Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Fourplay Cuisine Cocktail Bar Taipei Review – A Taste of Taiwanese Fruit Kingdom

Fourplay Cuisine 調酒吧、在地取材呈現台灣「水果王國」的驕傲,帶觀光客一起玩4P的最佳酒吧 / Fourplay Cuisine Cocktail Bar Taipei Review – A Taste of Taiwanese Fruit Kingdom

(Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)

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殘編雖然說話寫作用詞開放,但2P以上我倒是還沒試過,更別說4P了(噓)但在疫情還未爆發前的某晚去玩了一下4P。不、是去大安區東豐街以調酒聞名的Fourplay酒吧 玩了一場啦!順帶一提,英文正確是「4P」的講法是「foursome 」,與「Fourplay 」發音相同的「foreplay」倒是有「前戲」的意思,想學更多實用的英文加殘編賴Line)ID: Tinkeebellezza ( 沒有 @,“T”大寫,要傳訊息才看的到哦!)

English version/ 英文版:
In Taiwan, a threesome is called “3P” (3-Play/ 3-persons), so a foursome would be “4P” (Fourplay )( to learn more useful Chinese/English, add Tanya’s Line ID:
Tinkeebellezza (without@, capital “T,” please send a message first, so I don’t miss you!).
Add us on Line with this link:

Our culture is far more conservative than the west. But as white-washed or adventurous as I am, I guess I’m still a “pusshy “ at heart. Here’s a secret: I haven’t had a threesome(or more). A night before the COVID-19 outbreak, however, I had a round of “Fourplay” for the first time. Except I’m referring to the Fourplay Cuisine/bar located in Da-an District, Taipei. The bar opens at 18:00 for business. Living a post-stroke schedule, I had to say I almost gave up to wait until 6:00 pm, famished and thirsty, the wait felt like forever, but worth it.

國際調酒賽拿下獎盃、外台灣爭光 / International  Award-Winning Cocktails

Fourplay 18:00開始營業,作息早又沒耐性的殘編等的又餓又渴,已在崩潰邊緣(女生肚子餓發脾氣本是正常),雖然等待時間感覺過了一世紀、也一度想放棄,但當大門開啟踏進餐廳時,立馬感到值回票價。在沒訂位情況下的用餐時間只能到晚上10:00,想必這家知名調酒吧ㄧ定是每晚都高朋滿座吧!還好殘編陰錯陽差,我是作息早的陽間鬼魂,剛好跟夜晚來買醉的人類時間上互不干涉;從晚上6:00吃吃喝喝到10:00是絕對足夠的;也不怕撞見人類嚇到他們。

English version/ 英文版:
Fourplay Cuisine is an award-winning cocktail bar known for its crafted concoction. Word on the street is they won their place in 1 or more world mixologist competition. With such a reputation, I wasn’t surprised by the seating time limit until 10:00 pm when they opened at 18:00 without reservation. I assume they’re at full capacity late night, every night. If I had an early schedule like Cinderella, and was a dead corpse at the same time, that makes me a Cinderella ghost with an early schedule. So if spirits come out at night, I’d be one that wanders around during the afternoons. So human beings looking to get shyt-faced late night and I could go our separate ways. 18:00-22:00 is more than enough time to stuff myself and have a great time.
Halloween was just around the corner, so I didn’t want to run into human-beings and give anybody a heart attack. I still believe in after-life karma.

專業調酒「師」/ True Mixology

調酒是一門學問,美加調酒師已不叫「Bar-Tender」而已改稱為「Mixologist 」;英文的「-ologist」中譯其實就是XX「學家」的意思。沒聽過「調酒學家」嗎?殘編不怪你啦!在台灣不尊重專業的環境下生存,殘編每天跑醫院都親眼目睹復健師被當看護使喚;警察認真被當「人民的保母」罵;就連花大半人生讀醫學院的醫生也都不被尊重,還有什麼「學家」的定義?先治好殘編比宇宙還難解的罕見腦殘例子你才有機會超越愛迪生當「學者」吧!

English version/ 英文版:
Bartending is no longer just “bar-tending.” We’ve been calling it “mixology” for quite a while now. In Taiwan, people don’t respect the professionalism, and that’s sad.As a regular at the hospitals for post-stroke rehab and treatments, I witness healthcare professionals including physiotherapists and occupational therapists being bossed around like caregivers; policemen in Taiwan are referred to as “the people’s babysitters” and are treated as so accordingly.
Even doctors who spent years in medical school are not respected. Fixing my GD stubborn brain defects medical mystery is probably the best chance to gain some dignity on this island.

