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Tag Archives: influencer

Discovering Confidence Through Sexy Roleplay: A Disabled Millennial’s Journey

Discovering Confidence Through Sexy Roleplay: A Disabled Millennial’s Journey (此文為英文版部落格,欲看中文版開箱評價文,請點以下連結🔗 / This post is in English; for the Chinese version review, please click on the link below🔗 ): Watch Our YouTube … Continue reading

May 17, 2024 · 1 Comment

殘編性感尤物大變身- 粉絲福利大放送-女神的秘密衣櫥性感照露出

殘編性感尤物大變身- 粉絲福利大放送-女神的秘密衣櫥性感照露出 (此文為中文版評價報導,欲看英文版請點以下連結🔗/ This post is in Chinese, for the English review, please click on the link below🔗): 先看時尚高潮YouTube 影片: *清喉嚨*好吧,各位時尚高潮的粉絲們聽好了 因為殘編今天要在這裡爆料一些過於真實性的人生黑暗面。作為一個殘疾的千禧一代,自從我中風當天前未婚夫屁管尿流的從醫院逃走後,我單身已經七年了(好個「婚禮驚喜」,哈!)。這般打擊迫使殘編格外重視自愛和建立信心,對這方面的知識也略知一、二,不。。。更確切的說,那是一種「重建」的概念–重新塑造自己,即使老天、全世界都在我身上拉屎。 女神的秘密衣櫥 現在,殘編要來推薦一家台灣少見的服飾店——女神的秘密衣櫥。遇見它還真是天賜之物,沒在開玩笑。女神的秘密衣櫥竟有像我這樣遍體鱗傷的女孩夢寐以求的各種性感角色扮演的服裝,包含會讓男人以為自己正在欣賞日本謎片端莊優雅的和服、合身的旗袍等,最神奇的是,女神的秘密衣櫥的服飾還能讓殘編應該凸顯的部位凸顯出來。 經典的兔女郎貓女裝合奏 嘿,也許如果我打扮得像一隻可愛的小兔子,還可以吸引一些目光(即便對方純粹是愛護小動物,對嗎?)。耶~!直接幫我過濾掉沒愛心的渣渣~! 女學生製服 但你知道真正的MVP是什麼嗎?女學生製服。沒有什麼比穿得像一個十幾歲的日本女學生更能體現「我是一個自信、有自信的女人」了(咦?怎麼有點戀童癖的感覺?)。抱歉,剛才思想歪掉了,殘編的重點是時不時的重溫那些初戀的輝煌歲月和天真、尷尬的調情時期,會是永保青春甚至返老回春的秘密。當我穿上女神的秘密衣櫥的衣服時,是我最接近被渴望的感覺,遠離自己是個可悲和蒼老剩女的負面情緒。 所以,不論您是否如我一樣是身障女或是注定永遠孑然一身的女孩,請讓自己堅強起來,然後前往這家服飾店挖寶。善待自己吧,女孩!因為如果沒有識貨的男人,至少可以讓別人感覺自己還年輕、活潑,而且不(完全)是一團糟。 YOLO,可不是嗎? … Continue reading

May 17, 2024 · Leave a Comment

Devils and Diamonds – Microbully Owners Everywhere Are Obsessing Over This Glamorous New Dog Brand / 哀悼狗媽碼與國際知名設計師聯手打造出震驚全世界的奢華狗狗時尚品牌向去世摯愛的狗狗致敬

Devils and Diamonds – Microbully Owners Everywhere Are Obsessing Over This Glamorous New Dog Brand / 哀悼狗媽碼與國際知名設計師聯手打造出震驚全世界的奢華狗狗時尚品牌向去世摯愛的狗狗致敬 (欲看中文版和完整照片庫請向下滑 / Scroll to the bottom for the Chinese version and full photo … Continue reading

May 8, 2024 · Leave a Comment

Insatiable Taiwanese Mukbang Celeb’s Secret to Not Gaining Weight – Try This “Miraculous” Jelly – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

Insatiable Taiwanese Mukbang Celeb’s Secret to Not Gaining Weight – You Won’t Believe What Happens with V.Life’s Smooth Jelly! (此文為英文版部落格,欲看中文版開箱評價文,請點以下連結🔗 / This post is in English; for the Chinese version review, please … Continue reading

May 3, 2024 · Leave a Comment

Husband Loses His Mind After Wife’s Jaw-Dropping Glow Up – You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!

  Husband Loses His Mind After Wife’s Jaw-Dropping Glow Up – You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! The Shmeile Spot Serum – A Miraculous Brightening Adventure! (此文為英文版部落格,欲看中文版開箱評價文,請點以下連結🔗 / This post … Continue reading

April 26, 2024 · Leave a Comment

Warning: This Skincare Product May Change Your Life! Say Goodbye to Acne and Oily Skin Forever! – Beauty The Sun’s Acne Control Oil-Free Face Wash: Your Journey to Clear, Radiant Skin

Beauty The Sun’s Acne Control Oil-Free Face Wash: Your Journey to Clear, Radiant Skin (此文為英文版部落格,欲看中文版開箱評價文,請點以下連結🔗 / This post is in English; for the Chinese version review, please click on the link below🔗 … Continue reading

April 19, 2024 · Leave a Comment

You Won’t Believe How Delicious These Taiwanese Meatballs Are Until You Read This!

You Won’t Believe How Delicious These Taiwanese Meatballs Are Until You Read This! (此文為英文版部落格,欲看中文版開箱評價文,請點以下連結🔗 / This post is in English; for the Chinese version review, please click on the link below🔗 ): … Continue reading

April 12, 2024 · Leave a Comment

Beauty Industry Shaken! This Outrageously Funny Review Exposes the Truth About Rebellious Hair, Skin, and Soap Products!

Beauty Industry Shaken! This Outrageously Funny Review Exposes the Truth About Rebellious Hair, Skin, and Soap Products! (此文為英文版部落格,欲看中文版開箱評價文,請點以下連結🔗 / This post is in English; for the Chinese version review, please click on … Continue reading

April 6, 2024 · Leave a Comment

Anyone But You – Unbelievable Chemistry! This Romantic Comedy Will Keep You Hooked from Start to Finish! A Film Review

  Anyone But You – Unbelievable Chemistry! This Romantic Comedy Will Keep You Hooked from Start to Finish! A Film Review /令人難以置信的怦然心動感!這部浪漫喜劇將讓您從頭到尾都著迷!電影評論 (欲看中文版影評請向下滑 / Please scroll down for the Chinese … Continue reading

April 4, 2024 · Leave a Comment