The Toronto Rehab Foundation broke the Guinness World Record by raising $284,142 at its static cycling event last Saturday. Over 1,000 participants in teams of 5 “spun” on stationary bikes for over five hours …mostly one hour each at The Rocket Ride 4 Rehab fundraiser which took place at Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto.

“Proceeds from this event will help us advance research and basic care,” said TRF CEO Cindy Yelle after spinning for three hours on an unseasonably warm October morning.
Specifically, the funds will support the Lyndhurst Centre‘s efforts in brain and spinal cord rehab in north Toronto. Lyndhurst is one of five centres across Toronto in the TRF network, all helping people recover from severe physical trauma, typically car crashes, strokes and heart attacks. As CEO, Yelle‘s primary job is to raise funds for Toronto Rehab, which does not rely on government support. Yelle herself raised $7,380 of the $250,000. The top fundraiser at $27,782 was Dr. Howard Rocket who launched the fundraiser three years ago in appreciation for helping him regain his sight and movement after he suffered a stroke from a touch football game 22 years ago.
His daughter, instructor Dana Rocket of Rocket Cycle, said that it wasn’t a “tragedy, but a bit of stroke of luck. When challenges happen, we have options. Rockets do not sink, but carry on!”
Jana Webb, (Joga founder and cast member of The Real Housewives of Toronto) joined the instructors who urged the spinners to cycle one pedal stroke at a time as a DJ pumped energetic music. The encouraging message “Carry on,” could be heard from the music all across Toronto City Hall.
Catherine Morgan, Director of Communications and Events for Toronto Rehab Foundation, proudly shows the Guinness World Record certificate.
Mayor John Tory and Johnny G (the founder of Spinning) were also in attendance to support the event.

Photos by Sally Warbuton


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