Fourplay 食物菜單&調酒 / Fourplay Cuisine Menu & Cocktails :


時尚高潮食記&影片 - Fourplay Cuisine 調酒吧、在地取材呈現台灣「水果王國」的驕傲,帶觀光客一起玩4P的最佳酒吧 - Fourplay Cuisine Cocktail Bar Taipei Review - A Taste of Taiwanese Fruit Kingdom

台北大安區Fourplay Cuisine 調酒吧食物菜單 / Fourplay Cuisine Cocktail Bar Taipei Food Menu

回歸正題,Fourplay 的調酒師果然是學者級的,菜單只有一張,卻是吃的下酒菜累,調酒的菜單倒是沒有,因為這裡的調酒跟殘編的英文課程一樣都是「客製化」的,前來買醉的客人只要跟調酒師告知自己所喜歡的口味跟酒類喜好,調酒師立刻就幫您盛上一杯客製化又合您口味的調酒,不只解渴,也解除一整天的疲勞轟炸。

English Version / 英文版:
Fourplay Cuisine‘s reputation was well-earned. Despite being a “cocktail bar,” They only have a single page food menu, because just like my English curriculums, all drinks are custom-made to your liking, so they not only quench your thirst but also destress customers after a long day.

Fourplay 調酒吧環境 /Fourplay Cuisine/Cocktail Bar Environment:

Fourplay一進門的裝潢跟殘編上海去的私人鋼琴酒吧很像,復古收藏品琳瑯滿目,超有「FU 」(「feel」的錯誤英語示範,正確英文不講「FU」哦!)。
殘編照常當「奧客」挑戰服務小哥特製ㄧ杯酸到能讓我擠眉弄眼、眼歪嘴斜的Pisco sour ,調酒師還真的遵命到連蛋白都沒加,讓我接下來可以放心的點(粉絲們應該都知道殘編對吃的喝的都很龜毛)。有了順口的好酒,食慾當然也就跟著大開了,菜單上的食物類咱居然全都點了ㄧ輪,甚至還有second round (第二輪)的。以下殘編為您一ㄧ介紹:

English version/ 英文版:

Fourplay has a vast collection of antique decor and collectibles from the 20s/30s, which reminds me of the private piano bar we visited when traveling to Shanghai. Upon entry, guests are transported back to the prohibition era, giving the bar an immediate speakeasy atmosphere and making the experience much more exciting!
Since “tailor-made drinks“ are their signature, I challenged the mixologist to make me a Pisco sour that’s sour enough to make my face pucker like I’d suffer another stroke. He was ballsy enough to not just cut the sugar, but even the egg-white, too. I gave him a big thumbs up. Now we knew we have a reliable mixologist, we went on and did my usual #ordereverything on the menu. Since the food menu is only a single page, some of the orders even made it to a second round.

Fourplay Cuisine 調酒吧食物 / The Food at Fourplay Cuisine

  • 薯條 / Fourplay Fries ($250):

Fourplay 的薯條是他們的招牌菜,厲害在於「冷掉」都不會「軟掉」,讓客人可以慢慢享用並享受彼此的時光,女孩兒更可以裝淑女ㄧ根ㄧ根的吃(我才不相信妳們麥當勞外送在家也是細嚼慢嚥吃薯條勒!)

English Version / 英文版:
Fourplay‘s Fries is one of Fourplay’s signature dishes. I don’t know what the magic was, but when their fries turned cold, the texture doesn’t become soggy”, so guests can take their time to enjoy each other’s company and girls can baby-sip your cocktails whilie faking classy when snacking on your fries, one at a time (come on, we all demolish a pack of McDonald’s fries takeout before it turns cold because nobody likes soggy turnoff fries!)

  • 義式香料溫野菜($220)/ Vegetables with Italian Spices ($220nt):
時尚高潮食記&影片 - Fourplay Cuisine Cocktail Bar Taipei Review

義式香料溫野菜($220)/ Vegetables with Italian Spices ($220nt)


English Version / 英文版:
This vegetable dish is served warm with a rainbow of nutrients: red and yellow bell pepper, zucchini, broccoli, king oyster mushroom, mushrooms, and onions prepared with Italian spice. Since vegetable intake takes out the guilt, we went for a second round.

  • 鹹蛋炸雞塊($280)/ Chicken Nuggets with Salted Eggs ($280NT):

這道似乎也是Fourplay 熱賣的下酒菜之一,鹹蛋本人就另人無法抗拒了,這個「雞雞」配「蛋蛋」的組合本就是生物學天造自然搭擋,味道也自然就很融合囉!Fourplay 是使用真材實料的雞肉裹粉炸過再與鹹蛋跟辣椒下去拌炒的,上菜時有一層「ㄅㄦ」亮的油,幫這道菜打一層亮眼的蠟,讓人看了胃口大開,吃起來味道超有層次感、也下酒。

English Version / 英文版:
This seems to be one of the most popular dishes at Fourplay. Salted eggs are not as bizarre as what many call “century eggs / preserved eggs, (if you still believe that from Fear Factor, think again: Taiwan is infamous for food scandals, do you really believe that we’d invest a hundred years to make an egg? It’s been said that the unique taste and odor of a preserved egg comes from the eggs being cured in horse urine. But here’s the truth, even “real” horse urine is over-budget for our businessmen. So if you like perfume, why not try the egg? They’re all chemicals anyway. We’ve been reassured that the chicken however, is made with real chicken meat. Our server stressed that their chicken wasn’t “McDonald’s chicken.” Chicken nuggets are breaded and deep-fried first, then stir-fried with salted eggs and chili. The dish is polished with a layer of shiny oil when served and is quite tasty.

