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Introducing Canadian DJ/producer DJ Wolfë, whose talent was able to get a song signed and released within a few months of DJing. He has played at some major nightclubs in Toronto including Skybar (The Guvernment), Tattoo Rock Parlour, and Cobra. A definite talent to keep your eyes on.
Fashion Ecstasy: What music do you play and how did u get into DJing?
DJ Wolfë: I play House music, mainly mainstream mixed with some techno, whatever feels good.
Fashion Ecstasy: How did u get into house music?
DJ Wolfë: I always produced house as a side hobby to urban music. My friends would always tell me I should make house but I never listened. Then after a few years I decided to give it a try and it was the best decision in my life. This came after a great response from the demo I made people listen to
Fashion Ecstasy: Which demo?
DJ Wolfë: A demo of about 3 tracks I made on my iPod and asked people to listen. I’d never tell ’em it was me though. They would say who is that? where can I get it from?..Really motivating stuff.
Fashion Ecstasy: And when was this?
DJ Wolfë: This was in Feb this year
Fashion Ecstasy: So u just started DJing this yr?
DJ Wolfë: Yes…..is that a bad thing? Haha
Fashion Ecstasy: No, it means you’re f-ing talented
DJ Wolfë: I would never have thought I would go from producing to picking up DJing, Blame it on they friends, and technology. Technology made it easy for music management I’d never carry boxes of records to anywhere.
Fashion Ecstasy: What r your accomplishments so far and what is your goal?
DJ Wolfë: I have produced urban music for a few years now. I have released a EP you can find on tony-brass.com until it ceases to exist.
I make music using Cubase and Reason mainly. I have a bunch of VSTs that are super dope-a-licious that I use to construct my pieces. Right now I’m still in the process of finding my sound but I’m close I can feel it. My goal is to play festivals and tour worldwide.
Fashion Ecstasy: Tell me more about your mix piece.
DJ Wolfë: My 1st very serious production I composed I called it Fixer Tattoo. My master engineer offered to send it to labels and it got signed and released on Sep 18th.
Fashion Ecstasy: So why Wolfë?
DJ Wolfë: If you tame a Wolfe it could be loving and fun and playful, but a Wolfe also likes isolation in the dark forests at night, and that pretty much explains my sound when I DJ and produce.
Fashion Ecstasy: They are dangerous too.
DJ Wolfë: Oh they are and my sound is pretty much dangerous too just listen to Fixer Tattoo. That song will blow speakers.
Fashion Ecstasy: Where do u play and what’s your next big project?
DJ Wolfë: I have played at Cobra , Tattoo Rock Parlor, Sky Bar Guvernment wild indigo and Charlie’s Gallery where I hold residences.
DJ Wolfë: My next project is releasing two more tracks by early next year and taking a month break from DJing as I am upgrading from my customized TRAKTOR S2 courtesy of Jas from audioj and the CDJs 2000 nexus and a DJM 900.
Fashion Ecstasy: Where can we find fixer tattoo?
DJ Wolfë: You can hear fixer tattoo at DJ-Wolfe.com
Fashion Ecstasy: Who’s your favourite DJ? Which DJ influenced u the most?
DJ Wolfë: There are many. Carl Cox, Hardwell, S.H.M, David Tort. Bingo Players, Gareth Emery, And Dada Life to name a few. But there are many many more.
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