Tag archives for unboxing

Health & Beauty

Beauty Industry Shaken! This Outrageously Funny Review Exposes the Truth About Rebellious Hair, Skin, and Soap Products!

Beauty Industry Shaken! This Outrageously Funny Review Exposes the Truth About Rebellious Hair, Skin, and Soap Products! (此文為英文版部落格,欲看中文版開箱評價文,請點以下連結🔗 / This post is in English; for the Chinese version review, please click on…
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Jiajia Foods Taiwan’s Dongpo Meat (pork belly)Unboxing Tasting & Review

Jiajia Foods Taiwan's Dongpo Meat (Pork Belly) Unboxing Tasting & Review: Watch Fashion Ecstasy's Youtube Open Box & Mukbang Video First: (此文為英文版食記評價,欲看中文版評價文,請點以下連結 🔗 / This post is the English Review,…
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南門市場良品開飯得獎名菜開箱試吃評價 / Nanmen Market’s Liangpinnkaifan Award-winning Dishes Openbox Review

南門市場良品開飯得獎名菜開箱試吃評價 / Nanmen Market's Liangpinnkaifan Award-winning Dishes Openbox Review (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)  先看時尚高潮良品開飯YT開箱試吃影片 / Watch Our Youtube Open Box Mukbang Video First: 自日據時代 明治四十年(1907年)就開始頗負盛名的南門市場,即便經過改建和更名,至今仍以市場裡所販賣的各種乾貨、外省菜及熟食聞名。其中的熟食更齊聚各種小菜和各地名菜,包括四川的「麻辣剁椒水煮魚」、客家的「梅干扣肉」、福州的「佛跳牆」等等適合當年菜的名菜鍋物。 English version…
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Arts, Theatre & Culture

True Stock Studios – Quality gorgeous Handmade Carved wooden art and holiday decorations inspired by the good vibrations of life

True Stock Studios - makers of gorgeous and fun handmade carved wooden art and holiday decorations inspired by the seasons and the good vibrations of life.   (此文為英文版,愈看中文版本請點以下連結 / this…
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Dating & Relationships

LELO’s MIA™ 2 Lipstick vibrator Unboxing, Demo & Review! 一支要價近$3000美元的口紅按摩棒開箱使用心得

(中文版向下看/ scroll down for Chinese version) LELO's MIA™ 2 Lipstick vibrator had me scream Mama Mia! Is LELO's Lipstick vibrator worth it? Watch our Youtube video 1stLEL!O的 MIA™ 2口紅按摩棒搞到殘編叫的不要不要的 一支要價近$3000美元的按摩棒到底好不好用?殘編示範給你看!先看時尚高潮開箱影片:…
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TV Pay電視購物年菜變大廚滿漢大餐 / TV Pay Shopping, Michelin Chefs at home for CNY

TV Pay 電視購物年貨–秒變大廚,不懂下廚也能變出滿漢大餐年菜 ! (Scroll down for English version/ 英文版向下看) 先看「時尚高潮」TV PAY電視購物開箱影片 / Watch our TV Pay Shopping Unboxing video first: 當西方忙完感恩節和聖誕節後,台灣媽媽們就開始驚慌失措了,尤其今年新春提早來,家裡下廚的賢妻良母一定都在煩惱年貨怎麼辦吧? English version/ 英文版: When moms and wifies in…
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LELO Luxury Sex Toy Sona 2 waterproof Vibrator Unboxing Review – “clitorally” squirts and vibrates with my bubble jacuzz

LELO Luxury Sex Toy Sona 2 waterproof Vibrator Unboxing Review - “clitorally” squirts and vibrates with my bubble jacuzzi! / LELO奢華高級情趣用品開箱試用文 Sona 2防水按摩器讓妳在享受泡泡浴之餘跟著按摩浴缸一起「噴水」搖擺! Watch our Youtube LELO Sona 2 vibrator…
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