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某晴天,殘編在復健完後,不想浪費好天氣,於是就在醫院附近瘋狂的尋找室外座位,好充分利用這難得的陽光(殘編是北極來的)。「室外座位」英文叫做「Patio」,老外很喜歡,但是台灣人怕曬,很不好找。當我在渴望「Patio」的時候看到一面「Patio 46」沛緹歐美式餐廳的招牌,就好像看到「那一道光」,眼眶立即充滿感動的淚光,心想:「我終於有天找到你」,也彷彿聽到身後為我歌頌起神聖樂曲。這家沛緹歐美式餐廳才開張短短兩個月,生意就異常興隆。主廚Cale Jackson 是美國亞利桑那人。歷史上亞利桑那曾受過墨西哥及西班牙影響,因此Jackson將家鄉的口味融入這裡的菜餚。透過漢堡、炸物等都可以嚐得到當地人愛吃的辣醬。大廚Jackson 來台已26年,還有40多年當大廚的經驗。
It is a sunny day after my rehabilitation, I don’t want to waste the good weather, so I search desperately for a restaurant with a patio. With Taiwan’s nasty weather, a sunny day must not be wasted. Canadians cherish sunny days and crave for patios. But Taiwanese girls believe darker skin is undesirable and sometimes wear a double mask under a “sunbrella” with sunglasses to avoid getting any sun. When I am about to reach my post-stroke walking limits, I see a signboard that reads “Patio 46“. I see hope and my eyes tear up immediately. “could this finally be the place I’ve been looking for?”
Watch our video first:
Patio 46 is an American restaurant that has just opened for two months, and the business is already booming. Executive Chef Cale Jackson is from Arizona. Historically, Arizona Cuisine was influenced by Mexico and Spain, so Jackson incorporated the tastes of his hometown into the dishes here. Through the burgers and appetizers, diners can taste some local Arizona’s favourites like Chili and other sauces. Chef Jackson has been in Taiwan for 26 years and has more than 40 years of experience as a head chef.
Cale Jackson過去任職過上等牛排店A-Cut 的餐飲總監。Jackson 在台灣老牌Dan Ryan’s 美式餐廳時代時被引進台灣。除了在與妻子一起經營的Patio 46沛緹歐餐廳當大廚外,他也在國賓飯店設計菜單並兼任Texas Roadhouse 的餐廳顧問。老闆娘在學區附近開這一家美式餐廳,目的在提供學生們優質的美式餐飲歡境,讓他們飲食上多一種選擇,不再侷限義大利麵或是小吃。因為考慮到學生們的辛苦,這裡的價錢都很親民,學生能用優惠的價格嚐到道地的美式食物。Patio 46的「漢堡」是他們的主打招牌。殘編被邀請到餐廳的廚房,親眼目睹製作過程(看影片)。這裡的漢堡堅持用純美國進口的牛排肉,牛肉大批進貨後,主廚親自切塊,每天再現絞現做,確保肉質的品質。絞肉被做成球狀後再用「smash burger 」的方式,將肉球在烤盤上壓成漢堡肉。這樣的作法可以讓漢堡肉的外層有些微的脆度,提升口感。主廚說:「我們賣的是牛排堡,不是漢堡」。每一個漢堡約有五盎司的牛肉。除了肉之外,漢堡的麵包也是他們當場現做的,客人們可以看到一層層剛出爐的漢堡麵包。這裡的麵包鬆軟,能讓漢堡肉的味道完全融入麵包裡。
In the past, Jackson has worked as a food and beverage director at the renowned A-Cut Steakhouse. Jackson was recruited to Taiwan since the nostalgic Dan Ryan’s American restaurant era. In addition to being the executive chef at Patio 46 restaurant, he also designs menus at the Ambassador Hotel and serves as a restaurant consultant for Texas Roadhouse. “We opened this restaurant in hopes to provide the students a better and more authentic American dining experience,” said Christina, Jackson’s wife. “Opening an American restaurant near the school district can provide students with a high-quality American dining environment, allowing them to choose a diet that is no longer limited to Italian pasta or street food snacks. Taking students’ financial abilities into consideration, the prices here are made very affordable; students can taste authentic American food at an affordable price. Patio 46‘s burgers are their star item. We were invited to the kitchen to witness the production process first hand (watch our video; 6:54). They insist on using pure American imported steak meat for the hamburgers. After the beef is purchased in large quantities, the chef personally cuts them into pieces, and the patties are made freshly every day to ensure the quality of the meat. After the meat is cut and ground, they are made into meatballs then smashed on the grill “smash burger” style. Using this method can make the burger patties slightly crispy on the outside and enhance the taste. “We sell steak burgers, not hamburgers,” said Jackson. Each burger has about five ounces of beef. In addition to the meat, burger buns are also made in-house; guests can see racks of freshly baked burger buns. The bread here is soft and allows the taste of hamburger meat to thoroughly soak into the bun.
