Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Italian Contemporary Film Festival (ICFF 2014) Closing Party at Casa Loma

After a final screening of a romantic comedy Stay Away from Me, the 3rd annual Italian Contemporary Film Festival (icff 2014) wrapped up with a closing party hosted at Canada’s historical Casa Loma, putting a majestic end to the 9-day film festival.

Martina Stella

Martina Stella

Upon the red carpet arrivals, a new Ferrari 458 Italia greeted all filmmakers, actors, and festival-goers, pumping up the excitement for the party.
Then comes the gorgeous, never aging Italian actress Martina Stella who later received the best screenplay award.

Celebrating all things Italian, tasty Italian eats such as Dok Dall’ava’s prosciutto, Grande Cheese’s cheese board (and a whole parmesan reggiano cheese wheel), CIBO Wine Bar and CIAO Wine Bar’s pasta, polenta fries were washed down with Italian drinks from the PMA Campari bar and Milan Wineries Prosecco. ‘Feels like home..’ says my Italian friend. A shot of Nespresso definitely kept us going for the night.

Music by a string quartet set the perfect ambiance for mingling & schmoozing in the garden, DJ Rob Lambert took care of the party ones on the dance floor.

The Italian Contemporary Film Festival (ICFF) is in its 3rd year celebrating Italian talent, creativity and artistry. This year the ICFF has expanded nationwide by holding events simultaneously in multiple cities including Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, Vaughan, and Hamilton.

See also: ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2014 Opening Party
and/or: ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2013 Closing Party

(photos by Tanya)

Italian Contemporary Film Festival (ICFF 2014) Closing Party at Casa Loma


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