時尚高潮食記:台北「日日好時光」浪浪貓咪餐廳 Jours Bonbon / Day Day (Riri Haoshiguang) Cat Cafe / Restaurant , Taipei Daan District

(Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)

English version / 英文版):
Meow meow meow! With the rising popularity of cat lovers and cat parents (owners), there’s a new term in Taiwan called “cat slaves” now, and the rising trend of cat cafes and restaurants in the hospitality business.
I’ve been thinking of joining the “slavery” because I thought my lonely pink cane could use a cute little company in my pictures, maybe a baby kitten?
Like adopting babies, fostering pets is a win-win for both the owners and their loved ones. Most importantly, you’re doing good in the world.
Instead of having just a glammed-up furry store pet for the shows, Jours Bon Bon Café / Day Day Cafe ( Chinese: Riri Hao Shi Guang) provides a shelter and a sanctuary for homeless kittens with watery eyes like “Cat in Boots” (The cat in Shrek) in search for a warm, fuzzy home.
Watch our video vlog first:

台北「日日好時光」浪浪貓咪餐廳幼貓收容所 / Day Day (Jours Bonbon) Cat Cafe / Restaurant & Shelter for Baby Kittens

  • 「日日好時光」復興南路 是該餐廳公司的第二間店,餐廳前面1/4的空間都是專為這些沒有家的小貓咪所打造的收容所。日日好時光所創造的不只單單是一個領養收容貓咪的平台,更是一個給這些被拋棄的「流浪貓」一個能好好表現自己、重新展現自我的機會,畢竟不論出生貴賤,人人都該有一樣的機會,即便是貓。

(English version / 英文版):
Day Day (Jours Bonbon) Cafe on Taipei‘s Fuxing South Road, which opened about 2 months ago in Daan District ( Dongqu /Eastern District), Taipei City, is the company’s 2nd location. 1/4 of the space in the restaurant is dedicated to sheltering and fostering abandoned/ homeless baby kittens until they find a new home.
Jours Bonbon provides not only a platform for adoption but also a chance for these homeless kittens to rise and shine in front of prospective adopters and a new chance in life. After all, everybody deserves a chance, even cats.

  • 空虛沒朋友又需要有人陪吃飯的殘編,得知日日好時光開張的好消息時,當然是立馬造訪。所幸台灣貓奴不難找,有了「喵」的力量,我也順利地揪到人類一同前往。

English version / 英文版):
Always in need of a friend or a foodie buddy, I was intrigued the second I learned about this new joint. With “meow” power, a human friend joined me to check it out right away.

  • 進入餐廳時,我們被一隻婀娜多姿、扭腰擺臀的性感貓咪所迷住,這隻尤物是「日日好時光」的成熟店貓(成貓),我們叫牠一號小姐」。我們像被勾住魂般地跟著她搖擺的臀部繞了餐廳一圈然後被「帶到小房間裡」 。這房間即是日日好時光流浪貓收容室,沒有身材佼好的高傲貓,只有眼睛水汪汪的膽小幼貓。

English version / 英文版):
Upon entrance, we were drawn to a full grown cat swaying her sexy booty as she struts with feline grace. She took us on a tour of the restaurant as we trailed her from behind and led us into the foster room, where the baby cats are sheltered. Instead of sticking their tails high up in the air, these kittens stare at you with watery eyes like “Puss in Boots.” (the cat in Shrek).

Our dirty minds couldn’t pass on the chance to play and flirt with these “young pussies.” The “foreplay” alone took us half an hour; we even forgot about food.

  • 殘編養過許多寵物,包括:狗、鳥、魚、烏龜、刺蝟、旱龜、小雞、鵪鶉、變色龍、 蜜袋鼯、巴西火龍等。

「愛貓守則」(很重要)/ “Cats Code” (very important)

日日好時光「愛貓守則」 –
( “Cats Code” at Taipei Jours Bonbon Cat Café

我從小到大只養過一隻貓,雖高中時曾在大雨中的馬路上撿過一隻奄奄一息,失去媽媽的棄(幼)貓,但因為養貓知識經驗不足,不管怎樣照燈取暖、餵奶,還是不幸的沒有救活牠 (哭) 。還好日日好時光店家有貼「愛貓守則」,上面有註明幼貓膽小、未打預防針所以抵抗力弱,不適合跟骯髒的人類接觸。「齷齪」的我們只好透過玻璃箱,靜看幼貓自己玩耍的可愛模樣,一樣看到心都融化了。

(English version / 英文版):
I have raised many pets in my life: dogs, birds, fish, turtles, hedgehog, tortoise, chicks, quails, iguana, sugar glider, fire belly newt, you name it. Our garden was an animals’ shelter and a mini zoo. We took in whatever we stumble upon or stumbles in with no prejedice. However, I am not familiar with cats.
I’ve only had 1 cat growing up. Back in high-school, a couple of friends and I once picked up a newborn dying baby kitten who seemed to have lost her mommy on a heavy rainy day. Even with the 24/7-heat lamp and constant bottle-feeding, the fragile little life still slipped through our unprofessional, ignorant fingers (sob).

Jours Bonbon  Restaurant has a “Cats Code” posted in the foster room that reads “These baby kittens haven’t received their vaccines yet and are vulnerable to germs, please don’t take them out.” As much as we wanted to get close to them, we don’t want our filthy hands with blood on them, so we just “window watched” them play, and that gives us enough kitty fix to melt our hearts.

