Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Tag Archives: 知名

Yaa Fang Foods CNY Delivery Set Meal Openbox Review

「雅方食品」過年推出「新春暖冬組合」套餐 兒開箱試吃評價 / Yaa Fang Foods CNY Delivery Set Meal Openbox Review: (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃影片/ Watch our Youtube Open Box Video First: 「雅方食品」是全台灣做冷凍加熱即食料理包及其他冷凍食品的佼佼者。其中以他們的「羊肉爐」和冰品最為出名。「雅方食品」的羊肉爐一直都是殘家想吃羊肉時的首選。所以當看到「雅方食品」今年過年推出「新春暖冬組合」套餐,當然是立即下單。 English version … Continue reading

February 13, 2022 · Leave a Comment

老協珍年菜和佛跳牆開箱試吃食記評價 / Lao Xie Zhen’s CNY Feast Delivery Dishes and Buddha Jumps Over the Wall Openbox Review

老協珍年菜和佛跳牆開箱試吃食記評價 / Lao Xie Zhen’s CNY Feast Delivery Dishes and Buddha Jumps Over the Wall Openbox Review (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)  先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃影片/ Watch Our Youtube Openbox &Mukbang … Continue reading

February 5, 2022 · 1 Comment

Andy Kim Christmas Show Returns to Massey Hall Toronto 2021

Andy Kim Christmas Show Returns to Massey Hall Toronto 2021 / 安迪基姆(Andy Kim、又稱:「


December 17, 2021 · Leave a Comment

Kornit Fashion Week LA 2021 / 洛杉磯今年Kornit 2021時裝週(KFWLA)

Kornit Fashion Week LA 2021 really opened our eyes to the possibilities of how fashion can evolve / 今年的KFWLA洛杉磯 Kornit 2021時裝週真讓我們大開眼界,就連遠赴義大利就讀全球最有名的服裝設計碩士名校的殘編都看到時尚界前所未見、未來無限發展的可能性。

December 11, 2021 · Leave a Comment

Legends of Horror – Toronto’s Best Halloween Event at Historic Haunted Casa Loma Landmark presented by Captain Morgan / 多倫多最受歡迎的萬聖節活動卡薩羅馬城堡由英國摩根船長黑蘭姆酒贊助的《恐怖傳說》

Legends of Horror – Toronto’s Best Halloween Event at Historic Haunted Casa Loma Landmark presented by Captain Morgan / 多倫多最受歡迎的萬聖節活動卡薩羅馬城堡由英國摩根船長黑蘭姆酒贊助的《恐怖傳說》

October 11, 2021 · Leave a Comment

Toronto’s Yorkville Murals 2021 sponsored by Romeo’s gin / 多倫多2021年度約克維爾壁畫節由Romeo’s 杜松子酒(琴酒)贊助

2021 Yorkville Murals celebrated Romeo’s Gin and the collaborations with urban artists Birdo, Miss Me and Stikki Peaches with their gin editions / 多倫多2021 年度約克維爾壁畫節慶祝Romeo’s 杜松子酒(琴酒)展示該品牌與街頭藝術家 BirdO、Miss Me 和 Stikki Peaches 合作設計的Romeo’s 杜松子酒(琴酒)聯名款口味和瓶身

September 30, 2021 · Leave a Comment

We are giving away tickets to the upcoming Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival – Septet: The Story of Hong Kong/ 時尚高潮大放送 – Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival汽車電影節票 邀您一起觀賞香港知名導演攜手合拍的《七人樂隊》

We are giving away 1 car spot ticket to the upcoming Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival – Septet: The Story of Hong Kong/ 時尚高潮大放送 – Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival汽車電影節票 邀您一起觀賞香港知名導演攜手合拍的《七人樂隊》 (中文版向下看 … Continue reading

June 9, 2021 · Leave a Comment

Unveiling Ceremony of Toronto Sam Ciccolini Laneway / 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道命名揭幕儀式

(中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version) (Chinese translation by Tanya) Unveiling Ceremony of Toronto Sam Ciccolini Laneway / 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道命名揭幕儀式 (image courtesy of After Breast Cancer) On Friday, … Continue reading

February 24, 2020 · Leave a Comment