蘋果派」-殘編MC HotDog「哈夠幫」改詞惡搞搞笑版-獻給所有Apple使用者 /
MC HotDog’s “Ha GouBang” – Apple User RemakeVersion by Tanya Hsu
殘編中風病人挑戰抖音人體做不到的迷因 / Stroke-Survivor Tiktok Body hack challenges
新型冠狀病毒防疫期間殘編不鼓勵大家出門,只好在家當小丑娛樂大家。作詞作出迪士尼的小美人魚卡通中最觸動我心的主題曲「Part of Your World 」的防疫KUSO版
During the COVID-19 #StayHome pandemic, I decide to play the clown for your entertainment. I rewrote the lyrics of “Part of Your World” from Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” into a funny version dedicated to COVID-19, enjoy