meat quality. I never was into sucking GG (d*cks). I can see myself revisiting again very soon. Hopefully, Chinese herbs/medicine are not a myth and will help me get through COVID-19!


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