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先看「時尚高潮」TV PAY電視購物開箱影片 / Watch our TV Pay Shopping Unboxing video first:
English version/ 英文版:
When moms and wifies in the West are finally done with all the Thanksgiving and Christmas chaos in the kitchen, then comes the kitchen wars in Taiwan for Chinese New Years’ preparation. This year, CNY arrives much earlier than usual. Are you the one in charge of cooking suffering a panic attack?
English version/ 英文版:
Although online shopping for Lunar New Year stock up is very convenient now, some restaurants and convenience stores even offer CNY meals for pre-orders, too. But, we’re only humans, after all. With all the unexpected shipping disruptions and supply shortages that happens during CNY, how do you prepare for the big meal that’s great enough to stuff all your in-laws’ faces and that annoying couch sweet potato (Taiwanese version of a couch potato) who just sits there and doesn’t help?
咱們殘家搞定了。TV Pay的電視購物商品食衣住行通通有,包括「美妝保養」、「健康保健」、「運動休閒」、「3C科技」、「家電用品」、「服裝鞋襪/包」、「食品」等各種產品都有。最重要的是還有煮好的年菜!而且菜色都超豪華的!因為第一次用電視購物買食品,有一點擔心,畢竟台灣的服務品質不可靠。殘編曾經使用咱台灣「家XX」大賣場線上購物買生鮮食品,結果他們竟在炎熱的30度下將咱們的生鮮食品直接放在太陽底下曝曬五、六個小時。讓好不容易顏面神經恢復的殘編,傻眼到再次顏面失調,殘媽也嚇到臉歪嘴斜。就連在咱最麻吉公司團購平台也收過已過期的食品。台灣的品管不可靠,於是殘編決定先試水溫,第一次先訂購熟食區的滷味,免得「家XX」或「夠吉掰」事件重演。我們點了「煙燻豬頭皮」300克($150)、「燒烤Leno 雞翅375克/包($150)、紅燒帶勁兒滷牛肚」($280),價錢超親民, 份量C P值高,味道也超讚!
English version/ 英文版:
I’ve introduced the super-smart TV Pay TV box, which is in charge of taking care of all of my post-stroke and household needs. TV Pay’s TV shopping centre includes products from all categories like “food,” “fashion/clothing,” “beauty/health care,” “sports and leisure,” “technology,” “household appliances,” and other products. The best of all is the CNY meal sets! And the dishes are top-notch! Since it was my first-time using TV shopping for food for the first time on TV, I was a bit skeptical due to Taiwan’s unreliable business models. I’ve had quite a few bad experiences in Taiwan when online shopping for food, even from some of the largest businesses in Taiwan. The grocery store which name suggests to “Care-for” you exposed my grocery in a 30-degree heat for over 5-6 hours during summer. While my groceries were suffering a heat stroke, I was shocked to a point where I feel like I was having a second stroke from the “jaw-dropping ” crime scene; and I just recovered from my facial droop. I received expired frozen food from Taiwan’s most popular coupon app, “GO-XX.”Since the quality control is unreliable in Taiwan, we decide to test the water first and order the cooked braised snacks to avoid another “Care-for” or “GO-to-H” incident. We order “Smoked Pig’s head” at $150/300g, “BBQ lemon Chicken Wings” at $150NT/ 375g pack, and the “Braised Beef Tripe” priced at $280NT/ order. All are delicious and great value for its price!
每筆訂單成立時還有專屬的QR Code可以追蹤出貨進度,查詢商品有關問題,超貼心!
English version/ 英文版:
To shop on TV Pay’s shopping channel,
1. select your products and add them to the shopping cart.
2. fill out your “payment method.”
3. fill out your delivery information, then you’re done! Simple?
Each order comes with a unique QR Code for easy shipment tracking and product inquiries. How thoughtful!
