Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Experience The Night Market at 99 Sudbury St. by Foodea

The event space at 99 Sudbury St. turns into a Night Market by Foodea every Wednesday evening beginning July 3rd, 2013 and running until October 2013. We started the evening of the media night with a refreshing Pimm’s Cup at La Rivolta Cocktails and moved on to sampling the red and green salsas, and black bean dip at the Mad Mexican booth. Tortilla chips were readily offered so we could sample one of the best guacamoles in the city!

Me.n.u Pork Belly Rice Balls

Me.n.u Pork Belly Rice Balls

Around the corner, we tasted the rice balls served at Me.n.u. Food Truck filled with chicken, Chinese sausage or our favourite – pork belly! Other vendors included fresh organic produce, baked goods, jewelry, flowers and more. We visited the Mad Mexican again for more guacamole before enjoying the samosas next door from Eudora’s Fine Foods. The Fanny Bay Oysters went down great with the beer from the adjacent booth – Beau’s Brewery. We couldn’t resist more trying more guacamole before leaving the building … The cookies and cream cupcake and ice-cream sandwich from the Pretty Sweet Cupcakes truck parked outside was a perfect end to a summer Night Market at 99 Sudbury Street. For more information, please visit The Night Market at 99 Sudbury Street at:

(photos by Tanya)
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The Night Market at 99 Sudbury St. by Foodea


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