Oyster Boy  Toronto OMCOyster Master ClassShuck U”!  / 多倫多Oyster Boy「去你的殼!」大師班

(中文版向下看/ scroll down for Chinese version)

(Chinese translation by Tanya)

  • I can’t tell you how many oysters I’ve eaten in my lifetime, especially after joining Fashion Ecstasy– A LOT!

But still, I don’t know that much about them. Oyster Boy at 872 Queen Street West features OMCOyster Master Class, also known as “Shuck U”! The motto of Oyster Boy is “Mollusks for the Masses,” which means you are learning from the best in this two-hour program held on weekend afternoons.

中文版/ Chinese version:

我無法算出一生中到底吃了多少生蠔,光是加入「時尚高潮」團隊後受邀的生蠔趴,就數不清了!但我對它們的認知卻稱不上「專業」。多倫多 872 Queen Street WestOyster Boy 生蠔餐廳推出OMCOyster Master Class (生蠔大師班),又稱「 Shuck U」!Oyster Boy餐廳的座右銘是「給大眾的軟體動物」,意味著參加者ㄓ可以從這周末下午僅僅兩小時的課程中學到最棒的知識。

  • The class is a curated tasting of oysters from the East and West Coasts of

North America, which they receive fresh each and every day. The first thing I learned was that oysters can be “out of season.” The best season for eating oysters are in the colder months from September to April.

中文版/ Chinese version:


  • Usually, many varieties are available to eat raw at Oyster Boy with classic accoutrements. I tasted large oysters called Cascumpec Bay, Acadie Royal and Malpeque from the East Coast. These were saltier than the Kusshi variety from the West Coast of B.C., which also has a deeper cup.

中文版/ Chinese version:

通常,在Oyster Boy現場即可購買到很多不同品種的生蠔加上經典配料。我嚐到從東岸撈來的「Cascumpec Bay」、「Acadie Royal」和「Malpeque」大生蠔。它們比British Columbia (BC省)西岸的Kusshi品種鹹,外殼也更深。


  • The original Oyster Boy himself, Adam Colquhoun (owner), demonstrated how to shuck an oyster, and I was able to shuck 18 myself (although not very quickly). Oyster Boy is also a full-service restaurant that serves a variety of tasty seafood dishes: deep-fried oysters, crab cakes and lobster fries tasted great! The classic baked oysters in the half shell are a huge favourite; Rockefeller, Rustico and Bacon/ Balsamic. Oyster Boy sells wholesale oysters to restaurants but also retail, so anyone can stop by and pick up a bag to shuck at home.

中文版/ Chinese version:

「OYSTER BOY」(牡蠣男孩)本人Adam ColquhounOyster Boy餐廳老闆)親自示範,教導來賓如何去殼撥開生蠔,而我自己成功開了18顆(雖然並不是很快)。Oyster Boy除了為前往用餐的客人提供「炸牡蠣」、「螃蟹餅」、「龍蝦薯條」等各種美味的海鮮菜餚,經典的「焗烤牡蠣」更是餐廳的招牌菜。焗烤牡蠣有經典的「洛克菲勒式」(Rockefeller)、「 Rustico」 和 「Bacon/ Balsamic」(培根/巴薩米可醋)。除了經營自家餐廳外,Oyster Boy也對其他餐廳及零售商提供生蠔批發與零售,所以任何人心血來潮「有需要」,都可以隨時停下來買一袋回家嗑或臨時「補一補」。


  • Now that I know how to shuck, that’s exactly what I’ll do! Take the Oyster Master ClassOMC, at Oyster Boy one Saturday so you can do the same!


中文版/ Chinese version:

現在我知道如何去撥開生蠔了,我就先衝囉!時尚高潮邀請讀者們,一起選個星期六再參加Oyster Boy舉辦的OMC大師班,跟我們一樣嗑生蠔


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