殘編11月3號下的訂單, 11月5號就收到貨物,包裝完整。儘管咱們只點三樣,收到時是冷凍的,不但有廠商原封的密封包裝,還裝在紙箱裡,多ㄧ層保護。每一項商品的營養成分、食材製造日期、有效期限及甚至烹飪方法標示清楚,讓健康、飲食習慣有顧慮的顧客可以安心使用,箱中還付訂單明細以及商品退換貨相關客服的專屬QR Code,不怕肚子被搞大,找不到不負責任的渣男爸爸。
English version/ 英文版:
We placed our first order on November 3rd and received them on November 5th, a speedy 2-day delivery. Although we only ordered three packs of prepared food, they arrived frozen with complete sealed packaging. Aside from the original packaging from the business, TV Pay added another layer of a cardboard box for quality control. The nutritional content of each item, manufacture and expiration dates, and even the cooking method are clearly labeled on each item. Consumers with dietary or nutrition-related health concerns can savour with a peace of mind. The order list is attached in the box with an exclusive QR code of the returning related customer services. No more fear for ghosting dads after they get you pregnant!
TVPay shopping mall’s braised food is surprisingly scrumptious. Even better than some restaurants. They’re tasty without being too salty or greasy, chicken wings are juicy and tender with aromas of lemon.
TVPay的年菜相當霸氣,年菜套餐道道使用珍貴的食材,可不是在乎巄。有第一次的購物經驗建立信任感後,殘編家的兩殘決定冬令來進補一下,訂購了用土雞、黃金蟲草、當歸、枸杞、甘草等養生食材做的「黃金蟲草養生雞湯」,內容量竟有2200公克,而且像聚寶盆一樣,越熬越濃,簡單的煮沸後即可食用,這個「雞」味道比什麼掛滿獎牌的阿「雞」師餐廳好太多了!殘編與殘媽兩人ㄧ鍋吃了四餐,原來TV Pay這個家庭總幹事還兼具私廚的功用,可憐的煮飯婆們不用獨自在廚房手忙腳亂、留下無助的眼淚或氣到躁鬱症發作摔盤子了,輕輕鬆鬆搞定滿漢全席,讓全天下殘廚都出得廳堂、入得廚房、牙床。。。就參考TV Pay的鎖碼頻道吧!讓老公、公公婆婆都甘拜下風,倒在您的石榴裙下,就連孩子都變成義大利人,去吃米其林三星級的餐廳還說人家大廚煮的沒有媽媽煮的好吃。殘編今年終於準備接受台灣過年的習俗開吃了,也祝所有台灣人過個好年、連吃15天的好菜囉!鼠年行大運!
English version/ 英文版:
In addition to snacks and street eats, TV Pay‘s CNY dishes are top-notch! Each dish is prepared with precious ingredients so you can dine like a Chinese Emperor during Chinese New Year with just one click and stop being called a “lousy cook.”
After our first TV shopping experience with TV Pay, trust is established, and we decide to order something nutritious to make up for a year’s hard work. The “Chicken Soup with Chinese herbs” is prepared with healthy Chinese herbs such as chicken cordyceps, female ginseng, goji, and Chinese liquorice. The content is a weighty 2200 grams and can be served merely after heating. The dish is like a growing chicken in a pot, the more we cook, the thicker the soup gets. It served us 4 meals before we got to the bottom of it, not to mention this “hen” tastes much better than any of those served at Chinese celebrity chef Cheng “Hen”-chi’s famed restaurant! Who knows, TV Pay is not just our maid and home entertainer, it is now also our private chef. Moms no longer have to suck back those lonely tears while making a mess in the kitchen or have another of those bipolar episodes when you smash everything due to anger. For the coming Lunar new year, live up to the Chinese standards for a perfect wife who cooks, looks pretty; as for bedroom standards, please consult one of TV Pay’s adult channels! This year, hubbies and in-laws will bend their knees and worship you like a Michelin Queen, your kids will turn into Italians who claim no Michelin chefs cook better than their Mama. With TV Pay shopping, I’m finally ready to adapt to Chinese New Year‘s customs and eat till I drop. Wishing you all a happy CNY!開ㄒㄧㄤㄌㄨ菜ll
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