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台灣人思想保守,殊不知味覺也超保守!外國人以為我們吃「臭豆腐」、「雞睾丸」、甚至美國綜藝秀「挑戰恐懼/”誰敢來挑戰“」(Fear Factor) 節目常出現、其實就是「皮蛋」的「百年蛋」很屌,殊不知我們居然連羊肉都不敢碰(噓):P。
(English/英文版) :
Stinky lambs are the best! You have no game in the restaurant business if your Middle Eastern lamb is not “gamey” and your fish isn’t “fishy” enough! In Taiwan, you probably need to grow more balls to chow down a “leg of lamb” than to swallow an actual “chicken testicle” or a piece of “stinky tofu!” So it’s time to gulp down that lamb skewer in front of everyone and show them Taiwanese who’s got balls boss! That’s right, we’d eat the “Fear Factor” “century egg” or all the guts and insects before we try lamb. The god news is, I’ve found a newly opened restaurant serving Middle Eastern Cuisine that will provide with all the stinky lamb fix you crave! Watch our video vlog first:
(English/英文版) :
I am an adventurous challenger since young, and that is not limited to doing extreme sports, but also trying bizarre foods even when they are potentially poisonous! Bring it; I’ve been slipping through Death‘s fingers since 2008. YOLO! and I’m here to stay (sorry! “Not Today”!)
我雖然不太吃辣,但完全能夠理解一個愛吃「麻辣」料理的人的感受。因為總而言之,這種癖好不是一種「強迫症」,就是一種「癮」。殘編的癖好是「腥臭味」跟「騷味」。中東吃羊普遍,殘編小時後在阿拉伯待了9年半所以從小吃慣羊肉,而且越「騷」越喜歡;海鮮也是覺得像是「鮑魚」 、鯷魚等越腥臭的魚越是好吃。了解殘編的人都知道,當我吃到海鮮或肉時,會興奮的大喊「好臭喔!」其實是在大稱讚:P
(English/英文版) :
Arab cuisine is “Smelly and Fragrant” at the same time, just like my confusing life. The “Smell” comes from the lamb and goat, and the “fragrance” comes from all kinds of spices and herbs such as Cinnamon, pepper, coriander, cardamom, saffron, clove, and cumin they add to their cooking. Toronto is a multicultural city full of people from the Middle East, thus getting authentic Arab food is no challenge. However, it’s not the same in Taiwan.
(English/英文版) :
As the world knows, we’re best at producing knock-offs. Shawarmas are made with butter buns, lambs are odorless, and restaurants that claim themselves “Middle Eastern” cuisine don’t use the right spices and herbs.
殘編用手機送餐App找到沒看過、位於公館的西西里克中東串燒餐館店( Shishlik Pita x Kebab ),菜單竟包含各式各樣的羊肉料理,還有像是塔布勒沙拉 (Tabbouleh)、中東薄餅 (Lavash)跟卡巴燒烤(kebab)等道地的菜名。
咱們點了「土耳其烤羊串」( tikka lamb kebab skewer) ($220)、沙漠烤羊腿($700)、
塔布勒沙拉 ( Tabbouleh) ($150)、跟「中東薄餅」(Lavash) ($40)
(English/英文版) :
In the past few days, I was in desperate need for a lamb fix. My body was in pain from a back injury, so I relied on the all-mighty technology & my best friend: iPhone.
I found “Shishlik Pita x Kebab” a new Middle Eastern restaurant I haven’t seen before. So I gave it a try. Shishlik Pita x Kebab’s menu contains a variety of authentic Middle Eastern dishes, like Tabbouleh, Lavash and “kebab”.
We ordered the “tikka lamb kebab skewer” ($220), the “Wadi Rum Grilled Lamb Leg” ($700), “Tabbouleh Salad” ($150), and the “Lavash” ($40)
(English/英文版) :
This lamb “stinks up” the room before it’s been taken out, for a “kebab,” this skewer is jumbo-sized. The lamb is sprinkled with spices and herbs and comes with pita bread cut in 4 with a side of creamy mint sauce for dipping. The order is served with onions, diced tomatoes, roasted zucchini, and whole green chili pepper, the authentic way. Even my mom, who claims to be the best “authentic Arab chef” couldn’t resist the smell. We demolished it in no time.
