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不可否認的,「世紀廚神」侯布雄廚藝名聞遐邇。已逝的侯布雄在世之年曾摘下超過三十幾顆米其林星。挑食、追星(米其林)的殘編,在還遊世界的期間曾造訪並品嚐他名下的兩間米其林餐廳:香港(米其林三星)和紐約(米其林二星)。香港和美國高水準的米其林星級餐廳太多了,當時較常吃高檔美食,混淆了我的思維,所以對侯布雄並沒有留下什麼特別的印象。2018年米其林來台北,殘編終於被救贖,因為跟隨其他美食指標九成九踩雷。唯獨在台北要找到志同道合的饕客真的不容易。侯布雄在台北Bellavita 貴婦百貨摘星早有所聞,這週竟有友人熱情邀約一同前往品嚐,總算了了我的心願。
英文版/ English Version:
Earning over 30 Michelin stars, Joël Robuchon has undeniably earned his “well-deserved title: “The Chef of the Century” for a reason. My journey of chasing Michelin stars has begun about two years ago while I toured the world. I’ve had the pleasure to try 2 of Robuchon’s Michelin-starred restaurants including the one in Hong Kong (3 Michelin stars) and New York (two Michelin stars). However, There were too many high-quality Michelin-starred restaurants in Hong Kong and the States. I was too overwhelmed to pay enough attention and make a clear judgment.
In 2018, Michelin came to Taipei and it was my savior, because any other food guide is mostly bs. The only challenge left is finding like-minded foodies in Taipei. L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei has long been on my radar since it earned its Michelin star. I finally have a chance to try it out this week.
Watch our video first:
英文版/ English Version:
Like his other locations, Robuchon’s restaurant in Bella Vita, Taipei, is set up with his iconic red and black décor, creating a noble and luxury style, completely in line with the Bella Vita luxury department store that houses it.
介紹餐菜單之時,服務生同時拿了一盒香死人的白松露,價格是 $3580/份,可煮麵煮飯,雖然心動,但是我們今天是要來品嚐侯布雄的晚餐正餐菜單,白松露,媽媽下次會回來找你的。
英文版/ English Version:
Our server brought out a box of white truffles along with the menu. At the price of $3,580nt per box, the white truffles can be enjoyed in risotto or pasta. The aromas filled the entire booth, but we came here to taste the dinner menu, maybe next time.
英文版/ English Version:
The “Composez Votre Menu Selon Votre Appetit” (compose your own menu) has three combinations to choose from: Set A, B, or C.
Set A is a one-person lunch set-menu for weekdays only. The set includes a cold or warm appetizer, a main course, dessert, coffee or tea.
Set B includes one additional appetizer (2 in total) and Set C includes one additional appetizer an one additional entrees (two each in total).
There is also a more diverse chef’s tasting menu (“menu découverte”) that is priced at $6880NT. Since it’s our first time to Robuchon in Taipei, we decide to try out the standard menu. We have a group of two dining, so we choose Set C which includes two appetizers and two entrees.
贈送前菜(Amuse Bouche):
一般而言,在比較高級的法式餐廳吃飯,廚師一定會先上大小約一口的前菜,作為贈送禮。這道菜法文叫 “Amuse Bouche”,法文原意就是「取悅你的嘴巴」。侯布雄送給我們的Amuse Bouche 是用一個shot杯盛的湯/泥狀小菜。最底層是鴨肝慕絲,第二層是波特酒醬汁,最上層是帕馬森起司泡沫,上面再撒上法國的espelette辣椒粉。這道有濃湯的味道,喝起來非常美味。最底下的鴨肝呈濃稠的泥狀,越往上層吃起來越鬆軟,小小一杯卻很有層次感。
英文版/ English Version:
Usually, a legit French restaurant will serve you a chef’s complimentary appetizer called “amuse-bouche,” which literally translates as “mouth amuser” for guests to get a taste of the chef’s style before starting your meal. Our amuse bouche is served in a shot glass.
The bottom is a thicker layer of duck liver mousse, the middle layer is port wine sauce, and the top layer is Parmesan cheese foam, topped with French espelette pepper. This appetizer is flavourful and full of layers.
