Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

時尚高潮食記 – 日日青全羊肉爐全餐土城- 整隻羊入鍋蒜頭從頭吃到尾,讓你冬天從頭補到尾 – 1碗就熱!/ Ririqing Whole-Lamb Hotpot Restaurant Tucheng – Devour a lamb from head to toe, Heat Up Your Body During Winter with Just 1 Sip!

時尚高潮食記 – 日日青全羊肉爐全餐- 整隻羊入鍋蒜頭從頭吃到尾,讓你冬天從頭補到尾 – 1碗就熱!/ Ririqing Whole-Lamb Hotpot Restaurant Tucheng – Devour a lamb from head to toe, Heat Up Your Body During Winter with Just 1 Sip!

(scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)

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English version / 英文版:

I would never forget the shocked expression when a friend of mine in Canada witnessed me devour a fish’s eye as if I was a barbaric cannibal. To Asians, eating a fisheye is as common as eating chicken feet (probably not the best example). I only realized how savage I must’ve looked when I witnessed a hot-pot restaurant in China serving a whole lamb without wasting any of its body parts from head to toe. I love bizarre food challenges, just like I take on any challenges in life like a street fighter, “kakattekoi( “bring it” in Japanese)”. But I chickened out at lamb’s eye. A friend from Tucheng highly recommends a famed local lamb hot pot in Tucheng that takes on the same concept. When it comes to food, I’m always willing to travel for miles, even just to get a taste of it. I went to Yilan for its famous”cherry duck“:

, drove all the way to Taichung just to have a meal in a castle, and even flew to the Maldives just to dine at its undersea restaurant. Comparing to travelling abroad, Tucheng is just a piece of cake. So when he mentioned “whole lamb,” I replied, “Say no more, let’s do it!”

  • 印象中是土城土城是遙遠的,沒想到從台北景美出發,車程只需約半小


English version / 英文版:

From what I remember, Tucheng is a bit far from Taipei, but it takes us only about half an hour to drive there from Jingmei. There are 2 storefronts adjacent to each other with the same name, I wonder which one is fake. Because usually, when a business goes viral in Taiwan, knockoffs start popping up everywhere close to it. Turns out, they’re both original but expanded their space to the next door due to its popularity.

  • 咱們下午4:50到,店內的圓桌幾乎都已掛上「訂位」的牌子,也已有源源


English version / 英文版:

When we arrived at 4:50 in the afternoon. Almost all round tables are reserved, and a lineup of customers was waiting for take-out already. All seats are stools with no back, Luckily for us, a small table with 2 seats is still available, so I risk my post-stroke poor balance and take it, even if it means falling off the chair and flashing everybody during our meal. Their eating lamb testicles and intestines, I’m sure a glimpse of granny pants isn’t too disturbing. Miraculously, there is an outlet just by my seat. At least I’ll have enough batteries on my phone to call 911 when I fall and break my skull AGAIN.

  • 日日青羊肉爐全餐菜單 / Ririqing Whole-lamb Hotpot Restaurant Menu:

日日青羊肉爐全餐菜單 / Ririqing Whole-lamb Hotpot Restaurant Menu:

日日青羊肉爐全餐菜單 / Ririqing Whole-lamb Hotpot Restaurant Menu


English version / 英文版:

Soup bases on the menu include “Ginger,” “Chinese Medicine/herbs,” “Garlic,” “Raddish,” or “Sauerkraut.” The options for lamb meat slices for hotpot include “lamb’s shoulder,” “superior lean meat,” and “lamb belly with skin.” Although I’ve been craving for sauerkraut pot for quite a while, since my friend is local and a regular, I decide to go with his recommendation and order the “garlic” soup base.