  • 除了等待被新的愛貓主人收養的幼貓外,「日日好時光」還有兩隻成貓在用餐區穿梭,交班「坐檯」,我們叫牠們「一號小姐」跟「2號小姐」,牠們雖然肯陪吃陪坐,但殘編偷摸一下,好像就「森77」了,轉身背向我:( 可能殘編沒有貓緣吧!

English version / 英文版):
In addition to the little kittens, two grown cats just kind of took shifts and “hung out” throughout the evening in the dining area. We named them “Call Cat #1” and “Call Cat #2“. They sat with us at our table, but I think touching kind of “pussed” them off and made them turn their backs on me. Maybe I just don’t have my way with cats:(

  • 「日日好時光」貓咪周邊商品 / Cat Merchandise at Riri Restaurant/ Cafe


  • 「日日好時光」櫃檯前有販售一櫃子的貓咪周邊商品,包括貓咪磁杯、醬油盤、筷架等貓型桌上小物,愛貓者可以買到瘋掉。

English version / 英文版):
A shelf full of cat merchandise like cat mugs, soy sauce dish, and chopstick stands are available for sale. Cat-lovers can go crazy.

「日日好時光」菜單 / Jours Bonbon Cat Café/ Restaurant Taipei Menu:

「日日好時光」菜單 / Taipei Jours Bonbon Cat Café/ Restaurant Taipei Menu
「日日好時光」菜單 / Taipei Jours Bonbon Cat Café/ Restaurant Taipei Menu


我們點了「雞肉優格沙拉」($180)、「特調皮蛋冷麵」($180)、跟「日式叉燒飯 ($230)。


English version / 英文版):
Jours Bon Bon‘s menu features a selection of desserts and refreshing meals suitable for the summer. Savoury food includes salad, cold noodles and delightful Japanese-style rice set meals. The price is reasonable.

We ordered a “chicken yogurt salad” ($180), a “preserved egg (century egg) cold noodles” ($180), and “Japanese-style char siu rice set ($230).”

In Taiwan’s nasty summer, iced coffee is not enough to quench your thirst; you need an ice-cold beer to fight the heat. Jours Bonbon serves a selection of unique beers like “lychee beer, Japanese beer, and coffee-flavored beer. They even have the collaboration beer with goddess Cheer Chen (Taiwanese singer); of course, we chose that one.


「日日好時光食物」/ The Food at Riri Hao Shi Guang ( Jours Bonbon ) Cat Café/ Restaurant:


English version / 英文版):

Meals are served on a wooden tray and accompanied by a refreshing cup of green tea.


    • 「雞肉優格沙拉」($180)/ “Chicken Yogurt Salad” ($180)



「雞肉優格沙拉」是用大碗裝,內容以美生菜為主,再加上「水煮蛋」、「照燒雞」、「小黃瓜」、「水煮蛋」、「蕃茄」、「玉米筍」、「葡萄乾」煮過的「豆芽菜」還有一個驚喜,就是「巧克力脆片」!醬料有兩種,ㄧ種是類似「田園沙拉醬/牧場沙拉醬」(ranch dressing),美奶滋跟奶油較多的醬;另ㄧ種竟是原味不加糖的優格醬,原味的優格醬是殘編愛吃的口味,但在台灣沒看過,所以吃得超開心!

English version / 英文版):

Chicken Yogurt Salad” is served in a large bowl, with lettuce, boiled egg, chicken, tomato, cooked bean sprouts, baby corn, raisins, and a surprise ingredient: “chocolate Krispies! The salad is served with two kinds of dressing: a creamy one similar to a ranch, and original yogurt. Unsweetened yogurt is hard to come across in Taiwan, so it’s a pleasant surprise.

「特調皮蛋冷麵」($180 / “Preserved Egg (aka. “Century egg) Cold Noodles” $180



English version / 英文版):
The preserved egg (aka. “Century egg) cold noodles” is served with two-colour soba noodles. In addition to preserved egg (aka “Century egg”), it is topped with the same ingredients as a salad, including lettuce, baby corn, cucumber, tomato, chicken, cooked bean sprouts, and chocolate Krispies.

日式叉燒飯 $230/ ” Japanese-style Char Siu Pork Rice” ($230)

「日日好時光」食物 -  「日式叉燒飯 」($230) "Japanese-style Char Siu Pork Rice" ($230) 「日日好時光」食物 –  「日式叉燒飯 」($230)
“Japanese-style Char Siu Pork Rice” ($230)


English version / 英文版):

This “char siu pork rice” is more like a ham hock with rice. The meat is on the fattier side and cooked to a golden caramel-color full of flavours and served with a bowl of turmeric rice, cooked carrots and pickled kelp and cucumber. Among all side dishes, cucumber is my favourite; it is sour and refreshing for a nasty sweaty summer.



台北日日好時光貓咪餐廳食記總結評論 / Day Day (Jours Bon Bon) Cat restaurant Review in a Nutshell:


English version / 英文版):
Day Day (Jours Bon Bon) Cat restaurant/ Cafe spreads love and kindness for animals through food and good times. It is a “purrfect” and therapeutic restaurant full of love and worth a visit for those in need of a furry friend or good karma.


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