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Andy Kim Christmas Show Returns to Massey Hall Toronto 2021

Andy Kim Christmas Show Returns to Massey Hall Toronto 2021 / 安迪基姆(Andy Kim、又稱:「


(中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version)
(中譯:殘邊 / Chinese translation: Tanya Hsu)

(photo credit: Tom Pandi)

On December 8th, 2021, Canadian singer Andy Kim returned to the stage at Toronto‘s Massey Hall to entertain the masses with his 17th annual Andy Kim Christmas Show. This was a fundraiser in the form of a classic holiday variety show featuring musical performances by some of Canada‘s top musicians, singer-songwriters, and musical acts. The proceeds from the sold-out show went directly to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health(CAMH) ‘s CAMH Foundation‘s GIFTS OF LIGHT program. This 100% donation-funded program provides unique, practical, and meaningful experiences to CAMH patients.

中文版 / Chinese version:
安迪基姆聖誕秀重返多倫多馬西音樂廳(Massey Hall)
2021 年 12 月 8 日,加拿大歌手安迪基姆Andy Kim,又稱:「安迪金」)重返舞台,以他的第 17 屆年度安迪基姆聖誕秀Andy Kim Christmas Show)來娛樂大眾。 安迪·基姆聖誕秀(Andy Kim Christmas Show)是一場以經典假日綜藝節目的形式進行的公益籌款活動,其中的演出者包括加拿大大牌頂級音樂家、創作歌手音樂表演者的演唱會音樂表演。 這場超搶手售罄演出收益直接做公益捐給 加拿大癖瘾精神健康中心CAMH (the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health基金會GIFTS OF LIGHT 計劃,該計劃將所有收益 100% 捐款資助,為 CAMH 病患提供獨特、實用且有意義的體驗

  • star-studded Lineup, You Get Much More than You Pay For / 星光熠熠的演出陣容,一次看遍所又傳奇明星

The lineup for this year’s concert was truly star-studded. This year’s performers were Canadian singers and bands Billy Talent, The Sheepdogs, Ron Sexsmith, Alex Lifeson, Jully Black, Tyler Shaw, Sloan, William Prince, Mary Margaret O’Hara, Jake Clemons, Pursuit of Happiness,  and the winner of CTV‘s reality showCanadian IdolTheo Tams, Beverley Mahood, Georgia Harmer, and, of course, Andy Kim.
Due to the pandemic, last year’s show was televised on Citytv. This year’s concert marked the show‘s return to the live, in-person format. It also marked Kim‘s return to Massey Hall since the historic music venue underwent massive renovations in June 2018.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年的安迪基姆聖誕秀演出陣容真的是星光熠熠今年演出巨星包括多倫多龐克搖滾樂團Billy Talent加拿大搖滾樂隊The Sheepdogs加拿大歌手和詞曲創作者Ron Sexsmith加拿大音樂家艾力克斯萊夫森Alex Lifeson)、加拿大歌手、詞曲作者製作人演員Jully Black加拿大歌手泰勒蕭爾Tyler Shaw)、加拿大流行樂團SloanWilliam Prince加拿大歌手作曲家Mary Margaret O’Hara美國音樂家歌星Jake ClemonsPursuit of Happiness加拿大歌星大牌真人選秀節目加拿大偶像」(Canadian Idol)奪冠冠軍Theo Tams加拿大鄉村音樂創作歌手電視節目主持人Beverley MahoodGeorgia Harmer,最後當然還有安迪·基姆Andy Kim)本尊。
由於疫情,去年的節目Citytv電視台進行了電視轉播。 自 2018年6月歷史悠久的馬西音樂廳Massey Hall)進行大規模整修,今年音樂會正式宣佈該節目回歸現場演出形式,也同時慶祝 Kim 終於可以重返馬西音樂廳光榮演出

  • Below are four highlights from this year’s Andy Kim Christmas Show 2021/ 今年的安迪·基姆聖誕秀(Andy Kim Christmas Show)節目包括以下四個精彩亮點:

  • Touching Tributes / 感人的悼念:

The show opened with a short movie tribute to the late Allan Slaight, Canadian music and radio pioneer, media mogul, and philanthropist. Kim mentioned that if no one had ever heard of him, it was because he preferred it that way. It’s worth noting that the show was held inside the Allan Slaight auditorium, on the Allan Slaight stage, both of which were named in his honour. After the video tribute, his son Gary Slaight and his wife Donna Slaight approached the stage and spoke briefly. Gary thanked Andy for the beautiful video tribute to his father. Donna Slaight created CAMH‘s GIFTS OF LIGHT program and stated that she and Gary will be donating $50,000 towards the program. They ended their time on stage by thanking Live Nation, Massey Hall, the performers, and everyone involved in the production of this show.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年回歸節目以一部向已故加拿大媒體巨頭艾倫斯萊格特Allan Slaight致敬的短片開場。艾倫斯萊格特加拿大音樂媒體先驅媒體大亨慈善家安迪基姆Andy Kim)提及,如果沒有人聽說過艾倫斯萊格特這位傳奇人物,那不過是因為斯萊格特更喜歡低調。 值得注意的是,該節目艾倫斯萊格特禮堂內的艾倫斯萊格特舞台舉辦,兩者都為了向他致敬而取名。 在播完影片致敬後,斯萊格特的兒子GARY和他的妻子唐娜·斯萊格特上台致詞。 兒子GARY安迪為他父親製作的精美影片致謝。 妻子Donna Slaight正是創建 CAMHGIFTS OF LIGHT計劃的幕後總裁,她表示她和兒子Gary捐款 $50,000 美元給該計劃。 他們最後藉由感謝 Live Nation梅西音樂廳、所有表演者以及參與該節目製作的所有人來結束他們在舞台上的致詞


