時尚高潮食記:黑熊愛跳舞 – 打卡拍照超繽紛彩色馬卡龍漢堡!不吃西餐也能撩洋妞 / Moon Bear Loves Dancing – Super Instagrammable Rainbow Macaron Burgers, Fusion Creations

(scroll down for English version/ 英文版向下看)

(太威了!這ㄧ道馬卡龍彩色漢堡大家可能會拍個100張吧!? 殘編大概拍了約360張而已XD



English version / 英文版):


Moon Bear Loves Dancing is a new American Restaurant serving super Instagrammable rainbow burgers and provides a place to change your palette for both food and girls, even if you don’t like western food!

The signature dish of Black Bear Loves Dancing is the 4 pastel-color “macaron burgers.”  The picture -worthy dish deserves at least 100 shots on your phone. I only took 360 XD.

As an editor, I feel obligated to post this on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Watch our video vlog first:


黑熊愛跳舞的馬卡龍漢堡共有四種夢幻色彩的漢堡, 分別是粉紅色、粉藍色、粉紫色跟粉綠色!這麼夢幻的顏色,殘編看到都開心到轉圈圈啦!想必該餐廳店名取為「黑熊愛跳舞」是因為成天看著自己一身黑的黑熊,看到這色彩繽紛的食物也會高興到跳起舞來吧!?

(English version / 英文版):

Moon Bear Loves Dancing opens at 5:30 for dinner; I was there at 4:30. The door was halfway rolled up, just enough to show its macaron painting and get me all in the mood.

The four colours of Black Bear Loves Dancing’s rainbow burgers are pastel pink, pastel blue, pastel purple and pastel green! The dreamy colours had me dance in circles. I’m guessing the restaurant got its name by imagining how delighted a Black Bear would feel after seeing these colourful meal after being fed up with looking at its own boring colours.

中西混合創新漢堡口味!不愛吃西餐也能撩洋妞!Chinese mixed Western fusion burger flavors! If you don’t like Western food, you can still bring a Western Girl on A Date

中西混合創新漢堡口味!不愛吃西餐也能撩洋妞!Chinese mixed Western fusion burger flavors! If you don’t like Western food, you can still bring a girl!




(English version / 英文版):

We all have our taste with porn girls/guys. Some people like Japanese, some people like black, and some people just like white. Food is an international language more powerful than English, especially now when there are so many foreigners in Taiwan. Many students who come to me for help just want to be able to communicate with foreigners. I’ve got good news for ya: Food is the best way of communication. Especially in a culture (Taiwan) that subs “Hi” with “have you eaten yet?”

After all, “breaking bread” together is a door to breaking the ice on a first date. But please don’t drag a foreigner to have chicken testicles or chicken feet with you on a first date. That’s brutal.

黑熊愛跳舞中西混合創意菜單 / Moon Bear Loves Dancing Chinese Mixed Western Creative Fusion Menu

  • 黑熊愛跳舞的漢堡融合了中西式口味,台灣人也敢吃!創意新口味的餐點包括「慢燉岡山辣味牛肚、牛肉起司漢堡」($298)、客家尬美食的南庄桂花BBQ醬、烤法式豬肋排($398)、附上阿里山山葵椒鹽的爐香料豬腳($388),這些雖然都很誘人,但殘編當天的任務是「彩色」,以上。。。就留給下次啦。。。


(English version / 英文版):

Moon Bear Loves Dancing mixes Western food with Chinese flavours, creating a creative fusion menu that both Westerners and local Taiwanese will enjoy. Fusion creations on the menu include “spicy Okayama beef tripe burger” ($298), French-style Pork Ribs with Nanzhuang Hakka osmanthus ($398)($398), and pig’s trotter with Alishan Wasabi spices ($388). All are tempting, but our theme is “rainbow, so we’ll leave those to our next visit.

黑熊愛跳舞招牌彩色馬卡龍漢堡 / Moon Bear Loves Dancing’s Signature Rainbow Macaron Burgers:

Black Bear Loves Dancing
黑熊愛跳舞招牌彩色馬卡龍漢堡 / Black Bear Loves Dancing’s Signature Rainbow Macaron Burgers:




English version / 英文版):

When we visited, Moon Bear Loves Dancing no longer serves assorted burgers with all its macaron rainbow burgers slider size, so we order all four colours full-size because we still need to feed our phone.

The four colours and flavours of the macaron burgers at Moon Bear Loves Dancing are:  Pink Pork chocolate Burger ($248), Purple Mist Forest Prince Burger ($248), Pearl Mermaid Burger ($258), and Prairie Falcon Burger ($248).

  • 粉紅豬古力漢堡($248) / Pink Pork chocolate Burger ($248)
粉紅豬古力漢堡($248) / Pink Pork chocolate Burger ($248)
粉紅豬古力漢堡($248) /
Pink Pork chocolate Burger ($248)


(English version / 英文版):

Pink Pork Chocolate Burger is a cheeseburger with pork cutlet and red wine and cranberry chocolate. The cutlet is more like a traditional Austrian schnitzel instead of Japanese-style porkchop that is more common in Taiwan. The pork cutlet is pounded to flat then fried in with breadcrumbs. The schnitzel is sprinkled with a red wine cranberry chocolate, adding some bitterness and sweetness to the savoury dish. The taste is unique.



(English version / 英文版):

The colours of the burger buns at Moon Bear Loves Dancing comes from raspberry for the pink bun, purple sweet potato for the purple bun, and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) for the blue bun. But of course, to make the colours vivid, macaron grade food colouring is added.

