Country Bright Event Transforms Acres of Milton Country Heritage Park into A Family-Friendly Christmas Wonderland / 「Country Bright」聖誕節特別活動將數英畝的米爾頓郊野遺產公園改造成適合全家大小的聖誕仙境

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(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya Hsu)
The holiday season is upon us. A fantastic way to spend a December evening is to go back in time to enjoy the lights, sounds and smells of the farm and small-town life at Country Bright, located at Country Heritage Park in Milton, Ontario, Canada, which is just 45 minutes away from Toronto).

中文版 / Chinese version:
一年一度的聖誕假期就要到了。在西方世界習俗裡,每年一到12月,就會看到聖誕樹、耶誕節燈飾、吊飾等,充滿迎接耶誕節的歡樂氣氛,讓人不得不想融入、參與一下耶誕節活動時尚高潮在這兒跟居住在加拿大粉絲們介紹一個超讚、讓訪客能享受滿滿聖誕節氣氛活動:「Country Bright」。
Country Bright」是一個讓想好好慶祝耶誕居民度過12月夜晚的絕佳方式。此活動位於安大略省距離多倫多僅 45 分鐘路程的米爾頓(Milton)鄉村遺產公園(Country Heritage Park)。「Country Bright活動帶著參與者回到過去,一邊享受農場小鎮生活的景物,一邊欣賞佈置完美的聖誕燈光、聲音和氣氛。

Country Bright is a night-time, family-friendly, 3/4 km walk-through experience. The trail includes four historic barns from the 19th century, totally covered with thousands of Christmas lights, over fifteen historic buildings, ice sculptures, tunnels, giant snow globes, costumed actors, holiday projections, and holiday music.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Country Bright」 是一項適合家庭全家大小的 3/4 公里路的夜間漫步體驗。這條活動的小徑完全被數千個聖誕燈飾覆蓋。漫步在充滿耶誕氣氛的路徑上,訪客步行經過無數好拍景點,包括4個來自19世紀歷史悠久的穀倉、超過 15 座歷史建築、精美冰雕藝術、閃耀隧道、巨型雪球裝飾、現場古裝演員、聖誕節投影影像和聖誕節音樂

For social media junkies, the event is absolutely Instagram-worthy, too, with many well-lit Christmas trees, light tunnels, Santa and his reindeer, and other holiday characters. There are paths to walk down which have colourful lights in the form of candles. Guests will get to see all the tractors, farm vehicles, and historic memorabilia be totally illuminated. Everywhere you walk, there is so much to be in awe of.

中文版 / Chinese version:
對於手機社交媒體控的訪客,這個活動一上傳也絕對是超容易爆款、讓您抖音IG瞬間漲粉爆紅炫耀文,超好拍的景象包括許多燈火通明的聖誕樹、亮彩的隧道聖誕老人和他的馴鹿,以及其他聖誕節角色。 其中一些路徑可以帶領訪客目睹閃耀著五顏六色燈光蠟燭。除了人造的聖誕裝飾訪客還能看到一般都市生活看不到、鄉村才有的曳引機農用車輛和歷史紀念品,最特別的是這些農村生活工具也都被完全照亮、充滿耶誕氣息。 無論你走到哪裡,都有很多令人停下腳步、拍個不停的好拍打卡景點

All that walking tour may make a participant hungry. When that’s the case, there are delicious festive treats to enjoy, such as hot apple cider, hot chocolate, salted kettle corn and hot beavertails. Both children and adults can enjoy with cookie decorating.

中文版 / Chinese version:

Country Bright is open from December 2nd to January 2nd, after dark, Thursday to Sunday nights, and every day from December 16th to January 2nd, except for being closed on Christmas Day.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Country Bright活動自即日起舉辦至 1月2日、週四至週日晚間12月16日起至1月2日改為每天晚上開放,唯獨聖誕節當天不營業。

A portion of this year’s proceeds will go to the donation to the  Milton District Hospital Foundation as a show of support for frontline healthcare workers.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年的部分收益將做公益捐給米爾頓地區醫院基金會Milton District Hospital Foundation),以支持疫情爆發後特別辛苦保護我們的前線醫護人員

  • Country Bright Ticket information / 「Country Bright」購票資訊:

Tickets must be pre-purchased at

中文版 / Chinese version:
購票請至「Country Bright」官網購買:

  • Country Bright Christmas Event Address / 「Country Bright」耶誕節活動地址:

Country Heritage Park, 8560 Tremaine Rd.
L9T 2X3


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