Before intermission, the mayor of Toronto, John Tory, surprised Kim by proclaiming December 8th Andy Kim Day and presenting him with a key to the city. All of this took the 75-year-old, Montreal-born singer by surprise. As soon as the key was placed in Kim‘s hands, everyone could see that he was profoundly and genuinely moved. At the start of the second half of the concert, Kim mentioned that he changed outfits because his first one was soaked with tears.

(photo credit: Tom Pandi)

中文版 / Chinese version:
中場休息前,多倫多市長莊德利 (John Tory) 宣布將12月8日正式命名為安迪基姆日 (Andy Kim Day) 並贈送給Andy一把「城市的鑰匙」,這讓基姆驚喜若狂。 節目開始到現在的一切都讓這位 75 歲、出生於加拿大蒙特婁歌星大吃一驚。 鑰匙一到基姆手裡,所有人都看得出來,他深深、由衷地被感動演唱會下半場一開始,安迪·基姆以嶄新的造型出場,解釋自己更衣是因為第一套服裝已被喜極而泣的感動淚水沾濕了。

Later in the second half of the concert, as Kim introduced the crowd to the house band, a picture of a beautiful woman appeared on the screen behind them. This woman was the late Amoy Levy, a singer who performed with many renowned artists, including Andy Kim. She passed away recently, so Kim made this tribute to her. Levy‘s sister, Ciceal, is currently one of Kim‘s backup singers and was on stage that night to provide rich and beautiful backing vocals for the majority of the musical acts.

中文版 / Chinese version:
音樂會的後半場,當安迪基姆將台上演出人員介紹給觀眾時,台上所有人身後的螢幕上出現了一張音樂界女神的照片,照片中的女士正是已故Amoy LevyAmoy Levy是一位與許多大牌知名藝人合作過的傳奇歌手。與她合作過的明星包括安迪·基姆Andy Kim)本人。 Amoy Levy很遺憾地在最近2020年的12月去世,所以Andy特別藉著演出向她致敬哀悼Levy 的姐妹 Ciceal目前是 Andy Kim 的候補歌手之一,因此當晚在舞台上為大多數音樂演出提供許多優美的和聲

  • Powerhouse Performances / 超強演出陣容:

As previously mentioned, this year’s lineup comprised of established and up-and-coming acts — including Tyler Shaw, The Sheepdogs, Georgia Harmer, William Prince, and Beverley Mahood. They all performed concise sets, between one and two songs. Canadian Idol Season Six winner, Theo Tams, performed a rendition of O Holy Night that sent chills up and down the spines of many in the auditorium. Prior to welcoming Tams to the stage, Kim said that he could only describe his voice as ‘Wow.’ After his robust set, ‘Wow‘ seemed like a massive understatement.

中文版 / Chinese version:
誠如上述,今年安迪基姆聖誕秀演出陣容大牌,包括加拿大既定的和嶄露頭角明星們的演出,包括Tyler Shaw,The SheepdogsGeorgia HarmerWilliam Prince、 和Beverley Mahood。 他們都做了簡潔有力的演出,每人的演出介於一首至兩首歌之間。 「加拿大偶像」(Canadian Idol實境秀第 6 季的冠軍Theo Tams演繹了《聖善夜》(英語:「O Holy Night」一曲,他的超強演出扣人心弦、震撼現場所有觀眾Andy 在歡迎Tams上台時就已經先跟觀眾們預告說Theo Tams歌聲只能用「哇!」一字來形容。 在目睹Theo充滿威力的演出之後,時尚高潮團隊一致認同僅用單單「哇!」一字來形容Theo Tams歌聲只不過是輕描淡寫而已。

Another standout performance was Jully Black‘s set. Dubbed Canada‘s “Queen of R&B Soul,” Jully Black brought so much heart into her cover of Silent Night. Then she brought the house down with her hit single, Glass Ceiling, from her 2009 album, The Black Book. Manitoba-based country and folk singer, William Prince, sang a gorgeous cover of The JuddsBeautiful Star of Bethlehem, which he called his go-to Christmas song.
Then the show took a turn when the audience watched an acapella and erratic performance from singer, composer, and actress Mary Margaret O’Hara. Festively dressed in a green blazer and red accessories, she was not hard to miss on the crowded stage. During her number, she vacillated between telling production to turn all of the stage lights off so she could perform in the dark, briefly pausing to give her condolences to Ciceal regarding the loss of her sister, and leading the house band on a version of Elvis Presley‘s Blue Christmas that included moments where she sang high-pitch. After learning that Mary Margaret O’Hara rarely performs live these days, it indeed was a delight to be treated to a performance from this nationally treasured, whimsical chanteuse that night.