  • 紫霧森林王子漢堡($248) / Purple Mist Forest Prince Hamburger ($248)
黑熊愛跳舞馬卡龍漢堡全系列:「紫霧森林王子漢堡」($248) Moon Bear Loves Dancing "macaron burger flavour:
黑熊愛跳舞馬卡龍漢堡全系列:「紫霧森林王子漢堡」($248) Moon Bear Loves Dancing “macaron burger flavour: Purple Mist Forest Prince Hamburger ($248)


(English version / 英文版):

The purple burger is a beef burger with cheese and wild mushroom black truffle sauce.

  • 珍珠美人魚漢堡($258) / Pearl Mermaid Burger ($258)
黑熊愛跳舞繽紛彩色「馬卡龍漢堡」:「珍珠美人魚漢堡」($258)/ Moon Bear Loves Dancing "macaron burger flavour:
Moon Bear Loves Dancing “macaron burger flavour:


(English version / 英文版):


The “Pearl Mermaid Burger” with blue buns is a fish fillet burger with a flat piece of fish deep-fried with breadcrumbs. The fish is topped with a mentaiko (Pollock roe) Vanilla tartar sauce.

  • 草原一隻鷹漢堡($248) / Prairie Falcon Burger ($248)
黑熊愛跳舞馬卡龍漢堡全系列:「草原一隻鷹漢堡」($248)/ Moon Bear Loves Dancing "macaron burger flavour: "Prairie Falcon Burger" ($248)
黑熊愛跳舞馬卡龍漢堡全系列:「草原一隻鷹漢堡」($248)/ Moon Bear Loves Dancing “macaron burger flavour:
“Prairie Falcon Burger” ($248)


(English version / 英文版):

The green Prairie Falcon Burger is a fried chicken burger with a thick piece of chicken thigh with thick and crispy skin. The chicken is sandwiched in a salsa sauce, and a Hualien peeled chili sauce, aka “spicy Mexican Cheese sauce. Don’t worry, the sauce is not as spicy as it sounds. The chicken thigh is thick and crisp, if that how you like your burger jumbo-sized and juicy, this would be your best choice.


薯條/ The Fries

時尚高潮食記:黑熊愛跳舞- 薯條 Black Bear Loves Dancing - French Fries
時尚高潮食記:黑熊愛跳舞- 薯條
Black Bear Loves Dancing – French Fries


(English version / 英文版):

The fries that come with the burgers are seasoned to a golden orange color., served with honey mustard sauce and ketchup, creating more options for flavours.

  • 田園堅果沙拉 ($188) / Garden Nut Salad ($188)
田園堅果沙拉 ($188) / Garden Nut Salad ($188)
時尚高潮食記:黑熊愛跳舞 – 田園堅果沙拉 ($188) /
Black Bear Loves Dancing – Garden Nut Salad ($188)



(English version / 英文版):

After four, full-sized meat burgers. We need some vegetables to balance it out, so we order the Garden Nut Salad ($188).

Lettuce is accompanied by a bowl of assorted nuts like almonds and cashews and served with a vinaigrette dressing.

  • 「三色冰淇淋與馬卡龍」($120)/ Ice-cream trio with Macarons ($120)
「三色冰淇淋與馬卡龍」($120)/ Ice-cream trio with Macarons ($120)
時尚高潮食記:黑熊愛跳舞 / Black Bear Loves Dancing – 打卡拍照超繽紛彩色馬卡龍漢堡!不吃西餐也能撩洋妞


(English version / 英文版):

To to be in consistency with the macaron theme of the day, we opt for the “Ice-cream trio with Macarons ” ($120). The order comes with three choices of ice-cream flavours from the following options: strawberry, mango, chocolate, peach yogurt, and rum raisin. We chose mango, strawberries, and rum raisin.

黑熊愛跳舞餐廳環境 / Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant Environment:




(English version / 英文版):

Moon Bear Loves Dancing” is located ion section 2 of Keelung Road, a four-minute walk from the MRT Liuzhangli Station.

The shelf upon entrance displays a CD record autographed by  A-Lin (Taiwanese singer) and a collection of mini spiderman figurines which reveals the child in the owner’s heart.

The retro industrial style interior includes elements like bricks and colored wood. There is a booth framed by iron cages, giving a feeling of privacy and bound space. There are large floor-to-ceiling windows in the front of the restaurant, allowing enough natural light to fuel your day. At night, the lights turn dim, transforming the space into a hip Bar.

黑熊愛跳舞實際總結:殘編總評價 / Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant Review in a Nutshell:


Blow Your Mind」 ,不、不是「吹你」的意思啦!(連忙澄清),是形容會讓你好吃到驚艷,頭腦好像要爆炸的意思。。。「黑熊愛跳舞」Blew my mind, 殘編已在安排下次再訪。。。

(English version / 英文版):

At first sight, Moon Bear Loves Dancing looks like an American restaurant. but the fusion creation is so diverse that you can bring your Japanese girlfriend, your American girlfriend, or all girlfriends together with your local wife. it will blow their minds.

I ‘m already planning my revisit to “be blown.”




營業時間:週日至週四11:30~14:30 17:30~21:30 週五至週六11:30~14:30 17:30~22:00

(English version / 英文版):

Moon Bear Loves Dancing  Restaurant hours and info:

Address: No. 225, Section 2, Keelung Road, Daan District, Taipei City (near MRT Liuzhangli Station, about 4 minutes walk)

Phone: (02) 8732-8980

Business hours: Sunday to Thursday 11:30~14:30 17:30~21:30 Friday to Saturday 11:30~14:30 17:30~22:00

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LineID: Tinkeebellezza ( 沒有 @“T”大寫,要傳訊息才看的到哦!)


Email: fashionecstasytv@gmail.com

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