Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

AB Optics Vision- Tainan English Friendly Optical

(this post is part of our “5 top English- Friendly stores for Travelers in Taiwan” with Tainan City Government‘s “English-Friendly Certification
近期臺南市政府積極營造英語生活環境,並且創辦了 台南商圈暨特色店家英語標章認證輔導計畫來接受及歡迎更多的外國人。我們實地造訪了數間並且整理出我們推薦的幾家, 這是其中一家:

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#5. AB Optics vision- Tainan English Friendly Optical (全美永康眼鏡公司)

AB Optics vision- Tainan English Friendly Optical store

AB Optics vision- Tainan English Friendly Optical

AB Optics Vision is a certified English Friendly optical that dates back to 1995 from 1 storefront to 2 storefronts combined, with the original doorway separating the two spaces. The result offers a broader range of collections and a more spacious and brighter environment for glasses and frames. Hey, you don’t want to get short-sighted from picking glasses, right? The two stores flats are separated with an original doorway before the renovation. The right room keeps all the classics and old-school styles, the left offers all the new and modern styles with contemporary elements.

For over twenty years, The business has been persistent in keeping its standard and growing itself. Even after winning the 2016 Tainan Top Shop Award Last year, AB Optics continues to better itself and its service by earning the 2017 Tainan English Friendly Shop certificate this year

Chinese Version/中文版:


#5. 這家家族經營的眼鏡行-全美永康眼鏡公司歷史推溯自1995,從一家逐漸擴展成兩家店面,中間當做門檻。現在寬敞、明亮的店面進門右邊是經典款式眼鏡,左邊是流行款式。老闆做了二十多年的生意仍執著於他們開店的信念,不斷的提升商店水準;2016年他們獲得台南頂尖眼鏡行獎,2017年獲得英語友善商店認證便是最好的證明。


More information on AB Optics Vision:

Adress: No. 588, Zhong Shan South Road, Yong Kang District, Tainan City

Tel: 06-2044164




Complete reading our list of

5 Top English Friendly Stores for Travelers in Tainan

繼續讀完 : ”台南前五名英語友善店家“

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(台南市政府經濟發展局廣告 Advertisement from Bureau of Economic Development, Tainan City Government)


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