Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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時尚高潮YT食記影片- Polar Cafe 北極熊寶拉熊主題下午茶餐廳西門旗艦店 – Polar Cafe MRT Ximen flsgship store review & vlog

(scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)
Polar Cafe 北極熊主題咖啡廳 自去年一開幕就早已列入殘編的踩點名單。如果鷸鴕(奇異鳥)能代表紐西蘭人的話,那我想最能擬出加拿大人的動物就是北極熊了。

先看時尚高潮YT食記影片/ Watch our Youtube food vlog first:

  • 加拿大冬天可冷至零下40度,咱們不怕冷,冬天除了滑雪、滑冰、打冰上

因為我們創出風雨無阻、連北極人都在穿的Canada Goose超級禦寒品牌,哼哼!
English version / 英文版:
POLAR Cafe has long been on my bucket list since it first opened its door last year. If New Zealanders are kiwi birds, I think the animal that can best represent Canadians are polar bears. Winter temperatures can get as low as -40°C in Canada. When winter hits, we don’t hide indoors. Instead, we brave the cold and play winter sports like skiing, skating, play ice hockey, ride snowmobiles, and the ballsiest of them all; we go polar bear dipping. We don’t wrap ourselves into a 10-layered Michelin Bibendum like locals here in Taiwan even when a snowstorm hits. We simply wear a t-shirt under our jacket because we founded the best winter clothing brand that is worn across all Arctic countries, Canada Goose. Hmmph!

  • 殘編熱愛大自然不只是因為了山水風景,還有會動的動物。我旅行的目的

我在溫哥華餵食海豹時,海豹頭一伸出來,飛來一隻海鷗將我手中鮮魚搶走;我在印尼看到了科摩多巨蜥Komodo Dragon)並與獅子、豹等非洲獵遊動物近距離接觸;我在貝里斯跟一群鯊魚游泳:




English version / 英文版:
My passion for nature is not limited to mountains and waters, but also for wild animals. The purpose of my travels mostly consists of chasing wild animals. And every time I do, something magical happens.
When I fed a seal in BC, a seagull snapped away the fish from my hand just when the seal came out of the water; I saw the oh-so-dangerous Komodo Dragon in Indonesia and came close to Safari animals such as lions and leopards. I swam with a group of sharks in Belize:

and saw a “mermaid” (manatee) on my diving trip. I witnessed a shark who came forward to protect a kingfish, which was about to get spearfished. I came so close to the sea turtles in Hawaii that I thought I saw it wink at me. It was love at first sight under the sea.

I saw a reindeer peeking through the windows at us in Montreal. We caught a jumbo lobster (later released) on a whale-watching trip in Halifax and was attacked by a seagull who bit my finger:

I went to Florida to look for alligators, and luckily, did not succeed (otherwise, I might not even have the 1 remaining hand to type). Although I have been chasing wild animals for so long, my favorite animals are Arctic animals. After all, we share the same hometown. I’d much rather see a polar bear than a Formosan black bear endemic to Taiwan.

  • POLAR CAFE在短短幾個月就開了兩家店,西門店是旗艦店,還有


English / 英文版:

Polar Cafe has expanded to 2 locations within just a few months. The Ximen location, which is its flagship, includes rooftop patio seating. So the patio junkie inside me decided to go there, of course.

「北極熊冬泳」( “Polar Bear Dip / Polar Dip”) 是什麼?

    • 加拿大有一種叫「北極熊沾」/ 「北極熊冬泳」(“polar bear dip”)運動,是台灣人不敢做的,就是氣溫零下的下雪天跳進冰水裡游泳。
      最近與久違殘哥約見面,在2014年零下11度的下雪山地目睹殘哥做出這件事,殘編發現原來咱北極熊家族神經病的不只有我,原來殘哥也是隻瘋狂的北極熊,於是咱兩隻北極熊約見面地點在Polar Café不就再也適當不過了嗎?

English / 英文版:

Polar dip is something I’m pretty sure locals here will chicken out just by the thought of it. Some people don’t even drink cold water for “health reasons.” We Asians just don’t have the balls to (don’t hate me, Ken Jeong already revealed our Asian “little” secret in his stand-up), but after witnessing Sean doing this in 2014 when the weather temperature is at -11 degrees celsius on our ski trip, I realized that I’m not the only crazy one in this Arctic family, he’s also a polar bear out of his mind, so what better place to meet up than Polar Café?