食物(The Food):
literally translates as “thin quesadillas,” this dish is not thin at all. Besides the pita being thin, the mountain full of stuffed BBQ chicken is hard to keep together and from falling off the pita! The dish comes with their housemade salsa.
The Mixed Fried Appetizer combines diners favorites, including Buffalo wings, onion rings, waffle cut fries, and mozzarella sticks. The platter is served with four dipping sauce including Chipotle, BBQ, ketchup, and Caesar. Guests can add different flavorings to their liking. Waffle fries are topped with a generous portion of meat sauce. Mozzarella cheese sticks are crispy on the outside and cheesy and stringy on the inside.
Finally, the most anticipated and the restaurant’s star burgers arrive. We tried a double cheese cheeseburger and a meat sauce burger.
I remember I once went to McDonald’s hungry and craving for a filet-o-fish during my childhood years. When I took a bite and figured something was off, I opened the burger bun and found the slice of cheese missing. The disappointment is almost equivalent to being cheated on. After McDonald’s, I had several more failed Hamburger experiences. The double-layer cheese burger here at Patio 46 does not disappoint. Two layers of meat patties are accompanied by 2 slices of cheese, that’s a double guarantee. The meat is full-flavoured and solid, the cheese is thick and absolutely tasty. The kitchen also puts tomato slices, lettuce, onions and pickled cucumbers on the side (the American way).
The “Mexican Beef Sauce Burger” ($255) is a Mexican take on the burger and are perfect for diners looking for saucier meat.
殘編在這篇文章解釋過在台這兩年對「炸雞鬆餅」的思念。這道菜在台北不好找。當我好不容易在新竹找到,卻是另一場失望(又是一個失望的概念)。Patio 46的「炸雞鬆餅」很特別,它融合了韓式炸雞的做法。主廚說他淋上了韓式烤肉(BBQ)醬跟韓式美乃滋,讓炸雞吃起來有一點甜味。鬆餅的部分都是廚房自己做,且他們使用的是麥芽鬆餅,會有淡淡的麥芽香味,也讓口感外脆內軟。雞的肉質綿密,沒有一般炸雞難嚼的纖維,同行的友人說若單吃雞,這道菜有「深海魚」的口感。
I’ve mentioned about my cravings for chicken &waffles in this post as they are not easy to come across in Taiwan. When I finally found it in Hsinchu, it was another disappointment. Patio 46 adds a Korean twist to the dish. Cale said that he serves them with a Korean barbecue (BBQ) sauce and Korean mayonnaise, which adds a little sweetness to the chicken. The waffles are made with malt powder which gives it a little bit of a malty taste and also makes the waffles soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. The chicken is soft with no signs of your regular chicken fiber (which makes the meat harder to chew). Our friend suggested that the chicken alone reminds him of deep sea fish.
The freshly baked chocolate brownie here reminds me of my days back in American school helping out my childhood best friend, she was a girl scout. My job was to eat. The brownie is fudgy and topped with a generous scoop of vanilla ice-cream.
我們包廂座位旁的黑板有藝人「小炳」及女F4 Stacy(史黛西)的簽名。當我們吃飽喝足後,他們兩個居然活生生的出現在眼前,看來他們是常客!是真心喜歡推薦這家店,並不是被贊助。Patio46 沛緹歐美式餐廳CP值太高太值得太划算了!喜歡吃美式餐廳的人絕對不要錯過喔!幸運的話還能像我們一樣,不小心追到星呢!
The board beside our booth is autographed with local celebrities “Xiao Bing,” and Stacy (female group F4)’s signature. Just when we’re satisfied with all the great food. The two celebrities entered Patio46 Restauant and shook hands with us. What a great surprise and a great way to end this unforgettable experience!
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