TCRC Street Eats Fest 2019– Regent Park, Toronto Fundraiser for Street Eats Fest 2019– Regent Park, Toronto Fundraiser at TCRC in Support of CRC – the Regent Community Food Centre at TCRC
多倫多第三屆Street Eats Fest年度籌款活動於支持CRC協助Regent Community Food Centre攝政社區食品中心為Regent Park和downtown 東區的低收入戶提供服務。
時尚高潮殘媽殘編遊關渡醫院周遭一圈-充滿鄉下傳統人情味不一樣的台北 A Tour Around Taipei Gan-Dau ( Guandu ) Hospital, Beitou, where local Traditional Taiwanese street food, markets and friendliness remains