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#crazy #brother #snowdipping #snow #winter #outdoors #hottub #omg #somebodystophim it was #-11degreescelsius at #bluemountain #ski #resort #bravethecold #instagood #vidoftheday #clipoftheday #travel

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Polar Cafe餐廳西門店地點 / Polar Cafe Ximen Location :

Polar Café西門旗艦店位於捷運西門站6一出號出來即可看到的真善美戲院大樓新世界大樓)9樓,從下午到晚上都是近客滿的大人氣餐廳,難怪門口掛著UBER EATS合作餐廳標章,不然哪忙的過來?殘編下午3點到時,現場候位人數已排至一小時以上,室內空間寬敞,毫無壓迫感。咱造訪時隨然聖誕節已過,但幸好掛滿北極熊吊飾的白色聖誕樹還尚未拆,閃爍整晚,讓這次與殘哥兩隻北極熊的見面更有團圓感。

English / 英文版:
Polar Café’s Ximen flagship store is located on the 9th floor of the “Tremendous Media” building, which can be seen upon exit 6 of MRT Ximen Station. The restaurant is available on UBER Eats. Judging by the line-up, there’s no way they can handle all the orders on their own. When I arrived at 3 pm, the cue is already placed for more than an hour later of waiting. The indoor space is spacious and bright. Although Christmas was over when we visited, luckily, the white Christmas tree full of polar bear Christmas charms still lit up all night, bringing more love and Christmas spirit to this belated polar bear family reunion.

Polar Cafe 用餐環境 / Polar Café Ximen restaurant Environment:

· 用餐時間限時小時,以這樣的人潮,殘編覺得合理。每桌帶位的服務生會給每桌一張白版,客人在白板寫上要點的菜色後先去要先去櫃檯結帳。杯緣子等公仔類的噱頭,腦波薄弱外加智力還停留在一歲的殘編一定要來一個,畢竟今天來的其一目的也是為了飲料上名叫「寶拉熊」的北極熊模型來的。

點餐白板 /

English version / 英文版:
The dining environment is spacious and bright. Indoor seating include 2 large dining rooms. The one we were assigned to has adorable and therapeutic polar bear cushions placed at each table, so guests dining alone have compsny. No more lonely tears. There are several large wooden tables on the rooftop patio, where guests can enjoy the sun on a sunny day.
• The dining time is limited to 2 hours, which is totally reasonable for its crowd. Each table gets a board to write down their own orders and pay and place them at the counter first. My 1-year-old IQ makes me prone to toys, figurines and other childish gimmicks, so one of my purposes of this trip is for the polar bear figurine named “Polar“.

Polar Café的「寶拉熊」/ Polar Café’s “Polar” figurine:



English / 英文版:
“Polar” is made on-site by with marshmallows. Guests pay an additional $80 for one, so even if you’re not in the mood for drinks, you can order one on the side for Instagram. The sad thing is marshmallow melts, so it’s not ideal to take home as a souvenir. However, there is a collection of polar bear merchandise in store if you really want one.

Polar Café Ximen Menu / Polar Cafe西門菜單:

Polar Cafe西門店的菜單比一般下午茶多元化,除了咖啡、茶和甜點為,還有炸物小點、早午餐類跟法式真正傳統的軟Q可麗餅。

English version / 英文版:

Polar Café Ximen location’s menu includes more options than a regular cafe. In addition to just coffee, tea, and desserts, it also has deep-fried snacks, full-brunches, and traditional French crepes.

The Food & Coffee at Polar Café/ Polar Cafe食物 & 咖啡:

Polar Cafe的咖啡不是開玩笑的,選用義大利Illy Cafe精品咖啡豆做的。Illy剛好是殘編在義大利讀碩士時最愛喝的咖非品牌,品質水準不同凡響。

English version / 英文版:

Polar Café takes its coffee seriously. They use Illy Café coffee beans from Italy, which just happens to be my favorite coffee brand while studying my master’s in Italy. The quality is always guaranteed.


