Tag archives for 網評


台北喜來登大飯店豪華客房 住的爽、吃得好 / Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel Executive Deluxe King room – Luxury Stay with Michelin-Star Food

台北喜來登大飯店豪華客房 住的爽、吃得好 / Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel Executive Deluxe King room - Luxury Stay with Michelin-Star Food (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看殘編YT遊記影片 / Watch our Youtube travel Vlog…
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禚食樂Just Love早午餐餐廳淡水新市鎮食記&影片 / Just Love Breakfast & Brunch Restaurant Tamsui Review & Vlog

禚食樂Just Love早午餐餐廳淡水新市鎮食記&影片 / Just Love Breakfast & Brunch Restaurant Tamsui Review & Vlog (scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT食記影片 / Watch Our Youtube Food Vlog First: 近來殘編發現年輕人越來越有養生的觀念,不知是不是受西方文化的影響,比起十年前年輕人在下班下課後約吃宵夜喝酒局,現在約早午餐的局反而才是最新的潮流,殘編搬來淡水後,發現這一代的早午餐餐廳特別多,但因為早上最重要的是莫過於耐心等待大自然的呼喚(便便),所以不喜歡太早出門的我,即便以搬來超過半年,卻還沒吃過家週附近的早午餐店。直到前兩天學生的熱情邀約才肯造訪。我們約在淡水新市鎮的禚食樂Just Love早午餐餐廳,這一趟,讓我覺得我這半年在淡水真是白活了。…
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路境行旅 – 魔幻森林旅館、泡麵零食免費吃,親子遊樂的好住宿 / Finders Hotel Taipei – A Forest Wonderland with Freee Snacks, Instant Noodles and Children’s Playroom Paradise

路境行旅 - 魔幻森林旅館、泡麵零食免費吃,親子遊樂的好住宿 / Finders Hotel Taipei - A Forest Wonderland with Freee Snacks, Instant Noodles and Children’s Playroom Paradise (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮殘編的YT VLOG影片 /…
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食記 – 阿基師觀海茶樓,福容大飯店淡水漁人碼頭‎ / Review & Food Vlog – Chef A-Chi Dimsum Restaurant, Fullon Hotel Tamsui Fisherman’s Wharf

食記 - 阿基師觀海茶樓,福容大飯店淡水漁人碼頭‎ / Review & Food Vlog - Chef A-Chi Dimsum Restaurant, Fullon Hotel Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf (英譯:殘編 / translation by Tanya) (Scroll down for English Version / 英文版向下看)…
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Spirits, Liqueurs & Cocktails

Fourplay Cuisine Cocktail Bar Taipei Review – A Taste of Taiwanese Fruit Kingdom

Fourplay Cuisine 調酒吧、在地取材呈現台灣「水果王國」的驕傲,帶觀光客一起玩4P的最佳酒吧 / Fourplay Cuisine Cocktail Bar Taipei Review - A Taste of Taiwanese Fruit Kingdom (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT食記影片 / Watch our Youtube food…
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WOWWAO1 好上手到令人驚艷叫哇哇的最新社交媒體APP/ WOWWAO1 – The Latest and Easy-to-Use Social Media that WOWs You Review

WOWWAO1 好上手到令人驚艷叫哇哇的最新社交媒體APP/ WOWWAO1 - The Latest Social Media that WOWs You: (scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) WOWWAO1 令人驚艷叫哇哇的最新好用社交媒體APP/ WOWWAO1 - The Latest and easy to use Social Media…
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Restaurant & Lounge

時尚高潮食記影片 – 台北W Hotel Woobar / Fashion Ecstasy Food Vlog & Review – Woobar, W Hotel Taipei

(scroll down for English Version/ 英文版向下看) 時尚高潮食記影片 - 台北W Hotel Woobar / Fashion Ecstasy Food Vlog & Review - Woobar, W Hotel Taipei 同樣是一晚要價$600多的奢華酒店牛肉麵,W 的WOOBAR是否能與晶華酒店得獎的「冠軍牛肉麵」匹敵?/ Both at $600NT for a…
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Hotels and Resorts

台北遠企香格里拉馬可波羅餐廳酒廊高樓景觀下下午茶食記& 影片/ Shangri-La Taipei – Marco Polo Afternoon tea Review – A Panoramic View of Taipei City Landscape

-:台北101當背景的高樓環繞景觀餐廳,網美網紅的最佳打卡聖地 Shangri-La Taipei - Marco Polo Afternoon tea Review - A Panoramic View of Taipei City Landscape, A super Instagrammable afternoon tea set with the backdrop of Taipei 101 (scroll…
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川夜宴無二火鍋樓 – 名店川巴子霸氣復出- 謝師宴、除夕尾牙最佳大型包場首選餐廳 / Chuan Ye Yan Hotpot – Famed Chuan Ba Zi Restaurant Returns Bigger and Better – Teacher Appreciation Dinner, Weiya, CNY – For all your Banquet & Upcoming Holiday Season Parties

ㄐㄧadd-on meny(scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 川夜宴無二火鍋樓 - 名店川巴子霸氣復出- 謝師宴、除夕尾牙最佳大型包場首選餐廳 / Chuan Ye Yan Hotpot - Famed Chuan Ba Zi Restaurant Returns Bigger and Better - Teacher Appreciation…
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