麵包是整籃呈上,看起來華麗豪氣,麵包籃裡選擇多樣化,有原味的mini baguette、原味麵包捲(Petit pain)、原味的布里歐麵包(brioche)、加入培根和黃芥末的麵包捲、吃起來像可頌外表貌似蝸牛/田螺的escargot麵包(“escargot”法文就是「蝸牛/田螺」)、加入蕃茄和迷迭香提味的義式佛卡夏麵包(Focaccia),還有加入康堤乳酪的Comté Cheese麵包。
英文版/ English Version:
Bread is served in a lavish basket with multiple options: mini baguette, petit pain, brioche, bacon and mustard bread rolls, “escargot” that tastes similar to a croissant and looks like a snail, tomato and rosemary Focaccia, and Comté Cheese bread.
英文版/ English Version:
chopped beets and apple are topped with a scoop of wasabi sorbet with a layer of fresh herbs including dill, chervil, and parsley sandwiched in the middle. The combination is unique and its taste will surprise you just as it promises.
英文版/ English Version:
This is a French-style ravioli appetizer with artichokes, Iberian pig and foie gras in its filling, accompanied with sautéed mushrooms and served with duck consommé́. Duck consommé́ is a clear duck soup served in an espresso cup and colored with red wine. The dark burgundy brown color makes the gold leaves on top sparkle and pop in contrast.
這道請看影片(Please watch video for this dish):
英文版/ English Version:
Caramelized Iberian pig is cooked to medium-well. The texture is similar to steak and It tastes natural and with minimum additional flavouring. The pan-fried eggplant and eggplant puree below adds flavour, and the dish comes with a swirling deep -fried eggplant chip to snack on. Every entree is accompanied by mashed potatoes. L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon’s mashed potatoes are iconic. The taste is much lighter than the usual mashed potatos and almost airy. In addition to cream, there’s no other added flavouring. To turn such a simple ingredient into such an amazing side-dish is mind-blowing.
英文版/ English Version:
Risotto is flavoured with saffron and prepared with pimientos and vegetables couscous, with a thin layer of choppd cauliflouwer and broccoli on top. This is an extremely light dish, Our friend suggested that the seafood taste is more pronounced than saffron, I think he’s just confused with the aromas of the dish served next table.
英文版/ English Version:
Michelin-starred restaurants are quality over quantity. Maybe it is the light risotto, we are hungry for more, so we decide to order the lobster pasta.
Maine lobster L’Atelier style spaghetti is covered in lobster coral foam and served hot. There is a moment of silence after our server opens the lid when inaudible images of daydreaming ourselves swimming with lobsters filled the air, along with the steam coming out from the plate. It takes us a while to snap back to reality and start mixing the foam into the noodles. The whole dish is incredibly flavourful and the lobster is generous in portion. The lobster is probably not the juiciest but retains its qq-ness (a real term invented by Taiwanese that’s officially added to the Michelin GUIDE!)
You must watch the video for this delectable dish:
英文版/ English Version:
Coffee puff pastries are enjoyed with passionfruit chocolate macaron
英文版/ English Version: This traditional French dessert is a complimentary snack with a straight up sponge cake texture
L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei
英文版/ English Version:
This Instagrmmable dessert is made with Caribbean chocolate cream with the base being a coffee cake topped with coffee sorbet and garnished with crispy chocolate chips. It’s a good option for coffee lovers.
焦糖口味帶一點冰醋,宛如日劇中初戀場景的酸甜好滋味。This is another dreamy Instagrammable dessert with an oriental touch.
英文版/ English Version:
This is another dreamy Instagrammable dessert with an oriental touch. Sudachi citrus and caramel vacherin style is presented with a piece of sparkling, sakura shaped chocolate and sprinkled with gold peta zeta (pop rocks), the dessert makes you want to take a selfie with it in a Kimono. The sweet and sour in combination with the peta zeta that pops in your mouth reminds you of your first love which you would typically find in a scene of a Japanese show.
英文版/ English Version:
Michelin-starred Joël Robuchon Taipei Bella Vita was a bit of hit and miss. Our best advice is don’t be smart alecs and just order the “Menu Decouverte” with a more variety of the chef’s choices.
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