      • 「秘製炸雞翅」($200)/ “fried chicken wings” ($200nt):
秘製炸雞翅」($200)/ “fried chicken wings” ($200nt):

秘製炸雞翅」($200)/ “fried chicken wings” ($200nt)


English / 英文版:

Chicken wings are Hooters’ size in Canada. The taste is unique with aromas, reminding us of a Taiwanese fried-chicken cutlet. While demolishing the wings, Sean kept on screaming, “This is a real chicken! This is real chicken!” with much excitement, which made me wonder how many “fake chicken” had he eaten during his 4-day trip to Taiwan? Poor bear:'(.

      • 「法式經典可麗餅」($320)/ “Classic French crepe” ($320nt)
「法式經典可麗餅」($320)/ “Classic French crepe” ($320nt)

「法式經典可麗餅」($320)/ “Classic French crepe” ($320nt)

Polar Cafe的可麗餅是真正法士的軟Q可麗餅,但法國有時邊緣還是會煎的脆一點。Polar Cafe的則是從頭到尾軟Q到底。殘編想吃鹹的,所以點鹹的「法式經典」口味,料包含火腿、起士、松露炒菇,可麗餅上再放一顆半熟蛋跟些許生菜。上菜時裡面裝了滿滿的料,一切下去半熟蛋的蛋汁滲進餅理,讓人還沒吃就跟可麗餅一樣先「溼」了,中間包的餡料多到ㄧ切就炸出來了,可以吃的很飽(看上方影片)。

English / 英文版:

The crepes at Polar Cafe are real French traditional crepes ( the soft ones), but even some cafes in Paris make the edges a bit crispy. Polar Cafe’s crepes are soft & “QQ” all the way. I was in the mood for savoury, so I ordered the savoury “French Classic” flavour, which is prepared with ham, cheese, and truffle fried mushrooms, topped with a sunny side up and some lettuce when served. Egg yolk melts into the explosion of ingredients when cutting into the crepe. Making me wet like the yolk just by looking at it. The generous portion is good for a meal.

      • 「虹吸式衣索比亞水洗咖啡」($220)/ “Ethiopia Hunkute Syphon coffee” ($220nt):
「虹吸式衣索比亞水洗咖啡」($220)/ “Ethiopia Hunkute Syphon coffee” ($220nt)

「虹吸式衣索比亞水洗咖啡」($220)/ “Ethiopia Hunkute Syphon coffee” ($220nt)


English / 英文版:

Ethiopia Hunkute Syphon coffee” is served in a glass pot, along with a small cup.

Polar Cafe廁所 / Polar Café’s washroom:

時尚高潮食記 北極熊寶拉熊西門旗艦店 - Polar Cafe MRT Ximen flsgship store review & vlog

Polar Cafe廁所 / Polar Caf
é’s washroom

English / 英文版:Polar Cafe女廁有兩間坐式的,殘障者可使用,除打掃乾淨,每間廁所還貼心的備有上消毒酒精、護墊、衛生棉、跟充裕的抽取式衛生紙,上完廁所洗手的洗手液也日超萌的北及熊造型,讓您舒舒服服的結束這一趟北極之旅。

English / 英文版:

The lady’s room at Polar Cafe has two rooms, both equipped with sitting-toilets, meaning accessible and no more fear of falling into shit.The rooms are clean, in addition to toilet paper, the washroom is thoughtfully equipped with disinfectant alcohol, panty liners and pads. The handwash is also in the shape of a heart-melting polar bear. Guests can end this journey to the Arctic comfortably.

      • 好不容易看到北極熊,連平常不愛照相都忍不住要來一張3隻北極熊的合


Polar Cafe西門旗艦店北極熊主題咖啡廳網美打卡聖地

Polar Cafe 北極熊寶拉熊西門旗艦店打卡照 – Polar Cafe MRT Ximen flagship store selfie



English / 英文版:

I usually don’t take selfies, but the reunion of 2 polar bears & a polar bear statue at the door is just irresistible. We had to.
And please, next time when you see me, please don’t ask me if I’m wearing too little for this cold weather, because unless the temperature is at sub-zero Celsius, it’s summer for me, thank you for your concerns網美打卡聖地.


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