  • 日日清泉羊肉爐 每天現宰,限量新鮮 / Ririqing Whole-Lamb Hotpot – Daily Butchered, Served Fresh:

日日青的羊似乎殺每天現宰的,因為點餐時老闆力推「梅花肉」,說:「今天的梅花肉是偏瘦的」,於是我們就點了一個「梅花肉」。喜歡挑戰的殘編最喜歡長別人物敢吃的食物了。西方人不敢吃的雞腳、雞睪丸在台灣是常見的小吃;我在歐洲吃生牛肉、在沖繩甚至吃過生豬肉,本來以為自己很屌,直到去吃三井日式料理鯛魚頭上菜時,才發現我是連大魚眼睛都不感吃的小雞雞(英文 「chicken(雞)」可用來形容ㄧ個人沒種)。

English version / 英文版:

The lamb served at Ririqing is butchered daily and served fresh, because when the owner keeps stressing “, “Today’s shoulder is lean,” so we go with it. Eating raw beef or fish is common, chicken testicles and feet are just typical street food in Taiwan. But I was the only one who had the guts to swallow that raw boar in Okinawa, and I thought I was ballsy. I only found out I am nothing but a ball-less chicken when Mitsui Cuisine M in Taipei served us a seabream’s head with its fish’s eye size of a human testicle, and I just couldn’t. Hey, I’m a tiny Asian, and I don’t swallow, okay?

  • 羊腦、羊的五臟六腑都吃得到 / From Sheep’s Brains to All its Organs, Everything is On the Menu:

  • 既然帶我來的友人是老饕,殘編這趟主要是我想目睹他吃羊眼睛,結果點


English version / 英文版:

Since I chickened out at Mitsui’s fisheye, my primary purpose for this trip is to witness somebody else eating a sheep’s eyeball. Turns out, even my friend who claims himself regular doesn’t have the balls for the balls either. This is a scam. Other parts of the lamb on the menu include “sheep’s bones,” “sheep tripe,” “sheep’s intestines,” “lamb’s brain,” “lamb’s tail,” “sheep/lamb’s feet,” and all the sheep/lamb’s organs you can name.

  • 日日青全羊肉鍋蔬菜類/ Ririqing Whole-Sheep’s Hotpot Veggies:

日日青全羊肉鍋蔬菜類/ Ririqing Whole-Sheep's Hotpot Veggies

日日青全羊肉鍋蔬菜類/ Ririqing Whole-Sheep’s Hotpot Veggies


English version / 英文版:

Vegetables are placed on massive plates in the refrigerator and self-served. Veggie items include mushrooms, cabbage, tofu skin, and more greens.

  • 日日青開瓶費 / Ririqing Corkage Fee:

日日青開瓶費 / Ririqing Corkage Fee

日日青開瓶費 / Ririqing Corkage Fee


English version / 英文版:

Although there is no “Baijiu” ( a local Chinese liquor in mainland China)available in Taiwan, if guests wish to dine the authentic local way with “Baijiu,” guests are welcome to BYOB with an additional $ 150NT charge. Ice cubes are an additional $ 30NT/bucket. Orders can be stir-fried with sesame oil too, which most takeout customers are lining up for.

Chili soy sauce and fermented tofu sauce are available at each table, guests can add them to their liking.

  • 日日青蒜頭羊肉鍋/ Ririqing Garlic Lamb Hotpot:


English version / 英文版:

Our garlic pot is filled with garlic from top to bottom, there is no fear of running out of garlic to go with the ingredients. I guess I can sleep tight because vampires won’t get me tonight.

We order the owner’s daily recommendation, “lamb’s shoulder” and“lamb’s liver,” since he knows best; and got ourselves 2 plates of veggies, “lamb tripe” and “lamb oil noodles.” Instead of using lamb fat, noodles are prepared with pork fat and shallots. Lamb tripe is carefully handled and cleaned when served. Guests can eat with a piece of mind.

  • 時尚高潮日日青羊肉爐全餐殘總結論 / Fashion Ecstasy’s Ririqing Whole Lamb Hotpot Restaurant Review in a Nutshell:



English version / 英文版:



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