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TikTok Viral Ad – Blueman Baking Soda Teeth Whitening Toothpaste Open Box Review / 抖音 TT 爆紅廣吿 – 尊藍小蘇打美白牙膏開箱實測試用評價

TikTok Viral Ad – Blueman Baking Soda Teeth Whitening Toothpaste Open Box Review / 抖音 TT 爆紅廣吿 – 尊藍小蘇打美白牙膏開箱實測試用評價

(Scroll dow for the English version / 英文版向下看)

  • 先看時尚高潮YT抖音尊藍小蘇打美白牙膏開箱實測試用評價影片 / Watch Our TikTok Viral Ad – Blueman Baking Soda Teeth Whitening Toothpaste Openbox Review Youtube Video First:

牙齒應該是一個人臉上五官重要的一個。 撇開虛榮的原因不說,一個人的牙齒可以從內到外影響一個人的生、心理健康
English version / 英文版:
Teeth are probably the most important feature on one’s face. Aside from vanity reasons, a person’s teeth can affect a person’s health from the inside out.

西方長大的孩子對於口腔衛生保健是很重視的。小孩子只要牙齒整齊就會被自動送到牙醫師那裡戴牙套。 在北美,戴牙套是一種時尚、一種風格殘編小時候愛吸手指,這一路走來,也是從3個不同的牙醫師那戴了三次牙套。 我是從錯誤中學到原來我們的牙齒是永遠都會移位的。 矯正過3次牙齒,感謝我的慈母,我可以明正言順的說:「我的笑容值錢」。花了媽媽這麼多辛苦錢,我漂亮牙齒是我媽給我的禮物,於是我的責任就是盡我所能保持它。 因此我刷牙仔細。我每天刷兩次牙,每次刷牙大約要7-9 分鐘,因為每個縫、暪個溝都要刷到。

English version / 英文版:
Growing up in the west, dental hygiene maintenance is naturally incorporated into our daily routine. Kids born with crooked teeth are automatically sent to the orthodontists for braces. In North America, wearing braces is a style. I’ve had three braces from 3 different orthodontists/dentists. I learned that our teeth are forever shifting the hard way. It’s fair to say my smile is worth a fortune, thanks to my mom. With these hard-earned teeth, it’s my job to maintain them the best I can. I spend about 7-9 minutes twice a day brushing my teeth.


English version / 英文版:
It wasn’t until a teeth whitening business entrepreneur approached me for collaboration opportunities that I realized my perfect teeth have started to stain over time. I drink coffee and tea daily, so yellowing is unavoidable.

這些年來,我嘗試過很多牙齒美白產品,包括牙齒美白牙膏、高露潔牙齒美白貼等。 大多數牙齒美白產品要嘛就是會導致牙齒敏感,要嘛就是效果持久

English version / 英文版:
Over the years, I’ve tried many teeth whitening products, including teeth whitening toothpaste, Colgate‘s Teeth Whitening Strips, and more. Most of the teeth whitening products either cause sensitivity or don’t last.

我猜讀者們很多都也因為這次疫情在家開始使用 抖音TikTok來度過難熬的漫長防疫時間。 多虧了這次新型冠狀病毒,我終於把這新新年輕人的社交APP搞懂了。 我現在沒有 TikTok無法起床,如果不滑 TikTok,就不知道世界發生什麼新聞; 如果不滑 TikTok,就不知道最新流行什麼迷因。我現在連拉屎都要一邊滑抖音、一邊咯咯地笑才拉得出來。TikTok 已成為我在家閉關防疫生活的一部分和減壓的重點。 如果你看過我的“TikTok抖音上 「TikTok正在摧毀我」 系列的影片,你就知道 TikTok抖音上的廣告有多洗腦。 最近,我的推薦一直被一樣的尊藍Blueman牙齒美白牙膏洗版,煩到讓我不得不購買實測試用看。

English version / 英文版:
I’m sure many of you have started using TikTok to pass them long hours caging at home from the pandemic. Thanks to COVID, I’ve also jumped on the wagon. I spend hours scrolling o an App that is obviously too young for me. I can’t get out of bed without TikTok; I can’t learn about current events without scrolling through TikTok; I can’t follow the latest trend and memes without exploring TikTok, I can’t eve sh*t without giggling as I scroll through TikTok. TikTok has become a crucial part of my #StayHome life and my port to destress. If you’ve seen my “TikTok is ruining my lifeTikTok series, you know how brainwashing TikTok Ads are. Recently, my fyp has been flooded with the same teeth whitening toothpaste from Blueman, so much so that I had to make a purchase to test it out.

開箱時其實有點小失望。殘編記得下單的時候,上面寫著「$999,買一送二」,所以價格還可以接受。 殊不知,實際寄來時包裹中只有一瓶 Blueman 尊藍小蘇打美白牙膏。 「送二」則是兩隻沒用的牙刷,WTF? 歡迎來到詐騙之地,台灣。 目前殘編尊藍美白牙膏已經用了兩個星期,約半瓶。 牙齒完是會變,但美白效果似乎只是暫時的,倒是我的牙齒感覺比以前更敏感了。 還好殘編有一個好朋友在高雄牙醫,證明了我的擔心是正確的。 根據他的專業建議,小蘇打僅用於美白目的,沒有保護牙齒效果。 除此之外,它也可能破壞我們牙齒外層,使它們容易腐爛。 因此,即便在我用完抖音廣告商品尊藍小蘇打美白牙膏刷牙後,我仍然需要用另一條含氟牙膏一次才能安全保護牙齒

English version / 英文版:
The open box was a bit disappointing. I remember when placing the order, it read “Buy 1 get 2 free” for $999T, so the price was acceptable. However, the actual parcel only came with one bottle of Blueman toothpaste. The “get 2 free” were, in fact, two bullsh*t toothbrushes. Ha, Welcome to scam land. How am I not surprised? I’m currently two weeks and half a bottle through my Blueman whitening toothpaste. I’m not 100% sure, but I think the whitening effect is only temporary, and my teeth feel a bit more sensitive than before. Luckily, I have a friend who is currently practicing dentistry in Kaohsiung. It turns out my concern was correct. According to his professional advice, baking soda is only for whitening purposes. However, it can also destroy the outer layer of our teeth, making them vulnerable to decay. Hence, even if I brush my teeth with Blueman‘s Oh-so-expensive whitening toothpaste from TikTok, I still need to brush my teeth again with another flourish toothpaste for protection.


English version / 英文版:
As for the teeth whitening results
I’ve documented my progress in the same environment, with the same lighting and with no filters in my open box Youtube video above. You’re welcome to scroll back and forth ad compare the results. Let me know what you think in the comments below!


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This entry was posted on June 5, 2022 by in Health & Beauty.

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