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( 中譯:殘編/ Chinese traslation: Tanya)
The 2021 edition of the Yorkville Murals was the perfect place to celebrate Romeo’s Gin and the collaborations with urban artists Birdo, Miss Me and Stikki Peaches with their gin editions. These unique bottles each have the artists, as mentioned above’s phenomenal work inside the glass. They are works of art in their own right!
Romeo’s Gin in collaborations with urban artists Birdo, Miss Me and Stikki Peaches / Romeo’s 杜松子酒(琴酒)與街頭藝術家 BirdO、Miss Me 和 Stikki Peaches 合作設計聯名款
中文版 / Chinese version:
多倫多2021 年度約克維爾壁畫節是慶祝Romeo’s 杜松子酒(琴酒)新版本的完美場所;展示該品牌與街頭藝術家 BirdO、Miss Me 和 Stikki Peaches 合作設計的Romeo’s 杜松子酒(琴酒)聯名款口味和瓶身。 這些獨特的玻璃瓶內每瓶都有上述提及的藝術家獨特、非凡的作品,每個玻璃瓶本身就是藝術品!
“The Art of Gin (L’Art Du Gin)” / 「杜松子酒的藝術」
Montreal based Romeo’s Gin, whose tagline “The Art of Gin (L’Art Du Gin),” embodies its philosophy:
Romeo’s gin is a refreshing gin made from juniper, cucumber, dill, lavender, almond and lemon.
中文版 / Chinese version:
加拿大蒙特婁的Romeo’s 杜松子酒(琴酒),其標語是「杜松子酒的藝術」,充分顯現其理念:
為不墨守成規、過著沒有界限生活的人打造的精神(英文: 「spirit」與酒精(spirit)同音),並為我們這些其他人創造一些值得思考的價值。
As we entered Romeo’s gallery, we were struck by the artwork of the three artists, who all brought their distinctive style to the space.
中文版 / Chinese version:
當我們進入Romeo’s 杜松子酒(琴酒)的專屬畫廊時,我們為三位藝術家的作品震撼不已,他們為整個空間帶來了獨特的風格。
Stikki Peaches, whose tagline “What If Art Ruled The World?” is an anonymous street artist. Stikki Peaches created the character of Mo’Z, a tattooed Mozart who has adorned Romeo’s gin since 2016. Stikii Peaches‘ work has been seen in Montreal and Europe since 2009.
In tribute to this artist, they served Romeo’s gin Perfect Serve, a reimagined Romeo’s gin and tonic with the addition of Fever-tree elderflower, dill and lavender.
中文版 / Chinese version:
藝術家Stikki Peaches的口號是「如果藝術統治世界會怎樣?(“ What If Art Ruled The World?”)」 。他是一位無名的街頭藝術家。 Stikki Peaches 創造了 Mo’Z 的角色,Mo’Z 是一個紋身的莫扎特,這角色自 2016 年以來一直裝飾著Romeo’s 杜松子酒。 Stikii Peaches 的作品自 2009 年以來一直在加拿大蒙特婁(Montreal)和歐洲展出。
為了向這位藝術家致敬,今年的約克維爾壁畫節(Yorkville Murals)在該區供應Romeo’s杜松子酒的「 Perfect Serve」(Romeo’s gin Perfect Serve),這是一款重新設計的「琴通寧(Gin and Tonic)」調酒,這種版本的琴通寧中添加了芬味樹接骨木、蒔蘿和薰衣草。
Miss Me, who appeared in person at the gallery wearing her black mask, is a passionate activist, feminist and outlaw artist. She champions women as role models who speak up and show their power. Her co-creation entitled Miss Me x Romeo’s gin X is an anti-pink, watermelon flavoured gin. We got to try it in the Do You Miss Me Cocktail made with Romeo’s gin X, grapefruit juice, lime juice, simple syrup, Peychaud’s Bitters, Hella bitters, smoke chilli, a watermelon slice and cumin salt.
中文版 / Chinese version:
藝術家「Miss Me」 戴著黑色面具,親自出現在畫廊中,Miss Me是一位熱血的活動家、女權主義者和被放逐的藝術家。 她擁護女性、為女權發聲,並將女性力量展示成一種模式。 她與Romeo’s杜松子酒的共同創作,名為「Miss Me x Romeo’s gin X」的琴酒 是一款淺粉紅色的西瓜口味琴酒。 我們在欣賞街頭藝術之餘還有榮幸品嚐到一款叫「Do You Miss Me Cocktail」的調酒,該調酒用Romeo’s杜松子酒、葡萄柚汁、萊姆汁、簡單糖漿、裴喬氏芳香苦精(Peychaud’s Bitters)、Hella bitters苦精、煙燻辣椒、一片西瓜片和孜然鹽製成的 。
birdO, ( aka Jerry Rugg) is a Toronto-based and internationally known muralist. He wears an eagle mask so no one knows who he truly is. His colourful C-horse mural adorned the rooftop of the Cumberland parking garage, which we mentioned in our Yorkville Murals Festival 2020 post last year is now seen in Romeo’s gin bottle.
The birdO Cocktail is made with Romeo’s gin, yuzu juice, lime juice, lavender syrup, grapefruit juice, Bittered Sling‘s orange and juniper bitters.
中文版 / Chinese version:
去年2020約克維爾壁畫節文章中我們特別提過的藝術家birdO (本名「Jerry Rugg」)是多倫多的國際知名壁畫家。 他戴著老鷹面具,所以沒有人知道他的真實身份。 2020 年時尚高潮介紹過birdO覆蓋整個Cumberland停車場屋頂的出眾作品「 C-Horse」,現在竟已融入瓶中,可以在Romeo’s杜松子酒的酒瓶中欣賞並收藏。
Romeo’s杜松子酒與BirdO 聯名款的雞尾酒是用Romeo’s杜松子酒、柚子汁、萊姆汁、薰衣草糖漿、葡萄柚汁、Bittered Sling 的橙子和杜松子口味的苦精製成的。
This year’s Yorkville Murals was back for 3 days from September 24th-26th. We also got to spend time in Romeo’s world and tasted Romeo’s gin and tonic (premixed in a can). The can was designed by Montreal-based artist Tava (a.k.a Antoine Tavaglione; @antoinetava). It was so relaxing to sip and listen to the sounds of DJ Jason Botkin.
中文版 / Chinese version:
今年的約克維爾壁畫節(Yorkville Murals)從9月24日到26日共舉辦3天。我們享受著解封後,慢步調的花上一下午的時間沉浸在羅密歐的世界裡,人手一瓶Romeo’s杜松子酒調出的「琴通寧(Gin and Tonic)」罐裝調酒。 這款「琴通寧(Gin and Tonic)」罐裝調酒酒罐設計者是Tava (本名: Antoine Tavaglione ; @antoinetava) 。 在緊繃一年後享受著陽光、一邊聆聽 DJ Jason Botkin 的音樂,一邊微醺漫步地欣賞街頭藝術,真是太放鬆了。
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