Oyster Boy Restaurant Toronto’s OMC: Oyster Master Class, aka “Shuck U”! lets you learn from the best in this two-hour program held on weekend afternoons.
多倫多 87 Queen Street 的Oyster Boy生蠔餐廳推出OMC: Oyster Master Class (生蠔大師班),又稱「 Shuck U」,叫大家生蠔專業知識跟如何殺生蠔嗑到爽
先看影片: Watch our video: 休息近兩年,我終於踏回我環遊行程。只是,範圍從地球五億一千萬平方公里縮小到「寶島」的三萬六千平方公里。鼓勵我的是網路上看到的這張驚豔美景。我覺決定去尋找福爾摩沙得到它的花名的原因。 English version: After being on hiatus for two slow unbearable years, I finally resume my travels. Except, my list has shrunken from the 500 million … Continue reading