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(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya)
TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) has designated Martinican filmmaker Euzhan Palcy as the newest “Share Her Journey” Ambassador”. She will be the guest of honour at “Conversation with Euzhan Palcy” on March 17 at 7 pm EST and will be talking about the transformative power of cinema and the importance of political filmmaking.
中文版 / Chinese version:
TIFF多倫多國際電影節指定馬提尼克電影製片人尤桑·巴爾琪 (Euzhan Palcy)為最新的「Share Her Journey」計劃大使”。 Palcy將在3月17日7:00PM EST (北美東部時區)今年TIFF所舉辦的「Conversation with Euzhan Palcy」節目中擔任嘉賓,並談論電影的變革力量和政治電影製作的重要性。
Sugar Cane Alley by Euzhan Palcy
French director Francois Truffaut to create her directorial debut in 1983’s, “Sugar Cane Alley” which received international acclaim. The film won 17 international awards including Venice Film Festival’s Silver Lion and the Coppa Volpi for Best Lead Actress Award. She also became the first Black director to win France‘s prestigious César Award (for best first feature film).
中文版 / Chinese version:
Euzhan Palcy早期為了學習藝術和電影,從馬提尼克島移居巴黎。 受到法國著名導演法蘭索瓦·杜魯福(Francois Truffaut)的鼓勵,她在1983年的《黑人小茅屋街》(Sugar Cane Alley)中首次執導,並獲得了國際讚譽。 這部電影獲得了17個國際獎項,包括威尼斯電影節的銀獅獎和沃爾庇杯最佳女演員獎。 她還成為首位獲得法國享有盛譽的「塞薩爾獎」(César Award)「最佳首部長片」的黑人導演。
She was picked by the legendary Robert Redford to attend the 1984 Sundance Director’s Lab.
A Dry White Season (By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=45438214)
Her next film, 1989’s “A Dry White Season“, starred Marlon Brando (who came out of semi-retirement and agreed to work for free), Donald Sutherland and Susan Sarandon. She became the first Black Female Director to have a film produced by a major Hollywood Studio (MGM). She was the only women director to have directed Marlon Bando and it led to Brando receiving his 8th and final Oscar nomination for his performance in the film.
中文版 / Chinese version:
傳奇演員勞勃·瑞福(Robert Redford)也挑選她參加1984年聖丹斯電影節的「導演實驗室」。 她接下來的電影是1989年的《血染的季節》(A Dry White Season),由馬龍·白蘭度(Marlon Brando)、蘇珊·莎朗(Susan Sarandon)、當奴·修打蘭(Donald Sutherland)主演。當時半退休的馬龍·白蘭度(Marlon Brando)為了拍這部戲還同意復出免費工作。Palcy成為第一位擁有好萊塢大電影製片廠(MGM)製作電影的黑人女性導演。 她是唯一導演過巨星馬龍·白蘭度(Marlon Brando)(Marlon Bando)的女性導演,白蘭度(Brando)因在影片中傑出的表演而獲得他的第八次和最後一次奧斯卡提名。
中文版 / Chinese version:
Palcy後來的作品包括“「勇敢小鬥士」(Ruby Bridges)和「黑獄正義」(The Killing Yards)。
black female filmmakers to have their voices heard.
中文版 / Chinese version:
Cinematheque Presents throughout March) can be watched at digital.tiff.net.
中文版 / Chinese version:
作為今年多倫多國際電影節TIFF Cinematheque Presents計畫的一部分,觀眾在三月期間皆可以在digital.tiff.net上觀看與Euzhan Palcy的談話節目,其中包含討論製作《黑人小茅屋街》(Sugar Cane Alley)電影時的製片內容和幕後花絮。
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