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(this post is part of 5 top English- Friendly stores for travellers and foreigners in Taiwan with Tainan City Government‘s “English-Friendly Certification” )
近期臺南市政府積極營造英語生活環境,並且創辦了 ”台南商圈暨特色店家英語標章認證輔導計畫“ 來接受及歡迎更多的外國人。我們實地造訪了數間並且整理出我們推薦的幾家, 這是其中一家:
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“The Art of Dressing,” is the motto of Rita’s Closet, a seemingly humble fashion store in Tainan, Taiwan.
Owner Rita is a friendly lady who has been in the business for over thirty years.
To expand her clientele, Rita carries products that can change you completely from head to toe, literally. Rita sells an image, and styling service, not just a simple fashion piece. She is also a philanthropist who firmly believes in empowering women.
” I was invited by the Garden of Hope Foundation (GOH) five years ago to teach women who suffer from domestic violence how to build confidence,” Rita tells us.
” My lessons not only focus on how to dress up on the outside but more importantly, how to create confidence from inside,” Rita adds.
“Watching my students grow from the inside-out is my biggest joy in doing what I do.”
Rita does what she does for passion, something that’s only natural but surprisingly (and sadly), not too common in Taiwan.
Chinese version/中文版:
串門子(Rita’s Closet)是一間座落在台南市繁華地區的女服飾店。店內服飾、款式多元,適合各年齡層的女性,價格也多元,有平價也有高價。店主和藹可親,她熱情的為我訴說她經營店的理念,不單純想賺錢,而是享受服務的快樂,以及專業的自信。換言之,她會幫顧客挑選出最合適的搭配,包含服飾和配件。她有足夠的信心讓你從頭到尾改變造型,因此每一位穿上她店裡服裝的顧客都會成為她的朋友,她有數不盡的朋友,就如同她店裡的服飾一般,來自世界各國。
Rita說:「我從事服是長達三十年,在台南市東區勝利路『串門子服飾 』,因為喜歡這份工作,又是我的興趣,邊經營邊學習中常鼓勵失志或失婚的女性朋友,於是在五年前受邀到勵馨基金會教導受暴婦女如何增加自信心,學員不僅受到激勵,也成長許多,於是每年都安排『穿著的藝術』課程。我的上課內容不適只有教學員如何打扮,內在的成長和醫治更是我教學的重點。幾年來也在教會婦女團契和社區婦女團契教課。學習如何穿著不只讓人獲得快樂也幫助婦女在藝術心靈方面有所成長。用心過生活,愛自己也愛別人,看到學習後的學員們個個欣喜若狂的改變,是我最大的安慰…」
complete reading: our 6 top English- Friendly stores for travellers and foreigners in Taiwan with Tainan City Government‘s “English-Friendly Certification”
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