禚食樂Just Love早午餐餐廳淡水新市鎮食記&影片 / Just Love Breakfast & Brunch Restaurant Tamsui Review & Vlog

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先看時尚高潮YT食記影片 / Watch Our Youtube Food Vlog First:

近來殘編發現年輕人越來越有養生的觀念,不知是不是受西方文化的影響,比起十年前年輕人在下班下課後約吃宵夜喝酒局,現在約早午餐的局反而才是最新的潮流,殘編搬來淡水後,發現這一代的早午餐餐廳特別多,但因為早上最重要的是莫過於耐心等待大自然的呼喚(便便),所以不喜歡太早出門的我,即便以搬來超過半年,卻還沒吃過家週附近的早午餐店。直到前兩天學生的熱情邀約才肯造訪。我們約在淡水新市鎮禚食樂Just Love早午餐餐廳,這一趟,讓我覺得我這半年在淡水真是白活了。


English version / 英文版:
Instead of late-night gatherings or drinking parties, the latest trend among young people in Taiwan is breakfast and brunch gatherings. Young people now seem to have more health awareness than those compared to my era. There are many breakfast and brunch restaurants in Tamsui (Danshui) compared to the city centre. However, even after moving here for over half a year, I still haven’t tried any of them located just around my new place. Because when it comes to morning routines, “nature’s calling” always comes first. I don’t like the rush, so I rarely go out during the early mornings. If it wasn’t for a student’s warm invitation, I wouldn’t have tried Just Love, a brunch restaurant located just around the corner of my building, and I wouldn’t have realized I wasted 6 months of not visiting this busy nice joint.

  • 禚食樂Just Love菜單MENU / Just Love Restaurant Menu:


禚食樂Just Love菜單MENU項品多樣化,從簡單的吐司麵包、帕尼尼、甚至到沙拉、漢堡跟義大利麵等西方主食都有,殘編覺得他們只營業到下午兩點稍嫌可惜了。價位也都在一張百元鈔票就能搞定的親民價格。禚食樂Just Love採自助式,櫃檯點餐後櫃檯人員會給取餐鈴,等廚房餐點準備好、鈴響了課再自行去取餐區取餐即可。
咱們約早上九點到場,餐廳上下兩層以幾乎客滿,看來現在的人都有養成早睡早起的好習慣,真是時代不同了。禚食樂Just Love是親子友善餐廳,餐廳有提供嬰兒座椅,因此客人多數以家庭為主,我們看到很多媽媽帶小孩來都吃的ㄉ不亦樂乎。禚食樂Just Love屬自助式取餐,櫃檯點餐後會給取餐鈴,等廚房餐點準備好、鈴響了再去櫃檯取餐即可。我們用餐途中,來用餐的饕客源源不絕,換桌率超高,讓我大開眼界。


English version / 英文版:
Just Love‘s menu has a variety of options varying from breakfast toasts to panini, and even western mains like salads, burgers, and pasta. I think it’s a pity that they are only open until 2:00 pm in the afternoon. Prices are affordable; a single red (hundred-dollar) NT bill can take care of most items. Just Love Breakfast & Brunch Restaurant is self-service based. After ordering at the counter, diners will receive a bell. When the bell rings, your order will be ready for pickup at the counter.
The restaurant has 2 floors, when we arrived at 9:00 am in the morning, both floors were packed with customers already. Seems like people nowadays have an earlier and healthier schedule, a good sign. Just Love is a family and kids- friendly restaurant. The restaurant provides children’s booster seats, so most of the guests are families. Witnessing parents and kids eating with big smiles on their faces was heart-warming. There was an endless stream of customers coming and going during our meal, making the table turnover rate high.

  • 禚食樂Just Love食物 / The Food at Just Love:

  • 漢堡 / Burgers:
禚食樂Just Love蛋沙拉漢堡($55元) /Just Love Restaurant's egg salad burger ($55NT)
禚食樂Just Love蛋沙拉漢堡($55元) /Just Love Restaurant’s egg salad burger ($55NT)

漢堡似乎是禚食樂Just Love的主打商品,幾乎桌桌都有點,我們點了一份蛋沙拉漢堡(蛋奶素,$55),漢堡麵包可選擇白麵包或黑麥麵包,我們選的黑麥麵包吃起來和雲一樣的鬆軟,即便是疊得高高的漢堡,吃起來卻毫無負擔,當早餐吃不怕過量的碳水化合物一早就搞到腦缺氧、昏昏欲睡。

English version / 英文版:
Burger seems to be Just Love’s signature dish. Almost every table ordered at least one. We also ordered an egg salad burger ($55NT). There’s an option of white or rye buns for burgers; we opted for the rye. The texture is airy and light, cutting the burden of eating a burger. Guests don’t have to worry about itis from excessive carbohydrates because drowsiness is the worst thing you can feel when starting your day.

  • 水果沙拉 ($70元)/Fruit Salad ($ 70NT):


  • English version / 英文版:
    Fruit salad is served colorful. A bed of lettuce is topped with thin slices of kiwi and pineapple, then sprinkled with raisins and a layer of cornflakes. The dressing is mayonnaise-based.


  • 帕尼尼 / Panini:

禚食樂Just Love的帕尼尼其實就是烤吐司,我們點了南瓜起士帕尼尼(蛋奶素、$70元)跟蛋沙拉起司帕尼尼(蛋奶素、$70元),上菜時店家將吐司對切成一半,斷面秀可見兩者的內餡都很紮實,也方便拍美食照。

English version / 英文版:
Just Love’s paninis are actually grilled toast sandwiches. We ordered the “pumpkin cheese panini ($) and the “egg salad cheese panini ($).” Paninis are cut in half when served, making it easy for taking food shots.

