Tag Archives: 食記
時尚高潮食記影片 – 台北W Hotel Woobar
Fashion Ecstasy Food Vlog & Review – Woobar, W Hotel Taipei
同樣是一晚要價$600多的奢華酒店年肉麵,W 的WOOBAR是否能與晶華酒店得獎的「冠捐牛肉麵匹敵?/ Both at $600NT for a Bowl of “Beef Noodle Soup, Can the 5-Star Luxury W Hotel Taipei Beat the Award-Winning “Champion Beef Noodles” at Regent Hotel?
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New Mira Square Tamsui’s Bird Wowo Restaurant is a new experience for Asian cuisine. From à la carte to set menus designed for groups
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Located just across historic Fort San Domingo with a great view overlooking the Tamsui, is a beautiful restaurant named Consulate.
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富基漁港海產店 – 限現捕活海鮮任「炒」、任「姦」就像富豪酒店叫小姐 / Fuji Fishing Port Taipei Taiwanese Seafood Restaurant – Order Your Freshly Caught Live seafood Like a Baller picking strippers at a strip club
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老先覺火鍋 湯頭選擇多樣老少咸宜合家歡,菜盤能換肉盤?肉肉主義不用像蠟筆小新看到青椒一樣落跑了!
Lao Xian Jue Kungfu Old God Fondue / Hot Pot Restaurant, Tamsui Review – Sub Your Veggie plate for More Meat!?
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Russian Castle Restaurant Gongguan, Taipei Review & Vlog:
皇室城堡用餐環境,平民的價位,道地的俄羅斯菜,太划算啦! / Royal Castle Dining Environment, Civilian Price, Authentic Russian Cuisine, what a steal!
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時尚高潮食記&影片 台北旺角石頭火鍋先炒香再熬煮,客人為了無敵沙茶醬慕名而來排隊/ Mong Kok Hotpot Restaurant Taipei Review & Food Vlog – Ingredients are Stir-Fried Before Boiling Famed for Its Out-of-the-World Shacha Sauce
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Ririqing Whole Lamb Hotpot Restaurant Tucheng Taipei devours a sheep from head to toe. Guests eat like a mainland Chinese.
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時尚高潮YT食記影片- Polar Cafe 北極熊寶拉熊主題下午茶餐廳西門旗艦店 – Polar Cafe MRT Ximen flagship store review & vlog
Super Instagrammable Cafe with a rooftop patio and therapeutic polar bear figurines to melt your hearts
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