必勝客應景聖誕節所推出的「聖誕花圈烤雞比薩」開箱試吃評價 / Pizza Hut Taiwan’s Limited Edition Christmas Wreath BBQ Roast Chicken Pizza Openbox Review

(scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)


  •  先看時尚高潮YT開箱吃播影片/ Watch Our Youtube Open Box & Mukbang Video First:


English version / 英文版:
In Taiwan, all products and produce found at night markets, flea markets, bazaars, traditional markets, and even temporary store rental spaces marked as “limited edition” or “discounts” are primarily deceptive. After missing out on Pizza Hut Taiwan‘s “Cilantro Preserved Egg Pork Blood Cake Pizza,” which I’ve mentioned more than once, we know for sure that Pizza Hut Taiwan‘s “limited editionproducts” are all super limited for real.


English version / 英文版:
Christmas is just around the corner, and Pizza Hut Taiwan launched a seasonalChristmas Wreath Roast Chicken Pizza.” This seasonal pizza is made into a Christmas wreath shape, which is super eye-catching. I’m a visual person, a photographer, and a 100% believer in “phone eats first.” My iPhone is my only friend who keeps me company, my personal assistant who takes care of all my shyt, and my security guard who keeps all my scandalous pictures and videos safe. So feeding it first is the least I can do. The Christmas wreath shape of this pizza also brings back my happy childhood memories of growing up in the Western culture. Every year during Christmas, our teacher would guide us step-by-step to create our own handmade Christmas wreaths at school. As a loyal customer of Pizza Hut and to bring back my childhood memories when my life was still happy, I placed an order without hesitation. Christmas and Thanksgiving here aren’t as big of a deal as in the West, hence locals rarely celebrate them.Petty days like Valentine’s Day” or “Single’s Day,” which the locals made up a few years back, trumps Christmas. Little did I know, despite we foreigners only having two major holidays to celebrate, locals here still rob us of those chances. The “Christmas Wreath Roast Chicken Pizza” is as hard to order as the “Cilantro Preserved Egg and Pig’s Blood Cake Pizza” last time. By the time I tried to place my order, The Pizza Hut branch in charge of our address had sold out their “Christmas Wreath Roast Chicken Pizza” already. However, in my way of survival bible, making the same mistake twice is not allowed. Therefore, I went many extra miles and overcame all obstacles to win myself the opportunity to do an open box review for the “Christmas Wreath Roast Chicken Pizza,” which was already sold out in most of Pizza Hut Taiwan‘s locations.


English version / 英文版:
Like the heart-shaped rainbow pizza supporting gender equality last time, this wreath pizza is also made in a shape that leaves the staff clueless on how to cut it equally. With a sigh, I shake my head when I unboxed our pizza because, despite the irregular shape, there are so many ways popping up in my head to cut this pizza equally. It only takes a little bit of thought and creativity. If Pizza Hut needs a creative director, you’re more than welcome to contact me at any time.

殘家是一到進食時間就變成不顧形象的陰屍路嗜血殭屍,這次當比薩送達時,即便只耽誤不到三十分,咱兩殘已不顧形象塞飽到快吐。然後將比薩連盒直送凍庫,隔天再吃。隔天拿出時,比薩已像石頭一 般堅硬,但誠如上述,一到吃飯時間殘家的人類就變身嗜血殭屍,所以沒耐心等退冰就殺紅眼用手硬扳斷整塊大披薩、送進烤箱。
隔夜拿出比薩盒時,內容物已經很比石頭硬了,但如上所述,到了吃飯的時候,咱倆殘就會變成嗜血的殭屍,因此沒有耐心等待它解凍。飢餓殘媽一直依邊抱怨比薩硬到無法用刀子切開、依邊瞄我。 殘編只有一隻手,所以這項任務超出我的能力。 我看殘媽一眼,點了個頭,與我心靈相繫的她便知我想說:「下手吧!」 於是殘媽即便雙手顫抖,愛吃的她為了吃還是拿出驚人的潛力,蠻力將大比薩硬掰成好幾片。

English version / 英文版:
The elderly and disabled in this household mutate into bloodthirsty zombies when the clock hits “feeding time.” Hence, even when the delivery was only 30 minutes late, we already stuffed our faces with everything we found in the fridge. So the pizza box was sent directly to the freezer for the next day. By the time we took out the pizza box overnight, the content was rock hard. However, as mentioned above, we turn into bloodthirsty zombies when it is time to eat. We didn’t have the patience to wait for it to defrost. The disabled only have one working hand, so the task was beyond my abilities. I gave my mom the “Do it!” look, which I knew she’d been dying for by the many times she’d peeked at me whenever she complained about how there was no way we could cut the rock-hard pizza with our useless knife. So despite with trembling hands, she still pulled out her old guns and tore the large pizza into pieces by force.

