Over 1,600 guests dressed in white for Diner en Blanc Toronto 2013

The invitation reads “Dress in white and location known only to guests one hour before.”  The anticipation is killing me.  I received the email, and the secret location was a parking lot. I was intrigued, but a parking lot? During my arrival to the event, my anticipation grew even more. Passersby on the street were also intrigued asking me, “What is going on, why is everyone dressed in white?”  I said this is “Diner en Blanc Toronto”.

Diner en Blanc Toronto 2013

Diner en Blanc started 25 years ago by Francois Pasquier and a handful of high school friends that wanted to meet up after several years out of school. These friends suggested that they wear white to recognize each other at their chosen location. The event has now grown to continue to gather with others for the sole purpose of sharing a high-quality meal, sort of like a secret posh picnic. What began as a friends gathering event has now grown into an international event in five continents.

On August 29, 2013, Diner en Blanc Toronto was a magical elegant evening that made an ugly parking space beautiful. There was a sea of white elegant dresses and suits that transcended on Toronto space, all with the intention of sharing a good meal together. This was so cool! Each guest dressed their own table with their unique flair, some with crystal candlestick, some with flowers, but altogether it was a cultural cohesiveness of unity. In addition to their own tableware, guests also brought their own culinary tastes to enjoy or share with each other. This event was the second in Toronto and I will mark my calendar with anticipation for the third one.  This is the social event of the summer! I can’t wait for my invitation!

photos by Tanya [wp_cart:High Res. Photos (digital):price:5.90:end]
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Diner en Blanc Toronto 2013


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