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Tag Archives: services

The Power of Pearls: Elevate Your Look with Vero Tutu

The Power of Pearls: Elevate Your Look with Vero Tutu   For fashion/styling consulting services, Email: (此文為英文版部落格,欲看中文版開箱評價文,請點以下連結/ This post is in English; for the Chinese version review, please click on the … Continue reading

July 20, 2024 · Leave a Comment

My 7-Day Travel Blog To Jordan – Home To Numerous Unesco World Heritage Sites

My 7-Day Travel Blog To Jordan – Home To Numerous Unesco World Heritage Sites

February 17, 2023 · Leave a Comment

Dragon Ball 2023 in Support of the Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation

Dragon Ball 2023 in Support of the Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation, funds raised will make a massive difference in the well-being of seniors in GTA / 今年2023的龍宴(Dragon Ball)年度慈善晚宴舉辦圓滿成功,籌集的資金將對大多倫多地區的老年人福祉產生巨大影響

January 27, 2023 · Leave a Comment

海底撈麻辣魚皮袋裝零食開箱試吃評價 / Haidilao Spicy Fish Skin Chips Openbox Review

海底撈麻辣魚皮袋裝零食開箱試吃評價 / Haidilao Spicy Fish Skin Chips Openbox Review (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮海底撈YT開箱影片 / Watch our Haidilao Open Box Youtube Video First: 從中國大陸四川爆紅到台灣至全世界的海底撈,以四川風味麻辣燙火鍋湯底、浮誇的桌邊服務和現場拉麵表演為該店招牌,讓殘編敬佩的是,當新型冠狀病毒疫情橫掃KO全世界各界生意,尤其是餐飲業,海底撈仍屹立不搖,更引入新科技的自動配菜系統、送餐機器人、機械手臂和智慧化系統,強化店內用餐安全。防疫期間,在殘編還沒有榮幸親自造訪海底撈實體店家前,竟能有幸開箱試吃該品牌出的麻辣魚皮袋裝零食。今天殘編就要開箱吃吃看打著海底撈鼎鼎大名的名聲的炸魚皮到底有多厲害呢? English version / 英文版: … Continue reading

November 27, 2021 · Leave a Comment