  • 炸野菇拼盤佐松露美乃滋($320)/ Fried Mushroom with Truffle Mayonnaise ($320):
時尚高潮食記&影片 - 台北大安區 Fourplay Cuisine 調酒吧 - Fourplay Cuisine Taipei Da an District Review

炸野菇拼盤佐松露美乃滋($320)/ Fried Mushroom with Truffle Mayonnaise ($320)


English Version / 英文版:
Mixed wild mushrooms are fried to crispy, stacked high, and served with truffle mayonnaise and salt & pepper for those who crave for a stronger taste.

  • 麻辣牛肉麵 ($450)/ Italian Spicy Beef Noodle ($450):

雖然桌上還滿滿是菜,但意志力薄弱又身為hashtag #ordereverything ( #全部都點)創始者的殘編在看到隔壁桌上了這盤香氣四溢的「麻辣牛肉麵」就抓住好不容易要回廚房喘口氣的服務生說:「那是什麼我也來一盤!」
Fourplay 不只炸物大份,正餐份量也足夠,這道牛肉麵雖然是乾的,但是醬料放的超多,吃到底感覺還能來碗白飯攪著吃,牛肉也夠多塊的、肉質粉嫩,整道菜吃起來口味重但不過辣,也下酒。

  • English Version / 英文版:
    Although the table is still full, I have the weakest willpower when it comes to food and just happened to witness the busy server serving the adjacent table an irresistible looking bowl of noodles. He seemed like he was finally taking a breather on his way back to the kitchen. However, staying true to my #ordereverything spirit, I had to flag him down and ask “Wait! What’s that? We’ll have one, too!” (Sorry, not sorry!)
    If you’re familiar with the Chinese level spice, you know they use “buzzing spicy” to name their spicy dishes, because the level of spiciness gives your tongue a buzz, which sometimes shoots up to your brains (think “brain freeze”)
    The spicy sauce in this dish is a perfect balance of “herbs” and “spice.”
    All food at Fourplay comes in generous portions, including the appetizers / deep-fried finger food. The beef noodles are stir-fried dry but soaked in enough sauce to go with another full bowl of rice. beef is sliced into large pieces and cooked to a tender pink colour.


  • Ricotta 綜合沙拉($250)/ Ricotta Mixed Salad ($250NT):
時尚高潮食記&影片 - Fourplay Cuisine Cocktail Bar Taipei Review

Ricotta 綜合沙拉($250)/ Ricotta Mixed Salad ($250NT)

從菜名看,想必這道沙拉原本是搭配口味清甜的瑞可塔 / 里考塔(ricotta)白乳酪吧?沙拉基底是用紫高麗菜、美生菜根蕃茄上面放上整顆蛋再灑上黑胡椒粒、起士,再搭配油醋醬。

English Version / 英文版:
The name of the dish is pretty self-explanatory. A bed of red cabbage and mixed lettuce is topped with tomatoes, a whole egg, sprinkled with black pepper and cheese, and served with a vinaigrette dressing.
Usually, the dish is served with ricotta cheese; however, the kitchen only had goat cheese when we visited. Goat cheese is not popular in Taiwan due to its stronger taste (you read that right, we eat eggs marinated in horse urine, but we can’t take lamb. Our server carefully reassured if we were okay with the substitution. If you’ve read my food blogs, y’all know I like my meat stinky and my seafood fishy. So I nodded like a bobblehead when he asked. I think I might have had freaked him out.

Fourplay 調酒 /:Fourpplay Cuisine’s Cocktails:


台灣水果王國Fourplay 調酒師最擅長利用咱們當季的水果、花草香料與茶種為主,創造出最自然又新鮮的調酒。
(飲酒過量,有害身體健康 / Please drink responsibly)

English Version / 英文版:
Taiwan is known as the”Fruit Kingdom.” Fourplay mixologists creatively used local seasonal fresh fruits, flowers, herbs, and teas into fresh and natural tasting concoctions.
Our first customized drink was made with the season ’s fresh guava, Absinthe and Vodka served in a martini glass garnished with a slice of fresh guava and rimmed with plum powder, dipping guava and tomatoes into plum powder is a traditional Taiwanese way of eating fruits. Hence the plum powder adds a beautiful local touch to the creation.

殘編FOURPLAY條酒吧總評價 / Fashion Ecstasy FourPlay Cuisine & Cocktail Bar Review in A Nutshell:


English Version / 英文版:
Incorporating local Taiwanese ingredients into their cocktails, Fourplay is the ideal place for travelers and foreigners to get a taste of what “The Fruit Kingdom” is all about./台北大安區


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