  • 時尚高潮殘編禚食樂Just Love早午餐餐廳總結評價 / Just Love Breakfast and Brunch Review in a Nutshell:

禚食樂Just Love雖然客人多,但是換桌率快,就算到達時沒座位,想必等待時間也不用多久,殘編覺得喜歡約早餐局的人可以約起來喔!

English Version / 英文版:
Just Love is a popular joint. Even if there is a cue when arriving, the wait won’t be long. I recommend breakfast and  go check it out.


  • Fashion Ecstasy

    Hello!  I am the blog owner & Editor-in-Chief of this bilingual website Fashion Ecstasy (http://fashionecstasy.com ) (both Chinese and English)!  Over 9 years since its inception, Fashion Ecstasy is the go-to media outlet for residents in Toronto and Taiwan.  After relocating to Taiwan, Fashion Ecstasy has immediately caught the attention across all industries, including Taiwan's Tourism Bureau! I was personally invited to become the official media partner to review Tainan’s English-friendly businesses for 2 consecutive years. See:  2017:  http://fashionecstasy.com/6-top-english-friendly-stores-for-travelers-in-tainan/  2018:  https://fashionecstasy.com/top-5-tainan-english-friendly-stores-2018/   I have also worked with many well-known global brands across all industries. I am proficient in various Adobe Master Suite design softwares, including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PDF Acrobat Pro, and more. I am also active on all social media platforms. All of Fashion Ecstasy’s social media accounts are managed by me; please refer to: https://www.Facebook.com/fashionecsta Followers/fans: 3500  Twitter:  @fashionecstasy  Follower numbers: 2257 Instagram: @fashionecstasy Followers: 3500  Tiktok: @tanya.fashionecstasy  Number of followers: 30,6000  In addition, I also have my personal social media accounts: Twitter: @hsutanya Instagram: @tanya.fashionecstasy What you get from a review from us will be in both Chinese and English translation to expand your potential clientele, as well as a YouTube review video  You may reach me by: WhatsApp: (+886) 958771010  Line ID: Tinkeebellezza (capital T, without @, please send me a message first so I don’t miss you)  WhatsApp ID: tinkerbellezza  WeChat ID: tinkerbellezza  Email: fashionecstasytv@gmail.com I look forward to collaborating with you. 您好!我是知名網站時尚高潮 / Fashion Ecstasy (https://fashionecstasy.com)(中英雙語)的布落客主人&總編輯時尚高潮創辦已經10年之久,源起加拿大,7年前中風後轉戰台灣,也新增了不少當地的粉絲。 身為總編的我回台後立即受到相關業者的關注,包括台南市政府觀光局,並連續兩年內被台南市政府顧用介紹台南英文友善特色商店與推廣台灣觀光業!請見: 2017: http://fashionecstasy.com/6-top-english-friendly-stores-for-travelers-in-tainan/ 2018: http://fashionecstasy.com/top-5-tain 因為我是嚴重中風生存者,動過開腦手術,所以對鬧部心血管疾病跟醫療有專業的知識,至今仍在治療中,所以沒有上班、可以趕稿,也特別需要這份工作 我從小在國外長大,精通中英文! 我也曾與許多全球知名的品牌(美妝包括Body Shop, The Face Shop, Schwarzkopf 等等合作,請參考: 學歷我擁有意大利服裝設計名校Istituto Marangoni Masters 的碩士學位,精通Adobe各項設計軟體,包括Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, 跟 InDesign, PDF Acrobat Pro. 我也善長使用現當最受大眾喜愛的網路社交軟體,Fashion Ecstasy 的所有關方社交網站都是由我ㄧ手管理,追蹤人數請參考: 臉書/Facebook Fashion Ecstasy (http://fashionecstasy.com)追蹤人術/粉絲: 3335 推特/Twitter: I 追蹤人數2270 Instagram/IG: @fashionecstasy (http://www.instagram.com/fashionecstasy) 追蹤人數:3491 抖音Tiktok: @tanya.fashionecstasy 追蹤人數:306000 除了管理Fashion Ecstasy 的官方設交網站外,我還有自己私人的帳號 (Twitter: @HsuTanya Instagram: @tanya.fashionecstasy) 我去過四十幾個國家,可以無障礙的運用專業及當下流行的術語。日文略懂 轉戰台灣後,立即收許多粉絲注目,也連續兩年被台南市政府顧用介紹台南的特色商店與推廣台灣觀光業! 請見: http://fashionecstasy.com/6-top-english-friendly-stores-for-travelers-in-tainan/ 2018: https://fashionecstasy.com/top-5-tainan-english-friendly-stores-2018/ 2017: https://fashionecstasy.com/6-top-english-friendly-stores-for-travelers-in-tainan/ Youtube頻道https://www.youtube.com/user/FashionEcstasydotcom?sub_confirmation=1 (訂閱人數:5.23K) 希望有機會可以跟貴公司合作!與貴公司合作之文章我門都將中英譯,為貴公司帶來以及開發新客戶,真心希望與您合作! 我的聯絡方式: 電話:/ WhatsApp: (+886) 979905968 Line (賴)ID: Tinkeebellezza  ( T 大寫,沒有@,要給我訊息才看得到喔!) WhatsApp ID: tinkerbellezza Wechat ID: tinkerbellezza Email: fashionecstasytv@gmail.com  

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