For the past 2 years, TIFF has held fundraisers premiering the newest exhibitions. Previous years celebrated James Bond and David Cronenberg. This year’s event, called BOOMBOX, gave us a chance to see Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition.

stanley kubrick exhibition at tiff bell lightbox
Stanley Kubrick Exhibition

BOOMBOX captured the spirit and excitement of Kubrick’s legacy. When we entered the TIFF Bell Lightbox lobby, we walked into the Space Odyssey Tunnel from the film, “2001: A Space Odyssey” (which is being screened at TIFF in honour of the exhibition). It was a surreal experience standing in the spacewalk tunnel and imagining that we were astronauts dealing with a talking computer.

boombox stanley kubrick A Space Odyssey tunnel
2001: A Space Odyssey tunnel

With great anticipation, we entered the Kubrick exhibition. It was fascinating learning about Kubrick’s career starting with his early films “The Killing” and his first blockbuster, “Spartacus”, starring Kirk Douglas.

Other major films from 1960s and 1970s include “Lolita”, “Dr. Strangelove”, “2001: A Space Odyssey”, “A Clockwork Orange”, and “Barry Lyndon” .

Kubrick’s work in the 1980s and until his death were classic films “ The Shining”, “Full Metal Jacket”, and “Eyes Wide Shut”. We especially enjoyed seeing the Grady twin sisters costumes and the Venetian masks and costumes.

There were many still photos, script notes, costumes, props, research files, and private letters in the collection, which really gives us an understanding into the genius of Kubrick. He was an intense filmmaker, spending years on production of each film, even to the point of emotionally draining his actors. But in the process he created films that will be remembered forever.

After seeing the exhibition, we enjoyed the second floor areas. “The Shining” was recreated with the “Here’s Johnny” wooden door and the Overlook Hotel lounge. There were makeup stations where we got the Droog look from “A Clockwork Orange” and got to experience The War Room from “Dr. Strangelove”. Very sensual “Eyes Wide Shut” performances were going on throughout the night as well.

a clockwork orange droogs boombox stanley kubrick at tiff bell lightbox
Droogs from A Clockwork Orange

Actors dressed as the Grady twins were available for photo ops and they were so realistic.

Back on the first floor, through the secret hallways, we encountered the Korova Milk Bar and Record Shop where we had cocktails and cookies while perusing classic vinyl.

It was an unforgettable evening and made us want to check out all the Kubrick films we hadn’t yet seen.

Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition is at TIFF from Oct 31- Jan 25. Tickets on sale at TIFF.NET/ Kubrick

(photos by Tanya)


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