RC Show 2022 – Canada’s largest food service and hospitality Tradeshow event / 加拿大最大的餐飲服務和餐旅業展覽以及人脈社交活動

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(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya)

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This year, the 77th edition of RC Show 2022 (Canada’s largest foodservice and hospitality event) was held at Enercare Centre, both in-person and virtual. The foodservice and hospitality industry is an essential part of the Canadian economy, and it has faced challenges throughout the pandemic. It was beautiful to see the restaurateurs, food service professionals, buyers, and exhibitors coming together this year.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年,第 77 屆加拿大RC Show 2022加拿大最大餐飲服務餐旅業展覽以及人脈社交活動)在多倫多Enercare 中心以現場和虛擬兩種方式舉行。餐飲服務住宿服務業加拿大經濟來源的重要行業,受這兩年疫情影響也面臨著艱辛的挑戰。所以這次很高興看到餐廳老闆、餐飲服務專業人士買家參展商能在今年齊聚一堂。

There were 8 themed pavilions: Bar and Beverage, Ontario, Canada, World, Tech, Eco, Coffee, Tea & Sweets and Restaurants Canada. This year’s event featured hundreds of trade show exhibitors, over 250 speakers, and six competitions, including Garland Canada‘s Culinary Competition, Ultimate Fish Sandwich Wars, cocktail, coffee, shucker, and sommelier competitions. Networking events included the Opening Night Reception, Industry Night Out and Breakfast with Champions for guests to experience. The pop-up bar and beverage area allowed guests to taste a variety of brands.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年的展覽有8大主題展館,分別為:「酒吧和飲料(Bar and Beverage)」、「安大略省(Ontario)」、「加拿大Canada)」、「世界World)」、「科技Tech)」、「生態Eco)」、「咖啡、茶和甜食(Coffee, Tea & Sweets)」以及「加拿大餐廳Restaurants Canada)」。今年的活動有數百家貿易商參展、250 多位演講者和六場比賽比賽包括「加拿大Garland公司烹飪比賽Garland Canada’s Culinary Competition)」、「終極魚三明治大戰(Ultimate Fish Sandwich Wars)」、「調酒(cocktail)」、「咖啡(coffee)」、「生蠔去殼(shucker)」和「侍酒師比賽(sommelier competitions)」。人脈社交活動包括「開幕之夜招待會(Opening Night Reception)」、「專業人士之夜(Industry Night Out)」和「與冠軍共進早餐(Breakfast with Champions)」供參展著體驗。快閃酒吧和飲料區設有各種品牌飲料讓客人品嚐。

This year’s trend saw many plant-based products available that are both delicious and offer an alternative source of protein. There were robots that could help with clearing tables to ease pressure on staff.

中文版 / Chinese version:

There were a variety of industry speakers to gain insight from, including Douglas McMaster, Founder of London’s 100% zero-waste restaurant Silo; Juanita Dickson, President & CFO of Gusto 54 Restaurant Group; Matt Dean Pettit, Chef, Television Personality & Entrepreneur, Meeru Dhalwala, Co-owner & chef of Vij’s Restaurant, Roger Mooking, Chef, Television Host & Restaurateur, Paul Taylor, executive director of FoodShare Toronto; Julie Denton, Chief People Officer at Recipe Unlimited, Ren Navarro, Owner & Operator at Beer. Diversity, Erik Joyal, President at Ascari Hospitality Group, Victoria Stewart, Director of Beverage Innovation at Restaurant Brands International, David Hopkins, President at The Fifteen Group, and Sam Le, National Coordinator at SCA Canada.

中文版 / Chinese version:
許多餐飲業領導人士受邀至今年的活動演講者做專業演講,今年的演講者包括倫敦 100% 零污染餐廳 Silo創始人 Douglas McMasterGusto 54 餐廳集團總裁兼首席財務官 Juanita Dickson、電視名人企業家 Matt Dean PettitVij’s 餐廳的共同所有人兼廚師Meeru Dhalwala廚師兼電視節目主持人及餐廳老闆Roger MookingFoodShare Toronto執行董事Paul TaylorRecipe Unlimited首席人事資源官Julie DentonBeer Diversity的所有者和經營者Ren NavarroAscari Hospitality Group餐飲集團總裁 Erik JoyalRestaurant Brands International 飲料創新總監 Victoria StewartThe Fifteen Group 總裁 David Hopkins 、和加拿大 SCA 國家協調員 Sam Le

There were so many topics being discussed at the panels, such as Foodservice Future: Tech Trends That Will Fuel Growth for Canada’s Foodservice Industry, Boosting Profit Through Menu Optimization, The Art of Cannabis Retail: How to Make and Market Your Products, How to Leverage Digital Marketing Channels to Feed Your Business, Less Waste and More Profit: How to Reduce Food Waste & Boost Revenue.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年的加拿大RC 秀多了很多小組討論主題,例如「餐飲服務未來:能幫助加拿大餐飲服務業最新科技趨勢」、「通過菜單優化增加利潤」,「零售大麻的藝術:如何種植及銷售您的大麻產品」、「如何利用數位行銷網路社交媒體增加您的餐飲業績」、「減少浪費增加收益怎麼減少食物浪費增加利潤收入」。

Despite the pandemic, Canada‘s biggest foodservice & hospitality tradeshow event still had a strong turnout. The successful turnout promises us a healthy future awaits the industry.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年即便疫情影響加拿大年度最大餐飲服務餐旅業貿易商展覽RC Show 2022還是舉辦成功,這向我們保證了餐飲業成功未來


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