中文版 / Chinese version:
另一個出色的表演加拿大歌手Jully Black演出。被稱為加拿大 R&B 靈魂女王的 Jully Black 演唱聖誕經典歌曲Silent Night」時投入的精神就能感覺到她對演出的用心。接著,她用她 2009 年的專輯《The Black Book》中的熱門單曲Glass Ceiling演出,令觀眾為之傾倒。
馬尼托巴省(Manitoba,簡稱:「曼省」或「緬省」)的鄉村民謠歌手William Prince 表演賈德母女合唱組 (The Judds) 的《Beautiful Star of Bethlehem》 華麗翻唱,他聲稱這首歌曲是自己的必點聖誕歌曲
觀眾看到加拿大歌手作曲家女演員Mary Margaret O’Hara現身做出出乎預料的無伴奏合唱表演時,全場氣氛頓時轉變。身著應景的綠色西裝外套和紅色配飾的閃亮造型Mary Margaret O’Hara表演奇特的無樂器伴奏的純人聲音樂,在擁擠的舞台上還是難以忽視。她在舞台上身兼多職,一邊告訴製作工作人員關掉所有舞檯燈光以便她可以在黑暗中短暫表演以對失去的姐妹表示哀悼,並帶領現場樂隊表演貓王艾維斯普里斯萊,英文:「Elvis Presley」)的《Blue Christmas》(藍色聖誕節),O’Hara的亢音高唱的那段餘音繞樑。在得知O’Hara近來已半隱退、很少出來現場表演後,時尚高潮當晚竟有榮幸能夠欣賞到這位國寶級、異想天開的女歌手演出真可謂早來的聖誕節禮物

  • Stairway to Heaven / 通往天堂的階梯:

Near the end of the show, Billy Talent, The Sheepdogs, and Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson performed a wicked medley of Led Zeppelin‘s greatest hits. Crown Lands singer, Cody Bowles, stepped onto the stage in a skin-tight, glittering black, bell-bottom jumpsuit, and his long, curly brown hair fell all the way past his shoulders. From head to the tip of his black pointed-toe boots, his entire outfit just oozed 70s rock star sex appeal. The set began with the Tolkien-inspired Battle of Evermore. Then the song transitioned into the epic guitar solo from Stairway to Heaven. While watching Lifeson nail that guitar solo, it’s no wonder that Rolling Stone named him one of the Greatest Guitarists of all time.

中文版 / Chinese version:
節目接近尾聲時,Billy TalentThe Sheepdogs加拿大樂團Rush吉他手Alex Lifeson演奏了搖滾樂團Led Zeppelin熱門歌曲組加拿大樂團Crown Lands主唱Cody Bowles 身著緊身、閃閃發光的黑色喇叭連身褲走上舞台,棕色的長捲髮一直垂到肩膀。 從頭上的造型到腳上穿的黑色尖頭靴,他整身的造型都散發著七零年代搖滾明星的性感魅力。 這場表演由靈感來自托爾金(Tolkien)的 「Battle of Evermore開場,然後轉換到「Stairway to Heaven的經典吉他獨奏。 在觀看Lifeson完成吉他獨奏時,傳奇滾石樂隊The Rolling Stones)之所以將他評為有史以來最偉大的吉他手之一的原因也瞬間揭曉。

  • End of the Show of Andy Kim Christmas Show 2021/ 2021安迪基姆聖誕秀節目尾聲:

The concert ended with a round of crowd-pleasing renditions of Sugar, Sugar and Rock Me Gently. Kim was joined by many of the performers, including the co-founder of Choir! Choir! Choir! Nobu Adilman. It was fun and heart-warming to watch everyone join in and sing along to these catchy, feel-good hits. The confetti that rained onto the audience was the perfect ending to this festive and celebratory variety show.


中文版 / Chinese version:
音樂會以一輪令人熟悉愉悅的「Sugar、Sugar」 和「Rock Me Gently 歌曲表演結束。 許多表演者都加入了安迪·基姆Andy Kim),包括「Choir! Choir! Choir!合唱團的聯合創始人Nobu Adilman。 看到每個人都跟隨著這些熱門歌曲朗朗上口的唱起來、整場氣氛感覺良好,既有趣又暖心。 灑在觀眾身上的五彩紙屑為這場喜氣洋洋的綜藝節目畫上了完美的句點。


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