  • 必勝客台灣這次的限量版「聖誕花圈烤雞比薩」餡料 / Pizza Hut Taiwan’s Limited Edition Christmas Wreath BBQ Chicken Pizza Toppings:


English version / 英文版:
Like all the limited-edition pizza from Pizza Hut featuring heavyweight toppings, The limited-editionChristmas Wreath Roasted Chicken Pizza” also only had cheese-stuffed crust as the only crust option. This time, it is a perfect match with everything else on this pizza.
Pizza Hut Taiwan’s limited editionChristmas Wreath Roast Chicken Pizza” is rich in toppings, including a generous amount of roast chicken legs, double-colour festive vegetables, spinach, onions, diced red pepper, and full on mozzarella cheese balls in whole, cheese stuffed in the cornicione, Parmesan cheese, and a specialMoroccan-style sauce.” The chef‘s unique “Moroccan-style sauce” is prepared with over ten kinds of exotic spices, including turmeric powder, chilli powder, ground cumin, cumin powder, ground coriander seeds, white pepper, star anise powder, cardamom powder, parsley powder and cinnamon powder.



English version / 英文版:
To achieve the shape and colour of the Christmas wreath, Pizza Hut has to double layer its classic cheese stuffed cornicione crust to hold it in place, which makes it a steal for customers. To add in festive colours, Pizza Hut Taiwan dexterously uses green spinach with red vegetables and chicken legs roasted to a tender and juicy pink colour to make the whole pizza look festive and instagrammable. “Ding!” The sound we’d been waiting for from the oven rings, the colours are more apparent after reheated. I shouted “FREEZE” before any hands could dig in. After making sure my phone was well fed, I okayed the rest to proceed. Roast chicken has always been one of Pizza Hut Taiwan‘s classics. The quality has never changed in decades. As always, the tremendously generous amount made us happy customers.

  • 必勝客台灣限量版「聖誕花圈烤雞比薩」口味評價 / The Verdict – Pizza Hut Taiwan’s Limited Edition Christmas Wreath BBQ Chicken Pizza Review:


必勝客應景聖誕節所推出的「聖誕花圈烤雞比薩」開箱試吃評價 / Pizza Hut Taiwan’s Limited Edition Christmas Wreath BBQ Chicken Pizza Openbox Review
必勝客應景聖誕節所推出的「聖誕花圈烤雞比薩」開箱試吃評價 / Pizza Hut Taiwan’s Limited Edition Christmas Wreath BBQ Chicken Pizza Openbox Review

English version / 英文版:
As mentioned before, roast chicken has been a classic, must-order product of Pizza Hut in Taiwan for decades. Therefore, every time we order, we add a side of roast chicken. After experiencing Pizza Hut Taiwan‘s generosity with its toppings from our last “Halloween Special Garlic Black Curry Tonkatsu Pizza Open Box Review,” This time, I knew if the toppings already include roast chicken legs, adding an additional order of chicken would be excessive, so I made an exception and illuminated the extra order.
When my mom took her first bite and complained that it was salty, I didn’t believe her. I’ve been having Pizza Hut since I was little. Its roast chicken is a classic with a little bit of sweetness, which never changes in quality or flavour. When my Michelin food inspector-level professional taste buds put to the test, I figured what went wrong immediately: “It’s bacon!” I yelled. Bingo, after carefully inspecting with our clean hands, we found a piece of bacon under every piece of roast chicken.

這次的口味精華來自於莫札瑞拉起司菠菜經典搭配殘編覺得吃起來讓我想起西方國家餐廳都有的「菠菜醬」(SPINACH DIP)。「菠菜醬」是西方世界經典沾醬之一,也是殘編在美式餐廳中從十幾種一系列的沾醬中,較常點的沾醬之一。「菠菜醬」一般由奶油起司、酸奶油、煮熟的菠菜、大蒜、帕瑪森起司莫札瑞拉起司和其它調味料製成。

English version / 英文版:
The best part of this pizza is the pairing of mozzarella cheese with spinach. The combination reminds me of the “spinach dip” available in North American restaurants. “Spinach dip” is one of the classic dipping sauces in the Western world, and it is also one of my favourite among a series of other dozens of dipping sauces in North American restaurants. Usually, spinach dip includes mayonnaise, cream cheese, sour cream and cheese as its ingredients.
A good quality “spinach dip” tastes fresh with notes of spinach’s sweetness. I think Pizza Hut‘s “Christmas Wreath Roast Chicken Pizza” just may be inspired by the classic spinach dip.


English version / 英文版:
The heavy taste and extra saltiness are all bacon‘s fault. Thanks to the soft and plain mozzarella cheese in conjunction with the sweetness of fresh spinach, which mellows out the salty and greasy taste of the bacon. The combination works like the charm of mashed potatoes, making this pizza a winner.

  • 必勝客應景聖誕節所出的「聖誕花圈烤雞比薩」開箱試吃評價總評價 / Pizza Hut Taiwan’s “Christmas Wreath Roast Chicken Pizza” Openbox Review in a Nutshell:


English version / 英文版:
Pizza Hut strategically makes its super-limited editionChristmas Wreath Roast Chicken Pizza” into a festive Christmas wreath shape with Christmas colours for the season. For only $479 NT, consumers get double the amount of cheese-stuffed cornicione and can eliminate the cost of ordering extra roast chicken. Pizza Hut‘s “Christmas Wreath Roast Chicken Pizza” is delicious, festive, instagrammable and a bargain!


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