All three levels of government; Federal, Provincial and Municipal, were represented at the fifth annual Pan American Food & Music Festival Opening Reception held at Daniels Spectrum Ada Slaight Hall on Friday August 11, 2017. The Pan American Food & Music Festival, which takes place on the week-end at Yonge & Dundas Square, showcases the rich traditions of over 25 countries of the America’s in both food and music.


(photos by sari)

The Director of the Festival, Daniel Garcia-Herreros, explained that the featured country this year is Canada in honor of the country’s 150th anniversary. Guests of the Opening Reception tasted a sample of the food offered at the Pan American Food & Music Festival 2017. Celebrity Chef Steve Gonzalez of Baro restaurant served homemade sausage on an arepa. Kai Zyganiuk of City Gourmet presented bite size tacos for our enjoyment. Born in Peru, Chef Lorena Ramos, shared her recipe for ceviche in various bowls. Vegetarians’ were able to taste the work of Chef Dave Motherwell of Loka Restaurant who prepared a mushroom and truffled mashed potato appetizer. Chef Donna Dooher of Mildred’s Temple Kitchen created my favourite dish; a fresh ricotta gnudi with tomato concasse and a sage brown butter sauce. Delightful! Mango cake with a guava sauce and bread pudding with a mango sauce were two of the desserts made by Jeanie Buckley. Emcee for the Pan American Food & Music Festival Opening Reception Marcela Miranda introduced, Members of Parliament Michael Levitt and Adam Vaughan, as well as the Ontario Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sport, Eleanor McMahon, who spoke excellent Spanish. Not to be outdone, Toronto Mayor John Tory also tried his hand at speaking Spanish when he was called to the stage. Other VIPs included Ambassadors from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Paraguay; consulates from 14 Pan American countries who posed together for a photo opportunity. Dancers from the countries featured in the previous four festivals; Columbia, Peru, Mexico, and Bolivia performed in front of an appreciative audience. Women whirled and twirled in bright coloured dresses and men with fancy hats and boots stamped to the beat. What a beautiful night! For more information about the Pan American Food & Music Festival, please visit their website;


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