西西里克中東串燒餐館店(Shishlik Pita x Kebab ):
約旦沙漠烤羊腿 / Wadi Rum Grilled Lamb Leg($700)
吸引殘編點這道菜的是它的英文翻譯 “ Wadi Rum.”
Wadi Rum 是約旦的觀光聖地「瓦地倫」(阿拉伯语:وادي رم),又名「月亮谷」,是充滿古蹟與自然景觀、被UNESCO 列入世界自然與文化雙遺產的區域,也是殘編小時侯常去的地方。這道也是35盎司重量級的羊腿,隨然很豪華,但是反而沒有「土耳其烤羊串」來得騷,肉質可再嫩ㄧ點,ㄧ樣附烤洋蔥和青辣椒。殘編覺得想入門「羊騷料理」的可以從這道著手。
(English/英文版) :
What attracted me to order this dish is the English translation “Wadi Rum.”
Wadi Rum is a travel destination in Jordan that all travel junkies die to go to, and it just happens to be where I grew up.
“Wadi Rum” (Arabic: وادي رم), also known as “Moon Valley, “is a region in southern Jordan close to the Saudi Arabia border. Wadi Rum is full of archaeological remains and natural landscapes and is listed by UNESCO as one of its world heritage sites.
This lamb is a 35-ounce jumbo-sized dish. The presentation is heavyweight and exciting, but the meat can use a little more lamb’s “odor” and tenderness. The dish is also served with grilled onion and green chili pepper. This could be a starter level entry dish to get into “stinky lamb” cuisine.
西西里克中東串燒餐館店(Shishlik Pita x Kebab ):
塔布勒沙拉 / Tabbouleh ($150)
這道是中東當地常見的沙拉,當地常見的做法主要以切碎的「香菜」、蕃茄、薄荷、洋蔥拌橄欖油,有些地方會加入小米/古斯米 (couscous)。西西里克中東串燒餐館店的「塔布勒沙拉」是高麗菜絲加上切丁調味過的櫛瓜瓜、蕃茄丁、洋蔥絲、甜菜根再加上巴西里、薄荷、跟松子等香料少了香菜,也沒有小米,但這多了切絲的高麗菜,正合殘編意(殘編不敢吃香菜)。其中蕃茄的香料成份比較多。
(English/英文版) :
Toubuleh (Arabic: تبّولة ) is one of the most popular salads in the Middle East. The typical way to prepare the dish is with chopped parsley, tomatoes, mint, and onion mixed with olive oil. Some variations include the addition of couscous. Shishlik Pita x Kebab’s Tabbouleh salad is prepared with cabbage, seasoned and diced zucchini, tomato, onion, beet, with mint, pine nuts, and other spices. The dish lacks the usual parsley in its recipe and adds shredded cabbage.
西西里克中東串燒餐館店(Shishlik Pita x Kebab ):
「中東薄餅」/ Lavash ($40)
西西里克中東串燒餐館店(Shishlik Pita x Kebab ):
「中東薄餅」/ Lavash ($40)中東薄餅跟一般的「口袋餅」比起來較薄、軟,更適合配中東料理,好沾鷹嘴豆泥或捲羊肉(內行人才知道)。這也是為什麼餐點已附口袋,我還另外加點「中東薄餅」的原因。阿拉伯人一餐沒有配「中東薄餅」,就很像台灣人沒吃到白飯一樣,不算有吃到正餐。在加拿大看中東人(先不管他們生多少)買菜時,只買ㄧ整車的中東薄餅是常見的現象。
(English/英文版) :
“Lavash” is a flatbread served with meals across the Middle East. They are thinner and softer than the usual pita-bread and go better with Middle Eastern cuisine for dipping hummus or wrapping kebabs. This is why we ordered it when we already have pita-bread served with our orders. The Arabs can’t go a meal without Lavash, just like how many Taiwanese do not consider a meal a meal whiteout rice. When you watch Middle Easterners grocery shop (Reproductive factors aside) in Canada, buying a full cart of Lavash is just an ordinary but interesting phenomenon.
(English/英文版) :
Shishlik Pita x Kebab‘s menu is vast and includes all kinds of Middle Eastern cuisine from various countries, including Turkey, Persian (Iran), and Morocco. The restaurant is not afraid to use its spices, which makes it a paradise for diners who like exotic flavors. One bite down takes me on a time-travel trip back to the Middle East. I invite all conservative eating foodies to go all out and grow some “stinky balls”!
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